The BA (Hons) International is a four-year full-time programme which enables students to study for one year in an approved overseas university. Its aim is to offer students the experience of living and studying for a year at a University in another country.
To be eligible for the award of the BA (Hons) International degree a student will be required to have achieved 240 credits by obtaining 60 credits in each of First, Second, Third and Fourth Arts. A student may not register for more than 60 credits in one academic year.
Students choose four subjects (taking 15 credits in each) in First Arts (International). See CK101 - The BA (Hons) programme for more details.
Students taking Chinese Studies take Chinese Studies plus three other
subjects permitted by the timetable. See CK101
- The BA (Hons) programme for more details.
Students taking European Studies take four subjects: European Studies
plus three subjects permitted by the timetable. Preferably, students may choose one or two of the following languages/subjects: French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish or English and one or two other subjects permitted by the timetable. See CK101
- The BA (Hons) programme for more details.
Transfer from CK101 Arts to CK108 Arts International:
As well as the conditions outlined above, students who wish to transfer from the BA CK101 (Arts) to BA CK108 (Arts International) will need to have attained in their first year summer examinations a mark of 60% in one of the two subjects in which they wish to continue their studies in Year II, with at least 58% in the other subject. Students registered for First year in 2015/16 must submit their transfer application by 31st August 2016.
Subject to places being available, students who do not meet these criteria may be considered for transfer based on the merits of their academic statement, which addresses the potential for academic benefit (e.g. opportunity to continue to study language which they had taken as a beginner in Year I, or other, significant, benefits to their academic development) during the year abroad in Year III. Students will be assessed by the Course Director and the Vice Head of College Teaching and Learning on the submission of an application form accompanied with a strong letter of support which outlines the academic benefits of the Year Abroad to the student in question from the relevant academic unit.
Note: As the transfer details outlined above apply only in the case of admission to Second Arts programmes, students are also advised to apply for, and secure a place in the first year of the programme through the CAO. The Admissions Office should be contacted for the relevant closing date.
Note: Students taking the BA (Hons) (International) and who take Chinese Studies, or continental languages as a Single, Major or Joint subject in second year, should note that they cannot also register for Béaloideas in second year.
Students choose four subjects (taking 15 credits in each) in First Arts (International). See Programme Requirements for First Arts CK101 - The BA (Hons) detailed here.
Students take 60 credits as
CH1000 (5 credits), CH1001 (10 credits)
plus three other First Arts subjects (15 credits each)
permitted by the timetable.
See Programme Requirements for First Arts CK101 - The BA (Hons) detailed here.
Students take 60 credits
as follows:
ES1002, ES1003, ES1004 (5 credits per module)
plus three subjects permitted by the timetable. Preferably, students may choose one or two of the following languages/subjects: French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish or English and one or two other subjects permitted by the timetable.
See Programme Requirements for First Arts CK101 - The BA (Hons) detailed here.
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.Examinations
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2016 Book, and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2015/2016.
No student may register for Second Arts (International) until s/he has passed the First University Examination in Arts. The selection of any module is conditional on the Professor or Lecturer concerned and the College being satisfied that s/he is capable of profiting by attendance thereat. A student may not select modules which involve a timetable clash.
In Second Arts (International) students continue with two of their four subjects. Students register for either a Single Subject (50 credits of one subject and 10 credits of their second subject) or a Major Subject (40 credits of one subject and 20 credits of their second subject) or a Joint Subject (30 credits in each of their subjects).
See CK101 - The BA (Hons) programme for more details (except see below for specific curriculum for students taking German and Italian). In addition all students taking the BA (Hons) (International) take LL2108 (5 credits) in place of another 5 credit elective module. (Only where no elective modules are offered in both subjects which the student is taking, can LL2108 be substituted for a core module, with the agreement of the Head of Department concerned). Major and Single Honours students should replace LL2108 with a 5 credit elective module in their 40 or 50 credit subject). LL2108 can only be taken once, in second year.
Students wishing to take Chinese Studies in Second Year must have
passed four subjects in First Year, one of which must be Chinese
Studies. Students who take Chinese Studies as a Major Subject (40
credits) or a Joint Subject (30 credits) spend their Third Year
studying at a Chinese University.
Major Subject, Chinese Studies:
Students take 60 credits by combining 40 credits of Chinese Studies
with 20 credits from one of the following subjects continued from
first year: Asian Studies, Celtic Civilisation, Economics, English,
French, Gaeilge/Irish, Geography, Greek and Roman Civilisation,
History, History of Art, Italian, Portuguese, Religions and Global
Diversity, Sociology, Spanish, Studies in Psychology (for notes
regarding specific subjects see Table 2).
Joint Subject, Chinese Studies:
Students take 60 credits by combining 30 credits of Chinese Studies
with 30 credits from one of the following subjects continued from
first year: Applied Mathematics, Asian Studies, Celtic Civilisation,
Economics, English, French, Gaeilge/Irish, Geography, Greek and Roman
Civilisation, History, History of Art, Italian, Philosophy, Religions
and Global Diversity, Sociology, Spanish (for notes regarding specific
subjects see Table 2).
