
BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages) [CK215]

NFQ Level 8, Major Award

The BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages) is a four-year, full-time undergraduate programme leading to the award of a BSc (Hons).

To be admitted to the First University Examination in International Business with Languages, a student must have satisfactorily attended modules to the value of 60 credits as follows:


Students take 40 credits as follows:
AC1102 Financial Accounting (5 credits)
BU1001 Professional Development for International Business (5 credits)
BU1002 Business and Economic Decision-Making (5 credits)
EC1202 Economic Reasoning for Business (5 credits)
IS1001 Digital Foundations for International Business (5 credits)
LW1108 Introduction to the Legal System (5 credits)
MG1004 Principles of Management and Organization (5 credits)
MG1006 Principles of Marketing in International Environments (5 credits)

and modules to the value of 20 credits from the student's chosen Language pathway:

Chinese Studies

CH1001 Chinese Language (Mandarin) I (10 credits)
CH1100 Chinese Culture and Society - Level 1 (10 credits)


Non-Beginners (must have achieved a minimum HSK Level II or equivalent):
CH1100 Chinese Culture and Society - Level 1 (10 credits)
CH2103 Modern Chinese Business Language - Level 2 (10 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.


FR1103 Foundation Course in Written and Oral French Introduction to French for Business (10 credits)
FR1201 Introduction to French Studies (5 credits)
FR1901 Understanding France for International Business (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.


GE1103 Integrated Written and Oral German Language Course for Beginners (10 credits)
GE1104 Introduction to German Culture and Literature for Beginners (5 credits)
GE1122 Reading and Writing the German-Speaking World (5 credits)


GE1101 Integrated Written and Oral Language Course for German (10 credits)
GE1102 Introduction to German Literature and Culture (5 credits)
GE1122 Reading and Writing the German-Speaking World (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Hispanic Studies

HS1010 Business and Society in the Spanish-Speaking World I (5 credits)
HS1101 First Year Spanish Language for Beginners (15 credits)


HS1010 Business and Society in the Spanish-Speaking World I (5 credits)
HS1030 Introduction to Spanish and Latin American Studies (5 credits)
HS1102 First Year Spanish Language for Non-Beginners (10 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.


GA1002 Ceart na Gaeilge idir Scríobh agus Labhairt (10 credits)
GA1008 An NuaLitríocht (10 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.


IT1001 Made in Italy: Tourism, Food, Design and Fashion in Italy (5 credits)
IT1101 Introduction to Written and Spoken Italian (10 credits)
IT1201 Post-Unification Italian Culture and Society (5 credits)


IT1001 Made in Italy: Tourism, Food, Design and Fashion in Italy (5 credits)
IT1102 Non-Beginners' Written and Spoken Italian (10 credits)
IT1201 Post-Unification Italian Culture and Society (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2022/2023 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2022/2023.

In addition to the General Regulations for passing the year, the following Special Requirements for Languages apply:

  • Chinese: To progress to Year Two of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), Beginner students must pass module CH1001 (10 credits) and Non-Beginners must pass module CH2103 (10 credits).
  • French: To progress to Year Two of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), students must pass module FR1103 (10 credits).
  • German: To progress to Year Two of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), Beginner students must pass module GE1103 (10 credits) and Non-Beginners must pass module GE1101 (10 credits).
  • Hispanic Studies: To progress to Year Two of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), Beginner students must pass module HS1101 (15 credits) and Non-Beginners must pass modules HS1102 (10 credits) and HS1030 (5 credits).
  • Irish: To progress to Year Two of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), students must pass module GA1002 (10 credits).
  • Italian: To progress to Year Two of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), Beginner students must pass module IT1101 (10 credits) and Non-Beginners must pass module IT1102 (10 credits).

No student may register for the Second Year programme of study until the First University Examination in International Business with Languages has been passed. Second Year consists of international business modules to the value of 40 credits and Language modules to the value of 20 credits from the same Language subject studied in First Year. To be admitted to the Second University Examination in International Business with Languages, a student must have satisfactorily attended modules to the value of 60 credits as follows:


Students take 40 credits as follows:
AC2200 Introduction to Management Accounting (5 credits)
BU2002 Responsible Leadership and Communication (5 credits)
EC2008 The International Economy (5 credits)
FE2015 Sustainable International Business (5 credits)
IS2001 Analytics for International Business (5 credits)
LW1109 Introduction to Business Law (5 credits)
MG2005 International Business (5 credits)
MG2009 Research Methods for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis (5 credits)

and modules to the value of 20 credits from the student's chosen Language pathway:

