Students take 90 credits as
Part I
HA6006 Theory for Art History (10 credits)
HA6007 Modern Art and Modernity (10 credits)
HA6009 Contemporary Art (10 credits)
HA6010 Literature Review (Directed Study/Supervised Research)
(5 credits) (not on offer in 2020/21)
HA6021 Early Modernisms and the Experience of
Modernity (10 credits) (not on offer in 2020/21)
Part II
HA6011 History of Art Dissertation (45 credits) (not on offer in 2020/21)
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be
contained in the Marks and Standards 2020/2021 Book and for each module in the
Book of Modules, 2020/2021.
Postgraduate Certificate in Modern and
Contemporary Art History, Theory and Criticism
Students passing modules to the value of at least 30 credits and
achieving an aggregate of 40 per cent across modules to the value of
45 credits in Part I may opt to exit the programme and be awarded a
Postgraduate Certificate in History of Modern and Contemporary Art
History, Theory and Criticism.