NOTE: This programme has been revised. Students who entered the programme prior to 2018/19 follow the curriculum detailed below. Students entering from 2018/19 follow the curriculum detailed here.
This is a four-year, (four and a half years in the case of CK712), full-time undergraduate registration programme, leading to the award of a BSc (Hons).
Students must take modules specific to General Nursing or Children's and General (Integrated) Nursing or Intellectual Disability Nursing or Mental Health Nursing in order to register in the relevant division(s).
Repeat Year Arrangements
Students who entered the programme prior to 2018/19 and are required
subsequently to repeat one or more modules in a repeat year will do
so under the revised curriculum and associated regulations (detailed
here). In the event that a student fails
one or more modules that are not available in the repeat year, special
repeat arrangements will be made for that student. This may entail
studying new material (not previously covered in the old curriculum)
in the repeat year, as part or whole substitution for the module(s)
failed, and/or may require students to take equivalent credits in the
repeat year and/or subsequent years. A similar arrangement will apply
for students who take a year or more leave of absence.
Two Year Rule
Students of Nursing must pass/progress within two academic years of
first registration for each year of the programme, otherwise they
cannot continue in the programme. After failing a resit examination,
students may be allowed to repeat the year. Any individual year can be
repeated only once, however, a maximum of two failed years may be
repeated during a student's programme of studies. Thus, students
taking the General, Intellectual Disability and Mental Health Nursing
pathways must complete their studies ordinarily within six years of
registering for the First Year of the BSc (Hons) Nursing Degree
programme. For the BSc Children's and General (Integrated) Nursing
pathway, students must complete their studies ordinarily within six
and a half years of registering for the First Year of this programme.
Note: A student on the General, Mental Health and Intellectual
Disability pathways may not graduate without achieving a pass in the
Fourth University Examination and a pass in the relevant Part B
module. A student on the Children's and General (Integrated) pathway
may not graduate without achieving a pass in the Fifth University
Examination involving a practice module.
Applicants who are under 23 years of age
must satisfy the minimum entry requirements of the College of Medicine
and Health as set out here.
Entry on the Grounds of Mature Years
Applicants who have not satisfied the minimum entry requirements
may, on the recommendation of the College, be considered for
admission on the grounds of mature years (see the
"Admission to Undergraduate
Programmes" section of the University Calendar).
Garda Vetting and Health Clearance
All students entering programmes in the College of Medicine and
Health will be working with vulnerable people in clinical areas during
their time in UCC. Most of these clinical areas will be under the
ownership and authority of the Health Services Executive (HSE). As per
legal requirements, the HSE, the Private and Voluntary Hospitals and
COPE Foundation require all students working within their organisation
to obtain Garda Clearance.
For all BSc (Hons) Nursing and BSc (Hons) Midwifery Degree programmes, students undertaking CK710, CK712, CK720, CK730 and CK740: students are required to do the following before their registration for their chosen BSc programme is finalised and for continued access to a clinical placement area:
* Entry to year two of the programme is also contingent on completion of the prescribed occupational health vaccination programme. In addition, continued occupational health clearance is a requirement for accessing clinical placements.
In view of the long lead time required to obtain Garda clearance, particularly in relation to non-European Union countries, applicants are strongly advised to begin seeking police clearance from jurisdictions outside of Ireland on receipt of confirmation of a place on the BSc (Hons) Nursing programme. Click here to view UCC's Student Garda Vetting Policy.
Fitness to Practise
This programme is subject to the University's Fitness to Practise
Policy - full details may be found here.
Students who have undertaken relevant studies may be exempt from
particular modules. This will be at the discretion of the Head of the
School of Nursing and Midwifery, and subject to the approval of the
College of Medicine and Health.
The programme is defined in terms of modules, which are measured in
terms of credits. A module may correspond to 5, 10, 15 or 20 credits.
Each year of the degree programme consists of modules to a total value of
60 credits.
BSc (Hons) Nursing First Year students repeating in 2020/21, please see entry for revised programme.
BSc (Hons) Nursing Second Year students repeating in 2020/21, please see entry for revised programme.
BSc (Hons) Nursing Third Year students repeating in 2020/21, please see entry for revised programme.
