No student may register for Fourth Arts Economics)
(International) Pathway until s/he has passed the Third University
Examination in Arts (Economics) (International
Pathway). The selection of any module is conditional on the Professor
or Lecturer concerned and the College being satisfied that a student
is capable of profiting by attendance thereat. Students may not select
modules which involve a timetable clash.
In Fourth Arts (Economics) (International) Pathway,
students take a Single Subject Degree consisting of modules to the value of 60 credits in Economics. See here
for programme requirements (students follow the same curriculum as
students taking Third Arts (Economics)).
Module Semester Information may be found here.
Descriptions may be found here.
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be
contained in the Marks and Standards 2021/2022 Book, and for each module in the
Book of Modules, 2021/2022.