
MSc (Finance (Banking and Risk Management))

NFQ Level 9, Major Award

Note: Every effort has been made to ensure that the programme and module content as described in the University's Calendar and Book of Modules for the 2021-22 academic year are accurate. However, due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, no guarantee is given that programme/module content, delivery and assessment may not be altered, cancelled, replaced, augmented or otherwise amended. Any changes will ensure the same competencies and Learning Outcomes are met. Programme and/or Module Coordinators will communicate any such changes to students.

The MSc (Finance (Banking and Risk Management)) may be taken full-time over one year (12 months) or part-time over 2 years (24 months) from the date of first registration for the programme.

The programme is taken in two parts as set out below. Part 1 consists of a combination of examinations and coursework in a set of specified taught modules to the value of 60 credits. Part 2 consists of a dissertation (max. 8,000 words) to the value of 30 credits.


Students take 90 credits as follows:

Part 1
EC6001 Macroeconomics for Financial Markets (5 credits)
EC6002 Financial Institutions and Money Markets (5 credits)
EC6003 International Finance (5 credits)
EC6009 Research Methods (5 credits)
EC6046 Fund Management and Evaluation (5 credits)
EC6062 Applied Econometrics (5 credits)
EC6063 Applied Time Series Analysis (5 credits)
FI6001 Treasury Risk Management (5 credits)
FI6002 Regulation and Compliance in Capital Markets (5 credits)
FI6004 Analysis of Debt Instruments (5 credits)
FI6005 Equity Valuation (5 credits)
plus either
FI6003 Asset Pricing and Allocation (5 credits)
EC6005 Derivatives Securities (5 credits)

Part 2
EC6010 Dissertation in Financial Economics (30 credits)
Students must present the dissertation by the third Friday in August of the academic year, following completion of Part 1.

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

The MSc (Finance (Banking and Risk Management)) programme may be taken part-time over two years as follows:

Year 1 - Part 1:
EC6001 (5 credits); EC6002 (5 credits); EC6003 (5 credits); FI6004 (5 credits); FI6005 (5 credits); and either FI6002 (5 credits) or EC6005 (5 credits).

Year 2 - Part 1:
FI6001 (5 credits); EC6009 (5 credits); FI6003 (5 credits); EC6046 (5 credits); EC6062 (5 credits) and EC6063 (5 credits).

Year 2 - Part 2:
EC6010 Dissertation in Financial Economics (30 credits)

Exit award: Postgraduate Diploma in Finance (Banking and Risk Management) (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
A Postgraduate Diploma in Finance (Banking and Risk Management) may be awarded to a candidate who achieves the pass standard in Part 1 but does not wish to proceed to Part 2 or does not achieve the pass standard in Part 2.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2021/2022 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2021/2022.

See also General Regulations for the Degree of Master.

Programme Learning Outcomes for MSc (Finance (Banking and Risk Management)) (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Communicate and work effectively to a high professional standard;
  • Demonstrate advanced analytical and problem solving skills associated with effective practice;
  • Engage in advanced application of frameworks and techniques in organistaional settings;
  • Design and undertake independent research and analysis to be written up in a succinct and readable manner;
  • Be globally aware and locally engaged.

Programme Learning Outcomes for Postgraduate Diploma in Finance (Banking and Risk Management) (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme students should be able to:

  • Communicate and work effectively to a high professional standard;
  • Demonstrate advanced analytical and problem solving skills associated with effective practice;
  • Engage in advanced application of frameworks and techniques in organistaional settings;
  • Design and undertake independent research and analysis to be written up in a succinct and readable manner;
  • Be globally aware and locally engaged.

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