Chinese Studies

CH2103 Modern Chinese Business Language - Level 2 (10 credits)

plus one of the following modules:
CH2000 An Introduction to Business in China (10 credits)
CH2010 Wars and Revolutions - China in the 19th and 20th Century (10 credits)


Non-Beginners (must have achieved a minimum HSK Level II or equivalent):
CH3021 Chinese Language (Mandarin) Level 2.5 (10 credits)

plus one of the following modules:
CH2000 An Introduction to Business in China (10 credits)
CH2010 Wars and Revolutions - China in the 19th and 20th Century (10 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.


FR2103 Advanced French Language III (10 credits)
FR2901 French Society and Institutions (5 credits)

and modules to the value of 5 credits to be taken from the following:
FR2202 Literary Seminar I (5 credits)
FR2204 Topics in Literature and Culture (5 credits)
FR2306 The Theatre of the Absurd (5 credits)
FR2311 Africa: Colonialism to Continental Crisis (5 credits)
FR2313 Francophone Travel Narratives (5 credits)
FR2406 An Introduction to Translation Studies with French (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.


GE2801 Integrated German Language Course for BComm Students (10 credits)

and modules to the value of 10 credits to be taken from the following:
GE2002 Classics of German Culture (5 credits)
GE2100 German Love Poetry (5 credits)
GE2102 Linguistics 1 (5 credits)
*GE2106 An Intercultural Journey: Preparation and Reflective Writing for the Year Abroad (5 credits)
GE2805 Gender and Power in German Literature and Film (5 credits)
*GE2902 Political and Social Culture in Germany since 1945 (5 credits)
GE2126 German Literature from 18th to 21st Century (5 credits)
GE2130 Constructing and Deconstructing German National Identity: Key Texts (5 credits)
GE2131 German Business and Culture: Theory and Practice (5 credits)
GE2150 Memory in Contemporary German Fiction (5 credits)

*Note: Students may take either GE2106 or GE2902. GE2106 and GE2902 cannot be taken together.

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Hispanic Studies

HS2008 Business & Society in the Spanish-Speaking World II (5 credits)
*HS2101 Second Year Spanish Language Course (Ex-Beginners) (10 credits)
*HS2102 Second Year Spanish Language (Ex-Non-Beginners) (10 credits)

and modules to the value of 5 credits to be taken from the following:
HS2006 Culture in the Spanish Golden Age (5 credits)
HS2009 Contemporary Writing from Spain (5 credits)
HS2011 Contemporary Hispanic Theatre (5 credits)
HS2013 Iberian Identities (5 credits)
HS2014 Understanding Latin America (5 credits)
HS2015 Gender in the Spanish Golden Age (5 credits)
HS2017 Basque Language I (5 credits)
HS2019 Basque Cultural Studies I (5 credits)
HS2022 Catalan Language and Culture I (5 credits)
HS2024 Galician Language and Culture I (5 credits)
HS2026 Linguistic Aspects of Spanish (5 credits)
HS2046 US Latino Literatures (5 credits)
HS2057 Cinema and Identity in Spain and Latin America (5 credits)
PU2203 Cultural Identity in the Portuguese-Speaking World (5 credits)

*Note: Students must pass HS2101 (10 credits) or HS2102 (10 credits) i.e. compensation does not apply.

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.


GA2001 Úsáid agus Cruinneas na Gaeilge I (10 credits)

and modules to the value of 10 credits to be taken from the following:
GA2003 Filíocht na hOchtú hAoise Déag (5 credits)
GA2012 Prós na Seachtú hAoise Déag (5 credits)
GA2013 Léann agus Lámhscríbhinní na Gaeilge (5 credits)
GA2014 Logainmníocht na Gaeilge (5 credits)
GA2016 Dialanna na Gaeilge (5 credits)
GA2019 Cineálacha Scéalaíochta: An Litríocht Bhéil agus an Gearrscéal Liteartha (5 credits)
GA2023 Foghraíocht na Gaeilge (5 credits)
GA2024 An Ghaeltacht (5 credits)
GA2025 Teanga na Nua-Ghaeilge Luaithe (5 credits)
GA2026 Iriseoireacht na Gaeilge (5 credits)
GA2027 Craoltóireacht na Gaeilge (5 credits)
GA2035 Seán Ó Ríordáin: filíocht agus prós (5 credits)
GA2036 Na Laoithe Fiannaíochta (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.


