Core Modules:
Students take core modules to the value of 30 credits as follows:
LW6541 Electronic Commerce Law (10 credits)
LW6560 Law of Cybercrime (10 credits)
LW6574 Intellectual Property and Internet Regulation (10 credits)
LLM (Intellectual Property and e-Law)/Postgraduate Diploma in Law (Intellectual Property and e-Law) Candidates who successfully complete the Postgraduate Certificate Law and Technology may undertake the LLM (Intellectual Property and e-Law) or the Postgraduate Diploma in Law (Intellectual Property and e-Law).
Module Semester Information may be found here.
Module descriptions may be found here.
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2020/2021 Book and for
each module in the Book of Modules, 2020/2021.