Students wishing to take European Studies in Second Year must have
passed European Studies in First Year. Students must also have passed the languages/subjects in First Year which they wish to continue to Second Year. Students select 30 credits of European Studies and 30 credits of one other subject continued from First Year. In the case of students selecting French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish or English, students can select either 30 credits of European Studies and 30 credits of the permitted language/subject continued from first year, or 30 credits of European Studies, 20 credits of one permitted language/subject (French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish or English) and 10 credits of a second permitted language/subject (French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish or English) continued from first year, to total 60 credits. The 20 credit language/subject will determine the country in which the students will spend third year.
Students wishing to register a change of module must do so via the Student Portal or at the Student Records and Examinations Office no later than two weeks after the start of each Semester, i.e. by Friday, 18 September 2015 (Semester 1) or Friday, 22 January 2016 (Semester 2). Semester 1 modules cannot be changed in Semester 2. No changes in registration will be allowed after these deadlines.
In Second Arts (International) students continue with two of their four subjects. Students register for either a Single Subject (50 credits of one subject and 10 credits of their second subject) or a Major Subject (40 credits of one subject and 20 credits of their second subject) or a Joint Subject (30 credits in each of their subjects). See Programme Requirements for Second Arts CK101 - The BA (Hons) detailed here (except see below for specific curriculum for students taking German and Italian).
Students take 60 credits as
40-credit Subject
CH2107 (10 credits)
plus 30 credits from:
AS2003, CH2000, CH2009 (10 credits per module), CH2011 (5 credits per module)
plus one other 20-credit subject from those available (see here) continued from First Year.
Module Semester Information may be found here.
Descriptions may be found here.
30-credit subject
CH2107 (10 credits)
plus 20 credits from:
AS2003, CH2000, CH2009 (10 credits per module), CH2011 (5 credits per module)
plus one other 30-credit subject from those available (see
here) continued from First Year.
See Programme Requirements for Second Arts CK101 - The BA (Hons) detailed here for details of the other subject.
Students take 30 credits
as follows:
ES2031, ES2033 (5 credits per module)
and 20 credits from the following:
ES2022, ES2027, ES2032, HI2103, GG2010, GG2014, GG2023, GG2041 (5 credits per module)
Students take 30 credits of a language continued from first year, or 20 credits of one language and 10 credits of a second language continued from first year. The 20 and 10 credit option must be selected from French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish or English. The 20 credit language will determine the country in which the students will spend third year.
See Programme Requirements for Second Arts CK101 - The BA (Hons) detailed here for details of the languages, except see specific curriculum requirements for Italian and German as follows:
1. ITALIAN (for students taking Italian as part of European Studies only)
Students take 30 credits as follows:
IT2101 (10 credits), IT2102 (5 credits)
plus either
15 credits from:
IT2304, IT2305, IT2306, IT2309, IT2310 (5 credits per module)
10 credits from:
IT2304, IT2305, IT2306, IT2309, IT2310 (5 credits per module)
and 5 credits from:
LL2001, LL2003 (5 credits per module).
Note: In addition to the general regulations for passing the year, students must pass IT2101.
Students take 20 credits as follows:
IT2101 (10 credits), IT2102 (5 credits)
plus 5 credits from:
IT2304, IT2305, IT2306, IT2309, IT2310 (5 credits per module).
Note: In addition to the general regulations for passing the year, students must pass IT2101.
Students take 10 credits as follows:
IT2101 (10 credits).
Note: In addition to the general regulations for passing
the year, students must pass IT2101.
2. GERMAN (for students taking German as part of the BA (International), (including European Studies))
Students take 60 credits as follows:
40-credits of German:
¹GE2101 (10 credits), GE2102, GE2126, either GE2106 or GE2902 (5
credits per module)
15 credits from: GE2100, GE2113, GE2129, GE2130, [²LL2001 or LL2003] (5 credits per module)
Module Semester Information may be found here.
Module descriptions may be found here.
Students take 60 credits as follows:
30 credits of German:
¹GE2101 (10 credits), GE2126, either GE2106 or GE2902 (5 credits per
10 credits from: GE2100, GE2102, GE2113, GE2129, GE2130,[²LL2001 or LL2003] (5 credits per module)
Students take 20 credits as follows:
GE2101 (10 credits)
plus 10 credits chosen from:
GE2100, GE2102, GE2113, GE2126, GE2129, GE2130, either GE2106
or GE2902 (5 credits per module)
Note: In addition to the general regulations for passing the year, students must pass GE2101.
Students take 10 credits as follows:
GE2101 (10 credits).
Note: In addition to the general regulations for passing the year, students must pass GE2101.
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2016 Book, and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2015/2016.