A student may not register for the Fourth Year of the programme until the Third University Examination in Nursing and the relevant Part B module have been passed. In order to be admitted to the Fourth University Examination in Nursing, each student must have attended theory modules in Part A to the value of 45 (or 50 credits for Children's and General (Integrated) Nursing) and a Practice Module in Part B to the value of 15 credits (or 10 credits for Children's and General (Integrated) Nursing) as follows:
For General and Intellectual Disability Nursing:
Part A
NU4073 Research for Evidence Based Nursing and Midwifery
Care (10 credits)
NU4074 The Profession and Discipline of Nursing: including
Ethics, Legal Issues, Equality and Professional Practice (10 credits)
NU4076 Professional Development and Nurses as Team
Members, Leaders and Managers of the Future (5 credits)
plus modules to the value of 15 credits from the chosen area of specialisation as follows:
General Nursing
NU4077 Detect Deterioration, Accurate Assessment, Rapid Response, and Effective Escalation) Patient Safety Programme (DARE²) (10 credits)
NU4078 Communication Skills and Personal Well-Being
for Nursing Practice (5 credits)
Intellectual Disability Nursing
NU4067 Therapeutic Interpersonal Skills for
Intellectual Disability Nursing Practice (5 credits)
NU4068 Valuing People with Intellectual Disabilities
and their Families across the Lifespan (10 Credits)
For Mental Health Nursing:
Part A
NU4073 Research for Evidence Based Nursing and Midwifery Care (10 credits)
plus modules to the value of 30 credits from the chosen area of specialisation as follows:
Mental Health Nursing
NU4057 Recovery - Working with Vulnerable Populations (10 credits)
NU4058 Leadership and Therapeutic Team Working Skills in a Mental Health Setting (10 credits)
NU4089 The Profession and Discipline of Mental Health Nursing (10 credits)
plus 5 credits from the following:
General Nursing
IP3008 Palliative Care: An Interdisciplinary Approach (5 credits)
NU4018 Nursing Science (5 credits)
NU4025 Health Care Informatics for Nursing and Midwifery (5 credits)
NU4034 Complementary Therapies in Healthcare (5 credits)
NU4037 Wound Management (5 credits)
NU4041 Ethical and Legal Decision Making at the End of Life (5 credits)
*NU4114 Personal and Professional Development in Nursing and Midwifery (5 credits)
SC4001 Sociology of Health: Contemporary Debates and
Holistic Healthcare for the 21st Century (5 credits)
Intellectual Disability Nursing
IP3008 Palliative Care: An Interdisciplinary Approach (5 credits)
NU4018 Nursing Science (5 credits)
NU4025 Health Care Informatics for Nursing and
Midwifery (5 credits)
NU4034 Complementary Therapies in Healthcare (5 credits)
NU4037 Wound Management (5 credits)
NU4041 Ethical and Legal Decision Making at the End of Life (5 credits)
*NU4114 Personal and Professional Development in Nursing and Midwifery (5 credits)
SC4001 Sociology of Health: Contemporary Debates and
Holistic Healthcare for the 21st Century (5 credits)
Mental Health Nursing
IP3008 Palliative Care: An Interdisciplinary Approach (5 credits)
NU4018 Nursing Science (5 credits)
NU4025 Health Care Informatics for Nursing and
Midwifery (5 credits)
NU4034 Complementary Therapies in Healthcare (5 credits)
NU4041 Ethical and Legal Decision Making at the End of Life (5 credits)
*NU4114 Personal and Professional Development in Nursing and Midwifery (5 credits)
SC4001 Sociology of Health: Contemporary Debates and
Holistic Healthcare for the 21st Century (5 credits)
Note: * Students intending to select NU4114 should seek the prior approval of the School of Nursing and Midwifery.