IT2101 Intermediate Italian Language (10 credits)
IT2105 Vivere l'Italia/Living Italian Culture and Society (5 credits)

and modules to the value of 5 credits to be taken from thhe following:
IT2304 Primo Levi: the Survivor and his Work in the Context of the Holocaust (5 credits)
IT2306 Italo Calvino and the Interpretation of Reality (5 credits)
IT2309 Italian Crime Narratives (5 credits)
IT2310 Issues in Contemporary Italian Society through Film and Documentaries (5 credits)
IT2311 New Italians: Race, Identity and Memory in Contemporary Literature (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2023/2024 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2023/2024.

In addition to the General Regulations for passing the year, the following Special Requirements for Languages apply:

  • Chinese: To progress to Year Three of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), Beginner students must pass module CH2103 (10 credits) and Non-Beginners must pass module CH3021 (10 credits).
  • French: To progress to Year Three of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), students must pass module FR2103 (10 credits).
  • German: To progress to Year Three of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), students must pass module GE2801 (10 credits).
  • Hispanic Studies: To progress to Year Three of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), students must pass modules HS2101 (10 credits) and HS2102 (10 credits).
  • Irish: To progress to Year Three of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), students must pass module GA2001 (10 credits).
  • Italian: To progress to Year Three of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), students must pass module IT2101 (10 credits).

This year is spent pursuing approved programmes of study abroad at an institution approved by the Programme Academic Board of Studies. Programmes taken will be validated by the host institution. To fulfil requirements for the successful completion of this year, a student must achieve a pass standard, as applied by the host institution. Students must take the equivalent of 60 credits at their host university. A pass/fail judgment shall be submitted to the Autumn Examination Board, UCC.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2024/2025 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2024/2025.

No student may register for the Fourth Year programme of study until the Third University Examination in International Business with Languages has been passed. To be admitted to the Fourth University Examination in International Business with Languages a student must have satisfactorily attended the following modules to the value of 60 credits.


Students take 10 credits as follows:
BU4001 International Business Strategy Capstone (10 credits)

plus 30 credits* from the following modules:
AC4406 Accounting in Business (5 credits)
AC4407 Financial Reporting 1 (5 credits)
AC4408 Financial Reporting 2 (5 credits)
EC3007 Growth and Development in a Global Economy (5 credits)
EC4220 Strategic Economic Consultancy (5 credits)
EC4224 Innovation and Technology (5 credits)
FE4002 Global Food Policy (5 credits)
FE4206 International Food Retail Marketing (5 credits)
FE4450 International Food Business (5 credits)
GV4401 Global Governance (5 credits)
GV4415 Contemporary Debates in the EU (5 credits)
LW2102 Economic Law of the European Union (5 credits)
LW3311 Company Law (10 credits)
MG4034 Entrepreneurial Business Start-Ups (5 credits)
MG4042 International Brand Strategy (5 credits)
MG4043 International Marketing Management (5 credits)

* Students may take no more than 15 credits of elective Business modules in any semester. Students must discuss their electives with the Programme Director to align their choices with their career plans.

and modules to the value of 20 credits from the student's chosen Language pathway:

Chinese Studies

CH3018 Modern Chinese Language for International Business (10 credits)

and modules to the value of 10 credits to be taken from the following:
CH3107 The Sinosphere: China and "Chineseness" in Transnational Asian Politics, Culture (10 credits)
CH3108 Business and Globalisation in China (10 credits)
CH3304 Ethnicity, Class and Gender in China (10 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.


FR4101 Advanced Use of French (10 credits)

and modules to the value of 10 credits to be taken from the following:
FR4201 Literary Seminar II (5 credits)
FR4202 Structure and Varieties of Contemporary French (5 credits)
FR4306 France and Algeria: National Identity and the Burden of Memory (5 credits)
FR4310 Contemporary Caribbean Culture (5 credits)
FR4409 Translating Literature: Methods, Practices and Theories (5 credits)
FR4803 France at the Flicks: The Changing Face of French Cinema (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.


