
Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Students enter Second Science Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences from the First Science Area of Study - (CK404) - and proceed to a BSc (Hons) Degree in one of:* Applied Plant Biology, Earth Science, Ecology and Environmental Biology, Environmental Science, Geography, Geology, Geoscience, International Field Geosciences, Science Education (Biology route only), or Zoology.

*Note: For students entering first year from 2022/23, the degree outlets of Earth Science, Geography, Geology and International Field Geosciences have been replaced by the degree outlet of Geoscience. Geoscience is not available as a degree outlet for students who entered first year prior to 2022/23.

The quotas for entry to the various degree programmes in Second Science are:

Quotas for Second Year from CK404

Applied Plant Biology 25

Earth Science


Ecology and Environmental Biology


Environmental Science






International Field Geosciences 4

Science Education (Biology route)




Entry to each degree programme at the start of Second Science will be subject to selection by the Academic Board of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences (BEES). In filling the quotas, preference will be given to students passing the First University Examination in Science at the Summer Examination in the first year of registration for the First University Examination in Science and in order of merit of the overall aggregate mark for the year. Remaining places will be filled in order of merit without distinction as to when the examination was completed. Some flexibility may be allowed in these quotas. A shortfall in one programme could allow for an increased intake into another programme. Students who opt to enter International Field Geosciences will be offered places in order of merit based on their aggregate marks from compulsory modules in Geology (GL1001 and GL1004), Mathematical Sciences (MA1001), Chemistry (CM1003) and Physics (PY1009).

Applied Plant Biology

NFQ Level 8, Major Award


Elective Modules
The selection of elective modules in Third and Fourth Years may depend on the student having the necessary prerequisites. Elective modules must, therefore, be chosen in consultation with the appropriate Head of Discipline. In exceptional cases, the Academic Board of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences and the College will be prepared to consider applications for alternative elective modules in Third Year. Modules that have been taken and passed in one year of study may not be re-taken in a subsequent year.

SECOND SCIENCE - Applied Plant Biology
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules (60 credits): AE2001 (5 credits), AE2007 (10 credits), BL2001 (5 credits), GS2002 (5 credits), MB2905 (5 credits), MB2906 (5 credits), PS2001 (5 credits), PS2002 (5 credits), PS2003 (5 credits), ST2001 (5 credits), ZY2005 (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.
THIRD SCIENCE - Applied Plant Biology
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules (55 credits): BL3002 (10 credits), BL3003 (5 credits), PS3003 (5 credits), PS3012 (5 credits), PS3020 (10 credits), PS3021 (5 credits), ST3001 (5 credits), MB3005 (5 credits)
BL3004 (5 credits) or PS3019 (5 credits)*

FE/ZY (5 credits from): FE3018 (5 credits), ZY3020 (5 credits)

*Note: BL3004 and PS3019 are offered in alternate years in 3rd and 4th Year.
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.
FOURTH SCIENCE - Applied Plant Biology
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules (50 credits): BL4001 (15 credits), BL4004 (5 credits), BL4006 (5 credits), PS4006 (5 credits), PS4021 (5 credits), PS4024 (5 credits), ST4001 (5 credits)
BL3004 (5 credits) or PS3019 (5 credits)*

AE/BL/FE/ZY (10 credits from): AE4012 (10 credits), AE4016 (5 credits), BL4003 (5 credits), EV4012 (5 credits), ZY4021 (5 credits)

*Note: BL3004 and PS3019 are offered in alternate years in 3rd and 4th Year. BL3004 or PS3019 cannot be taken in fourth year if previously taken in third year.
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Students who have passed Third Year may choose not to proceed to Fourth Year and may opt instead to be conferred with a BSc Ordinary Degree.

The Fourth Science Research Project must be passed for the award of a BSc (Hons) Degree.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2022/2023 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2022/2023.