Students must pass the Second University Examination in Arts (International) within three academic years from the date of first registration for Second Year. Failure to comply with this rule means that the student will be ineligible to proceed further with his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, only for very serious reasons.
Third Year (International) is spent in an approved foreign university
where students study courses/modules to the equivalent value of 60
credits approved by the Programme Board of Studies. All courses are
assessed by the approved Host University.
All students of a foreign language (Chinese, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese) who successfully passed their second year examinations spend third year in an approved foreign university in the country of the student's chosen foreign language where students take courses to the equivalent of 60 credits. Single-Subject students (NB ONLY French and Italian and Spanish are offered as Single Subjects) may take a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 credits in the second subject or a cognate subject, with the balance of credits to be taken in the foreign language. Major-Subject and Joint-Subject take a minimum of 10 credits and a maximum of 30 credits in the second subject or in a cognate subject, with the balance of credits to be taken in the foreign language. All courses are assessed by the approved Host University.
This year is spent pursuing approved courses of study to the value of
60 credits (or ECTS Equivalent) at a University in China. In some
cases students may be able to opt for a work placement at the
discretion of the programme directors and subject to availability of
places. In this case the year abroad would consist of academic study
at a partner university (50 credits) and placement in China (one day a
week over 4 month period and assessed by UCC) under the supervision of
a business mentor and an academic mentor (10 credits, CH3012 Work
Placement in China).
This year is spent pursuing approved courses of study to the value of 60 credits at an approved university in a country of the student's major language/subject. Students take 30 credits in approved courses in European Studies and 30 credits in their second subject. Alternatively, students can take 30 credits in European Studies with 20 credits in their major language/subject and 10 credits in their minor language/subject continued from Second Year.
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2016 Book.
Students must pass the Third University Examination in Arts (International) within three academic years from the date of first registration for Third Year. Failure to comply with this rule means that the student will be ineligible to proceed further with his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, only for very serious reasons.
No student may register for the Fourth Arts (International) programme until s/he has passed the Third University Examination in Arts (International). The selection of any module is conditional on the Professor or Lecturer concerned and the College being satisfied that a student is capable of profiting by attendance thereat. Students may not select modules which involve a timetable clash.
In Fourth Arts (International) students continue with their two chosen subjects from Second Arts (International), taking the same credit weightings for each subject as in Second Arts (International).
Students taking Chinese Studies take modules to the value of 60
credits combining 40 credits of Chinese Studies with 20 credits of
their other subject or 30 credits of Chinese Studies with 30 credits
of their other subject.
Students taking European Studies either combine 30 credits of European
Studies with 30 credits of their chosen Language(s) or subject to complete a Joint
Subject degree. Alternatively, students take 30 credits of European Studies with 20 credits in their major language and 10 credits in their minor language continued from Second Year.
Students wishing to register a change of module must do so via the Student Portal or at the Student Records and Examinations Office no later than two weeks after the start of each Semester, i.e. by Friday, 18 September 2015 (Semester 1) or Friday, 22 January 2016 (Semester 2). Semester 1 modules cannot be changed in Semester 2. No changes in registration will be allowed after these deadlines.
In Fourth Arts (International) students continue with their two chosen subjects from Second Arts (International), taking the same credit weightings for each subject as in Second Arts (International). See Programme Requirements for Third Arts CK101 - The BA (Hons) detailed here.
Students take 60 credits as
40 credit subject
CH3017 (15 credits)
plus 25 credits from:
CH3101, CH3106, CH3107, CH3304 (10 credits per module), CH3005, CH3102, HI3124 (5
credits per module)
plus 20 credits from the chosen Arts subject continued from Second Arts (International).
Module Semester Information may be found here.
Descriptions may be found here.
30 credit subject
CH3017 (15 credits)
plus 15 credits from:
CH3101, CH3106, CH3107, CH3304 (10 credits per module), CH3005, CH3102, HI3124 (5
credits per module)
plus 30 credits from the chosen Arts subject continued from Second Arts (International).
See Programme Requirements for Third Arts CK101 - The BA (Hons) detailed here for details of the other subject.
Module Semester Information may be found here.
Descriptions may be found here.
Students take 30 credits
as follows:
ES4022 (10 credits)
and 20 credits from the following:
ES4025, ES4026, GG3003, GG3010, GG3037, GG3043, GG3046, HI3024,
HI3028, HI3044, HI3129, LW2100, LW2102 (5 credits per module)
Students take a further 30 credits of their chosen Language to complete a Joint Subject degree. Alternatively, students take a further 20 credits in their major language and 10 credits in their minor language continued from Second Year.
See Programme Requirements for Third Arts CK101 - The BA (Hons) detailed here for details of the languages.
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2016 Book, and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2015/2016.
Students must pass the BA (Hons) (International) Degree Examination within three academic years from the date of first registration for Fourth Year. Failure to comply with this rule means that the student will be ineligible to proceed further with his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, only for very serious reasons.