Programme Requirements
Students take 90 credits in total:
Year 1
Students take core modules to the value of 30 credits as follows:
MH6005 Principles of Human Learning; What is Known (10 credits)
MH6006 Assessment of and for Learning (10 credits)
MH6008 Research Methods (10 credits)
*Note: MH6013 commences in the third semester at the end of Year 1
when the Outline Research Proposal and Ethics Application is made.
Year 2
Students take core modules to the value of 10 credits as follows:
MH6007 Tools for Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) (10 credits)
elective modules to the value of 20 credits from the following:
MH6009 Educational Design (10 credits)
MH6010 Procedure Skills and Simulation Based Assessment and Learning (10 credits)
MH6011 Summer School - Simulation Applied 1 (10 credits)
MH6012 Simulation Curriculum Design (10 credits)
*MH6013 Dissertation in Technology Enhanced Learning for Health (30 credits)
Module Semester Information may be found here.
Descriptions may be found here.
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be
contained in the Marks and Standards 2021/2022 Book and for each module in the
Book of Modules, 2021/2022.
See also General Regulations for the Degree of Master.