
MSc (Supply Chain Management - Lean SCM Black Belt)

NFQ Level 9, Major Award

Note: Entry to the MSc (Supply Chain Management - Lean SCM Black Belt) programme is only via the Postgraduate Diploma in Supply Chain Management - Lean SCM Black Belt.

Note: Every effort has been made to ensure that the programme and module content as described in the University's Calendar and Book of Modules for the 2021-22 academic year are accurate. However, due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, no guarantee is given that programme/module content, delivery and assessment may not be altered, cancelled, replaced, augmented or otherwise amended. Any changes will ensure the same competencies and Learning Outcomes are met. Programme and/or Module Coordinators will communicate any such changes to students.

The MSc (Supply Chain Management - Lean SCM Black Belt) is a part-time programme running for 6 months from the date of first registration for the programme.

Students complete and submit a 12,000 - 15,000 word dissertation which will be supported by a seminar series. Depending on the area of research a student will register for one of the following 30 credit modules: MG6205, FE6202, IS6402, under the supervision of an academic in one of the following departments: Management and Marketing; Food Business and Development; Accounting, Finance and Information Systems.

See also General Regulations for the Degree of Master.

Programme Learning Outcomes for MSc Supply Chain Management - Lean SCM BlackBelt (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Communicate and work effectively to a high professional standard;
  • Demonstrate advanced analytical and problem solving skills associated with effective practice;
  • Engage in advanced application of frameworks and techniques in organizational settings;
  • Demonstrate advanced analytical skills and leadership competency that are useful in addressing key challenges facing leaders (at various levels) within organisations and along supply chains;
  • Demonstrate research proficiency.

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