For Children's and General (Integrated) Nursing:
Part A
NU4062 Nursing Children, Adolescents and their
Families with Acute and Continuing Care Needs II (5 credits)
NU4073 Research for Evidence Based Nursing and Midwifery
Care (10 credits)
NU4074 The Profession and Discipline of Nursing: including
Ethics, Legal Issues, Equality and Professional Practice (10 credits)
NU4076 Professional Development and Nurses as Team
Members, Leaders and Managers of the Future (5 credits)
NU4077 Detect Deterioration, Accurate Assessment, Rapid Response,
and Effective Escalation) Patient Safety Programme (DARE²) (10 credits)
NU4085 Nursing Individuals through the Lifecycle with
Disabilities or Mental Health Needs (5 credits)
NU4086 Nursing Management of Seriously Ill Children,
Adolescents and Adults (5 credits)
Part B
General Nursing
NU4087 General Nursing Practice (15 credits)
Children's and General (Integrated) Nursing
NU4083 Children's and General Nursing Clinical Practice (10 credits)
Intellectual Disability Nursing
NU4069 Intellectual Disability Nursing Practice (15 credits)
Mental Health Nursing
NU4094 Skilled Mental Health Nursing Practice (15 credits)
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be
contained in the Marks and Standards 2020/2021 Book and for each module in the
Book of Modules, 2020/2021.
The BSc (Hons) Health Studies is an honours bachelors' degree pathway
for students who do not satisfy the pass standard for the placement
module Part B Practice module in the chosen area of
specialisation (NU4069, NU4083, NU4087 or NU4094).
For students who do not pass the Part B Practice module for Year 4 of
the BSc (Hons) Nursing either at the first Examinations or at the
first attempt in a Repeat year, the student will re-register for the
non-clinical BSc (Hons) Health Studies. This pathway does not
confer eligibility to practice as a Registered Nurse. To
complete the BSc Health Studies, a student must pass all Part A
modules for the fourth-year BSc Nursing Examinations and achieve a
pass in the Part B independent study module NU4091
(15 credits) or NU4080 (10 credits for Children's and General
(Integrated) Nursing). Programme
requirements are outlined below:
Leading to: NFQ Level 8, Major Award - BSc (Hons) Health Studies
A student may not register for the Fourth Year of the programme until the Third University Examination in Nursing and the relevant Part B module have been passed.
In order to be admitted to the Fourth University Examination in Health Studies, each student must have attended theory modules in Part A to the value of 45 (or 50 credits for Children's and General (Integrated) Nursing) and an Independent Study Module in Part B to the value of 15 credits (or 10 credits for Children's and General (Integrated) Nursing) as follows:
For Children's and General (Integrated) Nursing:
Part A
NU4062 Nursing Children, Adolescents and their
Families with Acute and Continuing Care Needs II (5 credits)
NU4073 Research for Evidence Based Nursing and Midwifery
Care (10 credits)
NU4074 The Profession and Discipline of Nursing: including
Ethics, Legal Issues, Equality and Professional Practice (10 credits)
NU4076 Professional Development and Nurses as Team
Members, Leaders and Managers of the Future (5 credits)
NU4077 Detect Deterioration, Accurate Assessment, Rapid Response,
and Effective Escalation) Patient Safety Programme (DARE²) (10 credits)
NU4085 Nursing Individuals through the Lifecycle with
Disabilities or Mental Health Needs (5 credits)
NU4086 Nursing Management of Seriously Ill Children,
Adolescents and Adults (5 credits)
For General and Intellectual Disability Nursing:
Part A
NU4073 Research for Evidence Based Nursing and Midwifery
Care (10 credits)
NU4074 The Profession and Discipline of Nursing: including
Ethics, Legal Issues, Equality and Professional Practice (10 credits)
NU4076 Professional Development and Nurses as Team
Members, Leaders and Managers of the Future (5 credits)
plus modules to the value of 15 credits from the chosen area of specialisation as follows:
General Nursing
NU4077 Detect Deterioration, Accurate Assessment, Rapid
Response, and Effective Escalation) Patient Safety Programme
(DARE²) (10 credits)
NU4078 Communication Skills and Personal Well-Being
for Nursing Practice (5 credits)
Intellectual Disability Nursing
NU4067 Therapeutic Interpersonal Skills for
Intellectual Disability Nursing Practice (5 credits)
NU4068 Valuing People with Intellectual Disabilities
and their Families across the Lifespan (10 Credits)
For Mental Health Nursing:
Part A