GE3801 Advanced Integrated German Language Course for Business Students (10 credits)
GE3807 Commercial Language: German (5 credits)

and modules to the value of 5 credits to be taken from the following:
GE3103 Linguistik II (5 credits)
GE3108 Teaching German as a Foreign Language (5 credits)
GE3139 Historical Connections: German-Irish Relations and Biographies (5 credits)
GE3142 Nietzsche für Alle und Keinen: The Philosopher as Artist (5 credits)
GE3150 Topographies and Fiction (5 credits)
GE3151 Migration, Multilingualism and Literature (5 credits)
GE3902 Language and Interpretation: The Philosophy of Making Sense (5 credits)
GE3904 The Double Face of Germany: Representing the Holocaust (5 credits)
LL3102 European Cultural Capitals (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Hispanic Studies

HS3001 Final Year Spanish Language (10 credits)

and modules to the value of 10 credits to be taken from the following:
HS3004 Translating Business, Culture and Society in the Hispanic World (5 credits)
HS3005 History and Society in Spanish Literature (5 credits)
HS3007 Aspects of Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (5 credits)
¹HS3008 Linguistic Aspects of Spanish as a Global Language (5 credits)
HS3019 Basque Cultural Studies II (5 credits)
²HS3022 Catalan Language III (5 credits)
HS3023 Catalan Cultural Studies (5 credits)
²HS3024 Galician Language II (5 credits)
HS3025 Galician Cultural Studies (5 credits)
HS3054 Gender, Violence and Power on the US-Mexico Border (5 credits)
HS3058 Human Rights, Memory and the Post-Dictatorship Generation in the Southern Cone (5 credits)
LL3102 European Cultural Capitals (5 credits)


  • Students may take only one of the following 5 credit language-learning modules, chosen from those that have not already been taken in Second Year: HS2019, HS2022, and HS2024 (5 credits per module).
  • ¹Students who wish to take HS3008 must have completed HS2026 in second year.
  • ²Students may only take one of the language modules (HS3022 and HS3024) provided the corresponding prerequisite Second Year language module (HS2022, HS2024) has been passed and only one of the related studies modules HS3019, HS3023, HS3025.

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.


GA3001 Úsáid agus Cruinneas na Gaeilge (10 credits)

and modules to the value of 10 credits to be taken from the following:
GA3003 Filíocht na Seachtú hAoise Déag (5 credits)
GA3004 Nuafhilíocht na Gaeilge (5 credits)
GA3007 Scéalaíocht na Nua-Ghaeilge (5 credits)
GA3008 An tÚrscéal sa Ghaeilge (5 credits)
GA3016 Filíocht na Nua-Ghaeilge Luaithe (5 credits)
GA3017 Léamh agus Litriú na Gaeilge (5 credits)
GA3023 Struchtúr na Gaeilge (5 credits)
GA3027 Próstéacsanna na Nua-Ghaeilge Luaithe (5 credits)
GA3029 Bunscileanna Aistriúcháin (5 credits)
GA3031 Filíocht na Sean- agus na Meán-Ghaeilge (5 credits)
GA3037 Na Dánta Grá (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.


IT3101 Advanced Italian Language (10 credits)
IT3103 Business Italian (5 credits)

and one module to the value of 5 credits to be takenn from the following:
IT3110 Introduction to Translation (Italian to English) (5 credits)
IT3205 Dante, Inferno (5 credits)
IT3307 Italian Women Writers (5 credits)
IT3312 Renaissance Virtues and Vices in Italian Early Modern Literature (5 credits)
IT3315 Italian Foodways: Culture, History, Identity (5 credits)
IT3316 Dante's Commedia: The Poetic Path to Paradise (5 credits)
IT3317 Cinematic Representations of the 'anni di piombo' (5 credits)
IT3318 Unearthly Narratives: Italian Tales of the Fantastic and Apocalyptic (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2025/2026 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2025/2026.

In addition to the General Regulations for passing the year, the following Special Requirements for Languages apply:

  • Chinese: To pass Year Four of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), students must pass CH3018 (10 credits) i.e. compensation does not apply.
  • French: To pass Year Four of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), students must pass FR4101 (10 credits).
  • German: To pass Year Four of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), students must pass GE3801 (10 credits).
  • Hispanic Studies: To pass Year Four of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), students must pass HS3001 (10 credits) i.e. compensation does not apply.
  • Irish: To pass Year Four of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), students must pass GA3001 (10 credits).
  • Italian: To pass Year Four of the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages), students must pass IT3101 (10 credits).

Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc (Hons) International Business with Languages (NFQ Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Communicate and work effectively to a professional standard;
  • Demonstrate analytical and problem-solving skills associated with effective practice;
  • Engage in the application of frameworks and techniques in organisational settings;
  • Communicate effectively in their chosen language;
  • Demonstrate an appreciation of the culture and business environment in an international context.

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