NFQ Level 8, Major Award


Elective Modules
The selection of elective modules in Third and Fourth Years may depend on the student having the necessary prerequisites. Elective modules must, therefore, be chosen in consultation with the appropriate Head of Discipline. In exceptional cases, the Academic Board of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences and the College will be prepared to consider applications for alternative elective modules in Third Year. Modules that have been taken and passed in one year of study may not be re-taken in a subsequent year.

SECOND SCIENCE - Earth Science (2022/23 only)
Students take 60 credits as follows:
AE2001 (5 credits), CM2101 (5 credits), EV2002 (5 credits), EV2003 (5 credits), GG2005 (5 credits), GG2037 (5 credits), GS2001 (5 credits), GS2002 (5 credits), GL2016 (5 credits), PY2009 (5 credits), ST2001 (5 credits), ZY2005 (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.
THIRD SCIENCE - Earth Science (2022/23 and 2023/24 only)

Students take 60 credits as follows:

Core ER Modules (10 credits): ER3005 (5 credits), ER3052 (5 credits)

Core GG Modules (20 credits): GG3007 (5 credits), GG3012 (5 credits), GG3041 (5 credits), GG3056 (5 credits)

Core GL Modules (20 credits): GL2010 (5 credits), GL3004 (5 credits), GL3030 (5 credits)
GL3013 (5 credits) or GL4029 (5 credits)*

EV/GG/GL (10 credits from): EV3017 (5 credits), GG3009 (5 credits), GG3027 (5 credits), GG3037 (5 credits), GL3032 (5 credits)

*Note: GL3013 and GL4029 are offered in alternate years in 3rd and 4th Year.

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.
FOURTH SCIENCE - Earth Science (2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25 only)
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core ER Modules (25 credits): ER4001 (15 credits), ER4004 (5 credits), ER4005 (5 credits)

Core GG Modules (10 credits): GG3012 (5 credits), GG3041 (5 credits)

Core GL Modules (10 credits): GL3031 (5 credits)
GL3013 (5 credits) or GL4029 (5 credits)*

ER/GG/GL (15 credits from): ER4007 (5 credits), ER4020 (5 credits), GG3009 (5 credits), GG3027 (5 credits), GG3037 (5 credits), GL3032 (5 credits), GL4024 (5 credits)

*Note: GL3013 and GL4029 are offered in alternate years in 3rd and 4th Year. GL3013 and GL4029 cannot be taken in fourth year if previously taken in third year.
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Students who have passed Third Year may choose not to proceed to Fourth Year and may opt instead to be conferred with a BSc Ordinary Degree.

The Fourth Science Research Project must be passed for the award of a BSc (Hons) Degree.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2022/2023 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2022/2023.

NFQ Level 8, Major Award


Elective Modules
The selection of elective modules in Third and Fourth Years may depend on the student having the necessary prerequisites. Elective modules must, therefore, be chosen in consultation with the appropriate Head of Discipline. In exceptional cases, the Academic Board of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences and the College will be prepared to consider applications for alternative elective modules in Third Year. Modules that have been taken and passed in one year of study may not be re-taken in a subsequent year.

SECOND SCIENCE - Ecology and Environmental Biology
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules (55 credits): AE2001 (5 credits), AE2007 (10 credits), BL2001 (5 credits), EV2002 (5 credits), PS2002 (5 credits), PS2003 (5 credits), ST2001 (5 credits), ZY2000 (5 credits), ZY2005 (5 credits), ZY2007 (5 credits)

GS/ZY (5 credits from): GS2002 (5 credits), ZY2006 (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.
THIRD SCIENCE - Ecology and Environmental Biology
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules (50 credits): AE3013 (10 credits), BL3001 (5 credits), BL3002 (10 credits), BL3003 (5 credits), BL3004 (5 credits), EV3017 (5 credits), ST3001 (5 credits), ZY3023 (5 credits)

