
Professional Diploma in Leadership

NFQ Level 9, Special Purpose Award

The Professional Diploma in Leadership is a part-time programme taken over six months. The programme has two intakes per year: one in Autumn and one in Spring.

Students take 30 credits as follows:

IM6019 The Meaning of Leadership (10 credits)
IM6020 Leading in Organisations (10 credits)
IM6021 Leadership in Action (10 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2022/2023 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2022/2023.

Programme Learning Outcomes for Professional Diploma in Leadership (NFQ Level 9, Special Purpose Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Compare, contrast and critique the theoretical work in this field;
  • Critically assess their own effectiveness as a leader and identify areas for personal development;
  • Evaluate what are appropriate leadership strategies and behaviours to fit particular contexts and situations;
  • Demonstrate by their own behaviours, the attributes appropriate to leading in an ethical and authentic manner, both as an individual and when working as a team;
  • Critically analyse the leadership culture, processes, and needs of the organisation of their choice;
  • Formulate a comprehensive range of practical recommendations for developing best-practice leadership throughout participant's organisations;
  • Analyse how participant's personal leadership style matches the needs and demands of their organisation.

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