The MRes is a full-time programme running over 12 months (or a part-time programme running over 24 months), from the date of first registration for the programme. The programme consists of (a) a major research thesis and (b) taught modules on generic and transferable skills.
Students undertake a total workload equivalent to 90 credits over the 12 month programme (or pro rata part-time), the principal element of which is the completion of a major research thesis of approximately 25,000 words. In parallel, students must undertake and pass taught modules to the value of 20 credits. Students will also undertake work on the research thesis comprising a notional student workload equivalent to 70 credits in one of the following subject areas:
Applied Social Studies
*Digital Arts and Humanities
Drama and Theatre Studies
Film and Screen Media
*Government and Politics
History of Art
*Mathematical Studies
Modern Irish
Study of Religions
Students take 20 credits as follows:
PG6010 Contemporary Practices in Publishing and Editing (5 credits)
PG6011 Digital Skills for Research Postgraduates in the Humanities and Social Sciences (5 credits)
Or any other PG coded module(s) in consultation with your supervisor and with the approval of the Graduate Studies Committee plus 10 credits of postgraduate modules from their subject area.
*Digital Arts and Humanities
Students taking Digital Arts and Humanities take the following 20 credits:
DH6033 Conceptual Introduction to Digital Arts and Humanities (10 credits)
DH6034 Humanities and New Technologies: Tools and Methodologies (10 credits)
or one of the 10 credit modules from English listed below.
Students taking English may take one 10-credit EN60XX module (or FX6010) chosen in consultation with the School of English and subject to the module running that year.
*Government and Politics
Government and Politics students may take GV6118 Political Science Research Methods (10 credits) and/or GV6125 Political Science Fundamentals (5 credits).
History students may take 10 credits of Latin chosen in consultation with
the School of History.
*Mathematical Studies students take the following 20 credits:
AM6005 Nonlinear Dynamics (5 credits)
ED7102 Educational Research Methods (5 credits)
ST6013 Statistics and Data Analysis for Postgraduate Research Students (10 credits)
See also Procedures for Submission and Examination of Research Masters Degrees.
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2022/2023 Book and
for each module in the Book of Modules, 2022/2023.
Programme Learning Outcomes for MRes (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able