PA/PS/ZY (10 credits from): PA3400 (5 credits), PS3012 (5 credits), ZY3015 (5 credits), ZY3019 (5 credits), ZY3020 (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.
FOURTH SCIENCE - Ecology and Environmental Biology
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules (40 credits): [AE4012 (10 credits) or ZY4020 (10 credits)], AE4016 (5 credits), BL4001 (15 credits), BL4004 (5 credits), EV4012 (5 credits)

BL/PA/PS/ST/ZY (20 credits from): BL4003 (5 credits), BL4006 (5 credits), PA4300 (5 credits), PS4021 (5 credits), PS4024 (5 credits), ST4001 (5 credits), ZY4021 (5 credits), ZY4022 (5 credits

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Students who have passed Third Year may choose not to proceed to Fourth Year and may opt instead to be conferred with a BSc Ordinary Degree.

The Fourth Science Research Project must be passed for the award of a BSc (Hons) Degree.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2022/2023 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2022/2023.

NFQ Level 8, Major Award


Elective Modules
The selection of elective modules in Third and Fourth Years may depend on the student having the necessary prerequisites. Elective modules must, therefore, be chosen in consultation with the appropriate Head of Discipline. In exceptional cases, the Academic Board of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences and the College will be prepared to consider applications for alternative elective modules in Third Year. Modules that have been taken and passed in one year of study may not be re-taken in a subsequent year.

SECOND SCIENCE - Environmental Science
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules (60 credits): AE2001 (5 credits), CM2101 (5 credits), EV2001 (5 credits), EV2002 (5 credits), EV2003 (5 credits), GG2005 (5 credits), GG2037 (5 credits), GS2001 (5 credits), GS2002 (5 credits), PY2009 (5 credits), ST2001 (5 credits), ZY2005 (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.
THIRD SCIENCE - Environmental Science
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules (50 credits): CM3104 (5 credits), EV3013 (5 credits), EV3014 (10 credits), EV3017 (5 credits), EV3020 (5 credits), GG3012 (5 credits), GL3031 (5 credits), PY3011 (5 credits), ST3001 (5 credits)

CM/GG/PA/PS (10 credits from)*: CM3024 (10 credits), GG2046 (5 credits), GG3007 (5 credits), GG3041 (5 credits), PA3400 (5 credits), PS3012 (5 credits)

*Module selections must take into consideration the satisfaction of any prerequisites. Choices of certain combinations of modules may be restricted by timetable constraints.

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.

FOURTH SCIENCE - Environmental Science
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules (35 credits)*: EV4001 (15 credits), EV4002 (10 credits), EV4012 (5 credits), EV4013 (5 credits)

AE/BL/CM/ER/EV/PA/PS/ST (25 credits from)*: AE4012 (10 credits), AE4016 (5 credits), BL4006 (5 credits), CM4026 (5 credits), CM4027 (5 credits), CM4112 (5 credits), ER4004 (5 credits), EV4010 (5 credits), PA4300 (5 credits), PS4021 (5 credits), PS4024 (5 credits), ST4001 (5 credits)

*Module selections must take into consideration the satisfaction of any prerequisites. Choices of certain combinations of modules may be restricted by timetable constraints.

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.

Students who have passed Third Year may choose not to proceed to Fourth Year and may opt instead to be conferred with a BSc Ordinary Degree.

The Fourth Science Research Project must be passed for the award of a BSc (Hons) Degree.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2022/2023 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2022/2023.

NFQ Level 8, Major Award


Elective Modules
The selection of elective modules in Third and Fourth Years may depend on the student having the necessary prerequisites. Elective modules must, therefore, be chosen in consultation with the appropriate Head of Department. In exceptional cases, the Academic Board of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences and the College will be prepared to consider applications for alternative elective modules in Third Year. Modules that have been taken and passed in one year of study may not be re-taken in a subsequent year.

