
Professional Diploma in Strategic Human Resource Management (not on offer in 2022/23)

NFQ Level 9, Special Purpose Award

The Professional Diploma in Strategic Human Resource Management is a part-time programme taken over six months. The programme has two intakes per year: one in Autumn and one in Spring.

Students take 30 credits as follows:

IM6038 Strategic Human Resource Management (5 credits)
IM6039 Managing Performance (5 credits)
IM6040 Leading Change (5 credits)
IM6041 Organisation Development (5 credits)
IM6042 Talent Management (5 credits)
IM6043 HR Context and Building Engagement (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2022/2023 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2022/2023.

Programme Learning Outcomes for Professional Diploma in Strategic Human Resource Management (NFQ Level 9, Special Purpose Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concepts, procedures and principles at the forefront of Strategic Human Resource Management;
  • Critically apply knowledge and understanding in order to define the culture and organisational capability required to execute a business strategy;
  • Design and align the human organisation to effectively and efficiently deliver business strategy;
  • Critically apply the key theories on human motivation, behavioural adaptation and performance management to build effective systems and processes for managing and developing performance and people;
  • Apply advanced critical reasoning and problem-solving skills to design a total reward system that is equitable and incentivises performance;
  • Determine a change initiative and develop a plan to overcome obstacles by synthesising their knowledge of change models, strategies and the phases of the change process;
  • Design, facilitate and implement organisation development interventions;
  • Formulate a judgement of the efficacy of the existing approach and develop a Talent Management Process that identifies, selects and develops talent for the organisation;
  • Diagnose current engagement levels and implement interventions based on their knowledge of Engagement Theory & Research to improve organisational engagement;
  • Apply their knowledge and critical reasoning to define complex scenarios in the Leadership and HR processes required to drive desired human behaviour changes and deliver business results.

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