(Joint Degree Between University College Cork and Munster Technological University)
In order to be admitted to the First University Examination in Architecture, a student must have satisfactorily attended, subsequent to entry to the programme, prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits as follows:
AT1001 Design Studio I (15 credits)
AT1003 Construction, Materials and Structures I (5 credits)
AT1004 History and Theory of Architecture 1: Ancient Greece to
Michelangelo (5 credits)
AT1005 Design Studio 2 (15 credits)
AT1006 Construction, Materials and Structures 2 (5 credits)
AT1008 History and Theory of Architecture 2: Baroque to
Post-Modernity (5 credits)
AT1009 Applied Technology Studio 1 (5 credits)
AT1010 Applied Technology Studio 2 (5 credits)
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2021/2022 Book, and for
each module in the Book of Modules, 2021/2022.
No student may register for Second Year until he/she has passed the First University Examination in Architecture. In order to be admitted to the Second University Examination in Architecture, a student must have satisfactorily attended, subsequent to passing the First University Examination in Architecture, prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits as follows:
AT2001 Design Studio 3 (15 credits)
AT2002 Applied Technology Studio 3 (5 credits)
AT2003 Construction, Materials and Structure 3 (5 credits)
AT2004 History and Theory of Architecture 3: How we live and
How we might live: Modernity and Housing (5 credits)
AT2005 Design Studio 4 (15 credits)
AT2006 Environmental Design I (5 credits)
AT2007 Applied Technology Studio 4 (5 credits)
AT2008 History and Theory of Architecture 4: Contemporary
Architecture: Themes, Ideas and Techniques (5 credits)
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2021/2022 Book, and for
each module in the Book of Modules, 2021/2022.
No student may register for Third Year until he/she has passed the Second University Examination in Architecture. In order to be admitted to the Third University Examination in Architecture, a student must have satisfactorily attended, subsequent to passing the Second University Examination in Architecture, prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits as follows:
AT3001 Design Studio 5 (15 credits)
AT3002 Conservation: Theory and Practice (5 credits)
AT3003 Applied Technology Studio 5 (5 credits)
AT3004 History and Theory of Architecture 5: Landscape (5
AT3005 Design Studio 6 (15 credits)
AT3006 Environmental Design II (5 credits)
AT3007 Applied Technology Studio 6 (5 credits)
AT3008 History and Theory of Architecture 6: Urbs and Civitas:
The City and its Cultures (5 credits)
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2021/2022 Book, and for
each module in the Book of Modules, 2021/2022.
No student may register for Fourth Year until he/she has passed the Third University Examination in Architecture. In order to be admitted to the BSc (Hons) (Architecture) Degree Examination, a student must have satisfactorily pursued, subsequent to passing the Third University Examination in Architecture, modules to the value of 60 credits as follows:
AT4002 Dissertation I (5 credits)
AT4003 Architectural Technology: Current Practice (5 credits)
AT4004 Design Studio 8 (15 credits)
AT4005 Dissertation 2 (10 credits)
AT4006 Professional Practice and Management (Architecture) (5
AT4007 Architectural Technology 2: Design
Integration (5 credits)
AT4008 Design Studio 7 (Architecture) (15 credits)
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2021/2022 Book, and for
each module in the Book of Modules, 2021/2022.
Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc (Hons) (Architecture)
(NFQ Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able