SECOND SCIENCE - Geography (2022/23 only)
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules (35 credits): GG2005 (5 credits), GG2027 (5 credits), GG2038 (5 credits), GG2046 (5 credits), GG3009 (5 credits), GS2001 (5 credits), GS2002 (5 credits)
plus 10 credits from: GG2010 (5 credits), GG2014 (5 credits), GG2023 (5 credits), GG2041 (5 credits)

AE/AR/EV/MA/NE/PY (15 credits from): AE2001(5 credits), AR2037 (5 credits), EV2002 (5 credits), EV2003 (5 credits), MA1002 (5 credits), NE1001 (5 credits), PY2009 (5 credits)
(timetable and module availability permitting)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.
THIRD SCIENCE - Geography (2022/23 and 2023/24 only)
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules (35 credits): GG2037 (5 credits), GG3007 (5 credits), GG3009 (5 credits), GG3028 (5 credits), GG3052 (5 credits), GG3056 (5 credits), ST2001 (5 credits)

GG (10 credits from): GG3001 (5 credits), GG3010 (5 credits), GG3037 (5 credits), GG3046 (5 credits), GG3051 (5 credits)

AR/EV/GL (15 credits from): AR2037 (5 credits), AR3053 (5 credits), EV3017 (5 credits), GL3004 (5 credits), GL4029 (5 credits)*, GL3030 (5 credits)
(timetable and module availability permitting)

*Note: GL4029 offered in alternate years. GL4029 cannot be taken in fourth year if previously taken in third year.

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.
FOURTH SCIENCE - Geography (2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25 only)
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules (35 credits): ER4004 (5 credits), GG3012 (5 credits), GG3027 (5 credits), GG3041 (5 credits), GG4008 (15 credits)

GG (15 credits from): GG3010 (5 credits), GG3037 (5 credits), GG3038 (5 credits), GG3043 (5 credits), GG3046 (5 credits), GG3051 (5 credits), GG4020 (5 credits)

ER/GL/PA (10 credits from): ER4005 (5 credits), ER4007 (5 credits), GL4029 (5 credits)*, GL3031 (5 credits)*, GL4024 (5 credits), PA4300 (5 credits)

*Note: GL4029 only offered in alternate years. GL4029 cannot be taken in fourth year if previously taken in third year.
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.

Students who have passed Third Year may choose not to proceed to Fourth Year and may opt instead to be conferred with a BSc Ordinary Degree.

The Fourth Science Research Project must be passed for the award of a BSc (Hons) Degree.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2022/2023 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2022/2023.

NFQ Level 8, Major Award


Elective Modules
The selection of elective modules in Third and Fourth Years may depend on the student having the necessary prerequisites. Elective modules must, therefore, be chosen in consultation with the appropriate Head of Discipline. In exceptional cases, the Academic Board of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences and the College will be prepared to consider applications for alternative elective modules in Third Year. Modules that have been taken and passed in one year of study may not be re-taken in a subsequent year.

SECOND SCIENCE - Geology (2022/23 only)
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules: AE2001 (5 credits), CM2101 (5 credits), EV2002 (5 credits), EV2003 (5 credits), GG2005 (5 credits), GG2037 (5 credits), GS2001 (5 credits), GS2002 (5 credits), GL2016 (5 credits), PY2009 (5 credits), ST2001 (5 credits), ZY2005 (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.

THIRD SCIENCE - Geology (2022/23 and 2023/24 only)
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core GL Modules (50 credits): GL2010 (5 credits), GL3004 (5 credits), GL3007 (5 credits), GL3009 (10 credits), GL3030 (5 credits), GL3031 (5 credits), GL3032 (5 credits), GL3033 (5 credits)
GL3013 (5 credits) or GL4029 (5 credits)*

EV/GG/PS/ZY (10 credits from): EV3017 (5 credits), GG2046 (5 credits), GG3007 (5 credits), GG3012 (5 credits), PS2003 (5 credits), ZY2000 (5 credits)

*Note: GL3013 and GL4029 are offered in alternate years in 3rd and 4th Year.

