Students complete 60 credits in total.
Part 1
Students take 30 credits as follows:
CM6009 Advanced Bioanalytical Chemistry (5 credits)
CM6024 Industry Led Workshops/Seminars in Bioanalytical Chemistry (5 credits)
CM6025 Instrumental Techniques for Bioanalytical Chemistry (5 credits)
CM6028 Introduction to Bioanalytical Chemistry (5 credits)
CM6029 Introduction to Quality and Regulatory Affairs for BioPharma (5 credits)
CM6031 Process Analytical Technology in BioPharma (5 credits)
Part 2
Students take 30 credits as follows:
CM6008 Virtual Bioanalytical Chemistry Laboratories (5 credits)
CM6023 Bioanalytical Project (10 credits)
CM6030 Practice of Bioanalytical Chemistry (10 credits)
CM6032 Troubleshooting Bioanalytical Chemistry Case Studies (5 credits)
Module Semester Information may be found here.
Descriptions may be found here.
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2022/2023 Book and for
each module in the Book of Modules, 2022/2023.
Postgraduate Certificate in Bioanalytical Chemistry (NFQ Level 9, Minor
Upon successful completion and passing of modules to the value of 30
credits, students may opt to exit the programme and be
conferred with a Postgraduate Certificate in Bioanalytical Chemistry.