NU4073 Research for Evidence Based Nursing and
Midwifery Care (10 credits)
plus modules to the value of 30 credits from the chosen area of specialisation as follows:
Mental Health Nursing
NU4057 Recovery - Working with Vulnerable Populations (10 credits)
NU4058 Leadership and Therapeutic Team Working Skills in a Mental Health Setting (10 credits)
NU4089 The Profession and Discipline of Mental Health Nursing (10 credits)
plus 5 credits from the following:
General Nursing
NU4018 Nursing Science (5 credits)
NU4025 Health Care Informatics for Nursing and Midwifery (5 credits)
NU4034 Complementary Therapies in Healthcare (5 credits)
NU4037 Wound Management (5 credits)
NU4041 Ethical and Legal Decision Making at the End
of Life (5 credits)
SC4001 Sociology of Health: Contemporary Debates and
Holistic Healthcare for the 21st Century (5 credits)
General Nursing
Part B
Health Studies
NU4091 Independent Study in Health Studies (15 credits)
Children's and General (Integrated) Nursing
Part B
Health Studies
NU4080 Independent Study in Health Studies (Children's and General (Integrated) Nursing) (10 credits)
Intellectual Disability Nursing
NU4018 Nursing Science (5 credits)
NU4025 Health Care Informatics for Nursing and
Midwifery (5 credits)
NU4034 Complementary Therapies in Healthcare (5
NU4037 Wound Management (5 credits)
NU4041 Ethical and Legal Decision Making at the End
of Life (5 credits)
SC4001 Sociology of Health: Contemporary Debates and
Holistic Healthcare for the 21st Century (5 credits)
Part B
Health Studies
NU4091 Independent Study in Health Studies (15 credits)
Mental Health Nursing
NU4018 Nursing Science (5 credits)
NU4025 Health Care Informatics for Nursing and
Midwifery (5 credits)
NU4034 Complementary Therapies in Healthcare (5 credits)
NU4041 Ethical and Legal Decision Making at the End
of Life (5 credits)
SC4001 Sociology of Health: Contemporary Debates and
Holistic Healthcare for the 21st Century (5 credits)
Part B
Health Studies
NU4091 Independent Study in Health Studies (15 credits)
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be
contained in the Marks and Standards 2020/2021 Book and for each module in the
Book of Modules, 2020/2021.
Children's and General (Integrated) Nursing Practice
A student on the Children's and General (Integrated) pathway may not graduate without achieving a pass in the Fifth University Examination involving a practice module. Students take 20 credits as follows:
NU5075 Children's and General Nursing Practice (20 credits)
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.ALTERNATIVE PATHWAY FOR STUDENTS NOT COMPLETING FIFTH UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION IN NURSING
Leading to: NFQ Level 8, Major Award - BSc (Hons) Health Studies
The BSc (Hons) Health Studies is an honours bachelors' degree pathway for students who do not satisfy the pass standard for the placement module Part B Practice module in the chosen area of specialisation (NU5075). For BSc Nursing Children's and General (Integrated) students who do not pass the Part B Practice module for Year 5 of the BSc (Hons) Nursing either at the first Examinations or at the first attempt in a Repeat year, the student will re-register for the non-clinical BSc (Hons) Health Studies. This pathway does not confer eligibility to practice as a Registered Nurse. To complete the BSc Health Studies, a student must pass all Part A modules for the fourth-year BSc Nursing Examinations and achieve a pass in the Part B independent study module NU5078 Independent Study in Health Studies (20 credits). Programme requirements are outlined below:
NU5078 Independent Study in Health Studies (20 credits)
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.Students who complete the Part B Study Module are required to exit the programme with a BSc (Hon) Health Studies (Level 8) award.
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be
contained in the Marks and Standards 2020/2021 Book and for each module in the
Book of Modules, 2020/2021.
Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc (Hons) (Nursing)
(NFQ Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able
Programme Learning Outcomes for Diploma in Health Studies (NFQ
Level 6, Minor Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able
Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc (Ordinary) (Health Studies)
(NFQ Level 7, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able
Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc (Hons) (Health Studies) (NFQ
Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able