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.

FOURTH SCIENCE - Geology (2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25 only)
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core GL Modules (45 credits): GL3032 (5 credits), GL4004 (5 credits), GL4024 (5 credits), GL4030 (20 credits), GL4031 (5 credits)
GL3013 (5 credits) or GL4029 (5 credits)*

ER/GL/GG/EV Modules (15 credits from): ER4004 (5 credits), ER4007 (5 credits), GL3023 (5 credits), GL4020 (5 credits), GG3012 (5 credits), GG3056 (5 credits), EV4013 (5 credits)

*Note: GL3013 and GL4029 are offered in alternate years in 3rd and 4th Year. GL3013 and GL4029 cannot be taken in fourth year if previously taken in third year.
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.

Students who have passed Third Year may choose not to proceed to Fourth Year and may opt instead to be conferred with a BSc Ordinary Degree.

The Fourth Science Research Project or Mapping Project must be passed for the award of a BSc (Hons) Degree.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2022/2023 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2022/2023.

NFQ Level 8, Major Award


Elective Modules
The selection of elective modules in Third and Fourth Years may depend on the student having the necessary prerequisites. Elective modules must, therefore, be chosen in consultation with the appropriate Head of Discipline. In exceptional cases, the Academic Board of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences and the College will be prepared to consider applications for alternative elective modules in Third Year. Modules that have been taken and passed in one year of study may not be re-taken in a subsequent year.

SECOND SCIENCE - Geoscience (from 2023/24 onwards)
Students take 60 credits as follows:

Core GS Modules (10 credits): GS2001 (5 credits), GS2002 (5 credits)

Core GL Modules (5 credits): GL2016 (5 credits)

Core GG Modules (10 credits): GG2005 (5 credits), GG2037 (5 credits)

Core EV Modules (10 credits): EV2002 (5 credits), EV2003 (5 credits)

Core AE/CM/PY/ST/ZY Modules (25 credits): AE2001 (5 credits), CM2101 (5 credits), PY2009 (5 credits), ST2001 (5 credits), ZY2005 (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.

THIRD SCIENCE - Geoscience (from 2024/25 onwards)
Students take 60 credits as follows:

Core ER/GL/GS Modules (45 credits): ER3052 (5 credits), GL2010 (5 credits), GL2011 (5 credits), GL2019 (5 credits), GL2017 (5 credits), GL3009 (10 credits), GS3001 (5 credits), GS3002 (5 credits)

Plus a choice of one of the following three themes:

Theme 1 (Geological) GG/GL Modules (15 credits from the following): GG3012 (5 credits), GG3056 (5 credits), GL3007 (5 credits), GL3031 (5 credits), GL3032 (5 credits)

Theme 2 (Environmental) EV/GG/GL Modules (15 credits from the following): EV3013 (5 credits), GG3012 (5 credits), GG2046 (5 credits), GL3031 (5 credits), GL3032 (5 credits)

Theme 3 (Palaeobiological) BL/GL/PS/ZY Modules (15 credits from the following): BL3002 (10 credits) or GL3007 (5 credits), GL3032 (5 credits), PS2003 (5 credits), ZY2000 (5 credits), ZY3022 (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.

FOURTH SCIENCE - Geoscience (from 2025/26 onwards)
Students take 60 credits as follows:

Core GL Modules (35 credits): GL3004 (5 credits), GL4029 (5 credits), GL4004 (5 credits), GL4030 (15 credits), GL4031 (5 credits)

Plus a choice of one of the following three themes (students are required to follow the same theme they chose in Third Year):

Theme 1 (Geological) ER/GG/GL/GS Modules (25 credits from the following): ER4004 (5 credits), GG3041 (5 credits), GG3007 (5 credits), GL4011 (5 credits), GL4020 (5 credits), GL4023 (5 credits), GL4024 (5 credits), GS4001 (5 credits)

