NOTE: From 2018/19 First Year CK120 – BA (Hons) (Applied Psychology) will consist of 60 credits of Applied Psychology modules. It will no longer be possible to take 30 credits of Applied Psychology with two other subjects from First Arts. As a result of these changes to First Year Applied Psychology, there will be changes in content of Second Year Applied Psychology from 2019/20 and in content of Third Year Applied Psychology from 2020/21.
This three-year BA (Hons) programme focuses on the study of Applied Psychology and is recognised for graduate membership by the Psychological Society of Ireland.
To be eligible for the award of the BA (Hons) degree a student will be required to have achieved 180 credits by obtaining 60 credits in each of First, Second, and Third Arts (Applied Psychology). A student may not register for more than 60 credits in one academic year.
Students take 60 credits as follows:
AP1039 (10 credits), AP1025, AP1030, AP1031, AP1032, AP1033, AP1035, AP1036, AP1037, AP1038, AP1040 (5 credits per module).
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be
contained in the Marks and Standards 2020/2021 Book, and for each module in the
Book of Modules, 2020/2021.
Three Year Rule
Students must pass the First University Examination in Arts (Applied
Psychology) within three academic years from the date of first
registration for First Year. Failure to comply with this rule means
that the student will be ineligible to proceed further with his/her
studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the College of
Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, only for very serious
Students repeating First Year from 2018/19 onwards
A student who repeats the first year of the programme must pass and progress in accordance with university rules, as well as selecting from modules available in the repeat year which may differ from those available in an earlier attempt year. Where a student has been granted exemptions due to having passed module(s) in an earlier attempt year, an exemption in any particular module is relevant to the repeat year only where that module is included in the current prescribed programme. Students repeating first year from 2018/19 onwards may be required to take new modules as prescribed by the School. In some instances, modules may potentially carry different credit weightings and content compared to an earlier attempt year.
No student may register for Second (Applied Psychology) until he/she has passed the First University Examination in Arts (Applied Psychology).
Students take 60 credits as follows:
AP2041, AP2042, AP2043, AP2044, AP2045, AP2046, AP2047, AP2048, AP2049 (5 credits per module), AP2050 (15 credits).
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be
contained in the Marks and Standards 2020/2021 Book, and for each module in the
Book of Modules, 2020/2021.
Three Year Rule
Students must pass the Second University Examinations in Arts
(Applied Psychology) within three academic years from the date of
first registration for Second Year. Failure to comply with this rule
means that the student will be ineligible to proceed further with
his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the College
of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, only for very serious
Students repeating Second Year from 2019/20 onwards
A student who repeats the second year of the programme must pass and progress in accordance with university rules, as well as selecting from modules available in the repeat year which may differ from those available in an earlier attempt year. Where a student has been granted exemptions due to having passed module(s) in an earlier attempt year, an exemption in any particular module is relevant to the repeat year only where that module is included in the current prescribed programme. Students repeating second year from 2019/20 onwards may be required to take new modules as prescribed by the School. In some instances, modules may potentially carry different credit weightings and content compared to an earlier attempt year.
No student may register for Third Arts (Applied Psychology) until he/she has passed the Second University Examination in Arts (Applied Psychology). Students may not select modules which involve a timetable clash.
Students wishing to register a change of module must do so via the Student Portal no later than two weeks after the start of each Semester, i.e. by Friday, 9 October 2020 (Semester 1) or Friday, 5 February 2021 (Semester 2). Semester 1 modules cannot be changed in Semester 2. No changes in registration will be allowed after these deadlines.
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Students take 45 credits as follows:
AP3117 (20 credits), AP3112, AP3116, AP3118, AP3119, AP3120 (5 credits per module)
plus 15 credits from the following:
AN4009, AN4012, AP3121, AP3122, AP3123, AP3125, AP3126 (5 credits)
Module Semester Information may be found here.
Descriptions may be found here.
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be
contained in the Marks and Standards 2020/2021 Book, and for each module in the
Book of Modules, 2020/2021.
Three Year Rule
Students must pass the Third University Examinations in Arts (Applied
Psychology) within three academic years from the date of first
registration for Third Year. Failure to comply with this rule means
that the student will be ineligible to proceed further with his/her
studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the College of
Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, only for very serious reasons.
Students repeating Third Year from 2020/21 onwards
A student who repeats the third year of the programme must pass and progress in accordance with university rules, as well as selecting from modules available in the repeat year which may differ from those available in an earlier attempt year. Where a student has been granted exemptions due to having passed module(s) in an earlier attempt year, an exemption in any particular module is relevant to the repeat year only where that module is included in the current prescribed programme. Students repeating third year from 2020/21 onwards may be required to take new modules as prescribed by the School. In some instances, modules may potentially carry different credit weightings and content compared to an earlier attempt year.