Theme 2 (Environmental) ER/EV/GG/GL/GS Modules (25 credits from the following): EV4012 (5 credits), ER4004 (5 credits), GG3041 (5 credits), GG3007 (5 credits), GG3056 (5 credits), GL4020 (5 credits), GL4023 (5 credits), GS4001 (5 credits)

Theme 3 (Palaeobiological) AE/BL/ER/GL/GG/ZY Modules (25 credits from the following): AE4016 (5 credits), BL3003 (5 credits), ER4004 (5 credits), GG3056 (5 credits), GL4020 (5 credits), GL4023 (5 credits), GL4024 (5 credits), ZY4021 (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.

Students who have passed Third Year may choose not to proceed to Fourth Year and may opt instead to be conferred with a BSc Ordinary Degree.

The Fourth Science Research Project or Mapping Project must be passed for the award of a BSc (Hons) Degree.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2022/2023 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2022/2023.

NFQ Level 8, Major Award

(Joint Degree between University College Cork and University of Montana)


Elective Modules
The selection of elective modules in Third and Fourth Years may depend on the student having the necessary prerequisites. Elective modules must, therefore, be chosen in consultation with the appropriate Head of Discipline. In exceptional cases, the Academic Board of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences and the College will be prepared to consider applications for alternative elective modules in Third Year. Modules that have been taken and passed in one year of study may not be re-taken in a subsequent year.

SECOND SCIENCE - International Field Geosciences (2022/23 only)
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules: AE2001 (5 credits), CM2101 (5 credits), EV2002 (5 credits), EV2003 (5 credits), GG2005 (5 credits), GG2037 (5 credits), GS2001 (5 credits), GS2002 (5 credits), GL2016 (5 credits), PY2009 (5 credits), ST2001 (5 credits), ZY2005 (5 credits).

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.

THIRD SCIENCE - International Field Geosciences (2022/23 and 2023/24 only)
Students take 60 credits as follows:
This year is spent pursuing approved programmes of study at the University of Montana. Examination of the approved programmes shall be undertaken at the host institutions.

FOURTH SCIENCE - International Field Geosciences (2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25 only)
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core GL Modules (35 credits): GL3009 (10 credits), GL4030 (20 credits), GL4031 (5 credits)

ER/GL (25 credits from): ER4004 (5 credits),ER4007 (5 credits), GL3004 (5 credits), GL3007 (5 credits), GL3030 (5 credits), GL3031 (5 credits), GL3032 (5 credits), GL4004 (5 credits), GL4020 (5 credits), GL4024 (5 credits), GL4029 (5 credits)*

*Note: GL4029 is offered in alternate years.
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.

Students who have passed Third Year may choose not to proceed to Fourth Year and may opt instead to be conferred with a BSc Ordinary Degree.

The Fourth Science Research Project must be passed for the award of a BSc (Hons) Degree.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2022/2023 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2022/2023.

NFQ Level 8, Major Award


Elective Modules
The selection of elective modules in Third and Fourth Years may depend on the student having the necessary prerequisites. Elective modules must, therefore, be chosen in consultation with the appropriate Head of Discipline. In exceptional cases, the Academic Board of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences and the College will be prepared to consider applications for alternative elective modules in Third Year. Modules that have been taken and passed in one year of study may not be re-taken in a subsequent year.

Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules (50 credits): AE2001 (5 credits), AE2007 (10 credits), BL2001 (5 credits), BL2002 (5 credits), ST2001 (5 credits), ZY2000 (5 credits), ZY2005 (5 credits), ZY2006 (5 credits), ZY2007 (5 credits)

GS/MA/PS (10 credits from): GS2002 (5 credits), MA1002 (5 credits), PS2001 (5 credits), PS2002 (5 credits), PS2003 (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules (60 credits): AE3013 (10 credits), BL3001 (5 credits), BL3002 (10 credits), BL3003 (5 credits), BL3004 (5 credits), ST3001 (5 credits), ZY3015 (5 credits), ZY3019 (5 credits), ZY3020 (5 credits), ZY3023 (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules (50 credits): [AE4012 (10 credits) or ZY4020 (10 credits)], BL4001 (15 credits), BL4004 (5 credits), ZY4016 (5 credits), ZY4021 (5 credits), ZY4022 (5 credits), ZY4023 (5 credits)

AE/BL/EV/GL/PS/ST (10 credits from): AE4016 (5 credits), BL4003 (5 credits), BL4006 (5 credits), EV4012 (5 credits), GL4024 (5 credits), PS4021 (5 credits), PS4024 (5 credits), ST4001 (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.

Students who have passed Third Year may choose not to proceed to Fourth Year and may opt instead to be conferred with a BSc Ordinary Degree.

The Fourth Science Research Project must be passed for the award of a BSc (Hons) Degree.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2022/2023 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2022/2023.

Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc in Applied Plant Biology (NFQ Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Communicate in oral and written reports about plant- and biotechnology-based issues with technical and non-technical audiences;
  • Demonstrate an ability to undertake an independent research project;
  • Design experiments, collect data, select and execute appropriate analyses and interpret and present results in appropriate formats;
  • Assemble information on ecological issues and critically appraise it for scientific credibility and relevance;
  • Be familiar with the application of plant biotechnology in the analysis and solution of environmental issues;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the biology of plants, and how they respond to a changing environment;
  • Critically assess information on plant and biotechnology issues for scientific credibility and relevance;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the role of human activities on ecosystems and evaluate approaches to minimize or ameliorate negative impacts.

Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc in Earth Science (NFQ Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a clear knowledge of the form, functioning and operation of earth systems;
  • Show a clear understanding of planet Earth as an integrated system, involving application of aspects of the geological, geographical, physical, chemical and biological sciences to the study of the solid Earth oceans and atmosphere;
  • Work individually and in small groups in the analysis of thematic issues;
  • Apply the principles of collection, interpretation and analysis of geographical and geological data from field settings;
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of the application of scientific methods and techniques in the examination of the Earth environment;
  • Source information on geological and geographical issues and critically appraise it for scientific credibility and relevance;
  • Synthesise and apply published information and data from the earth sciences to the analysis of environmental problems;
  • Design, manage and write a research-based project though its various stages from inception to completion;
  • Communicate effectively, orally and in written reports, about Earth and other related environmental issues.

Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc in Ecology and Environmental Biology (NFQ Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of habitats and communities from aquatic and terrestrial systems;
  • Assemble information on ecological issues and critically appraise it for scientific credibility and relevance;
  • Communicate in oral and written reports about ecological issues with technical and non-technical audiences;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the role of human activities on ecosystems and evaluate approaches to minimize or prevent negative impacts;
  • Demonstrate an ability to undertake an independent research project. Design experiments, collect data, select and execute appropriate analyses and interpret and present results in appropriate formats;
  • Analyze the appropriateness of different laboratory and field experimental protocols.

Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc in Environmental Science (NFQ Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the functioning of environmental systems;
  • Demonstrate knowledge of impacts of human activities on the environment and current approaches to minimising or preventing negative impacts;
  • Evaluate environmental issues using scientific principles;
  • Source information on environmental issues and critically appraise it for scientific credibility and relevance;
  • Synthesise and apply published information and data from the biological, chemical and earth sciences to the analysis of environmental problems;
  • Carry out field measurements of basic environmental parameters and analyse, interpret and report the results;
  • Select appropriate methods, and design programmes, for environmental assessment;
  • Communicate effectively, orally and in written reports, about environmental issues with technical and non-technical audiences.

Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc in Geography (NFQ Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a clear knowledge of the functioning of the different elements of Geography as they apply to Earth systems;
  • Work as an individual, and in small groups, in the analysis of thematic issues;
  • Demonstrate knowledge of impacts of human activities on the environment;
  • Apply the principles of the collection and analysis of geographical data;
  • Evaluate the use of scientific methods in the application of Geography and Earth environments;
  • Source information on geographical issues and critically appraise it for scientific credibility and relevance;
  • Carry out field analysis, interpret and report the results;
  • Design and manage a research-based project though its various stages from inception to completion;
  • Communicate effectively, orally and in written reports, about environmental issues.

Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc in Geology (NFQ Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Have competence in identifying rocks, minerals and fossils both macroscopically and microscopically in a laboratory and field environment and place them in a context of modern Geology;
  • Undertake independent geological mapping in the field, recording, interpreting and reporting geological information;
  • Recognise and interpret processes and forces that act to modify geological strata and rocks in the course of geological time;
  • Be conversant with the principles of sedimentation and stratigraphy and the concept of geological time;
  • Use geological information in conjunction with geophysical and geochemical data to address geological problems;
  • Be familiar with the Earth System approach to the study of the solid earth, atmosphere and oceans in the context of geological time, climate systems and global change.

Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc in Geoscience (NFQ Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Show a clear understanding of planet Earth as an integrated system, involving application of all aspects of the Geosciences including the physical, chemical and biological sciences to the study of the solid Earth, oceans and atmosphere;
  • Demonstrate a mastery of geoscience principles, concepts and terminology and understand their relevance to the world of today particularly in the context of geological time and global change;
  • Have competence in identifying rocks, minerals and fossils both macroscopically and microscopically in a laboratory and field environment and place them in a context of modern Geoscience;
  • Apply the principles of collection, analysis and interpretation of Geoscience data while undertaking an independent field-based geoscience research project;
  • Recognise and interpret the large-scale internal Earth processes and the features produced by them. Have a good working knowledge of the theory of plate tectonics;
  • Be conversant with the principles of sedimentation and stratigraphy and the broader concept of geological time;
  • Source information on current geoscience issues and critically appraise it for scientific credibility and relevance particularly in the context of geohazards (e.g., earthquakes, flooding, landslides), their monitoring and mitigation;
  • Synthesise and apply published information and data from the Earth sciences to the analysis of geoscience and environmental problems;
  • Communicate effectively, orally and in written reports, about Earth and other related environmental issues.

Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc in International Field Geosciences (NFQ Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate mastery of the principles, concepts, and terminology of the science of geology and understand the relevance of geological principles, concepts, and terminology to the world of today;
  • Read, interpret and draft geologic maps. Construct cross sections from geologic maps;
  • Be able to carry out a full analysis (descriptive, kinematic and dynamic) of geological structures;
  • Identify common rock-forming minerals and know the petrology of the main rock types;
  • Interpret the conditions of formation of sedimentary rocks based on composition, texture and/or internal structures. Infer environments of deposition from sedimentary structures;
  • Know the large-scale internal Earth processes and the features produced by them. Have a good working knowledge of the theory of plate tectonics;
  • Identify common fossils and their ages as well as the conditions under which they lived and understand the methods and limitations of contemporary methods of radiometric dating;
  • Understand the principles of exploration, extraction, sustainment and conservation of Earth's mineral and water resources;
  • Understand the nature of environmental hazards (e.g. flooding, landslides), their monitoring and mitigation.

Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc in Zoology (NFQ Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate and vertebrate biology, systematics and taxonomy;
  • Assemble information on zoological issues and critically appraise it for scientific credibility and relevance;
  • Communicate in oral and written reports about zoological issues with technical and non-technical audiences;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the role of human activities on ecosystems and evaluate approaches to minimize or prevent negative impacts;
  • Demonstrate an ability to undertake an independent research project;
  • Design experiments, collect data, select and execute appropriate analyses and interpret and present results in appropriate formats;
  • Analyze the appropriateness of different laboratory and field experimental protocols.

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