The BA (Hons) (Film and Screen Media) (International) Pathway is a four-year, full-time honours degree programme. Applicants for this programme must fulfil the minimum entry requirements (see here).
In First Arts (Film and Screen Media) students take Film and Screen Media (30 credits) together with two other subjects (15 credits) each from those listed here. See here for programme requirements.
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2020/2021 Book, and
for each module in the Book of Modules, 2020/2021.
Three Year Rule
Students must pass the First University Examination in Arts (Film and
Screen Media) within three academic years from the date of first
registration for First Year. Failure to comply with this rule means
that the student will be ineligible to proceed further with his/her
studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the College of
Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, only for very serious
Students who wish to take the Second Arts (Film and Screen Media) (International) Pathway register for the pathway at the beginning of Second Year. No student may register for Second Arts (Film and Screen Media) (International) Pathway until s/he has passed the First University Examination in Arts (Film and Screen Media). The selection of any module is conditional on the Professor or Lecturer concerned and the College being satisfied that a student is capable of profiting by attendance thereat. Students may not select modules which involve a timetable clash.
In Second Arts (Film and Screen Media) (International) Pathway, students take 40 credits of Film and Screen Media plus 20 credits of one other subject continued from First Year. See here for programme requirements except for Italian which is listed below.
20-credit Subject
Students take 20 credits as follows:
IT2101 (10 credits), IT2105 (5 credits)
plus 5 credits from:
IT2304, IT2306, IT2309, IT2310, IT2311 (5 credits per module).
Note: In addition to the general regulations for passing the year, students must pass IT2101.
Change of Module
Students wishing to register a change of module must do so via the Student Portal no later than two weeks after the start of each Semester, i.e. by Friday, 9 October 2020 (Semester 1) or Friday, 5 February 2021 (Semester 2). Semester 1 modules cannot be changed in Semester 2. No changes in registration will be allowed after these deadlines.
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2020/2021 Book, and
for each module in the Book of Modules, 2020/2021.
Three Year Rule
Students must pass the Second University Examination in Arts (Film and
Screen Media) (International) Pathway within three academic years from
the date of first registration for Second Year. Failure to comply with
this rule means that the student will be ineligible to proceed further
with his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the
College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, only for very
serious reasons.
2020-21: Due to the exceptional circumstances, Options 2 and 3 below relate to the academic year 2020/21 only.
Students can complete the Third Year of BA Hons Film and Screen Media (International) Pathway by choosing one of the following options:
1. Students spend the Third Year Abroad
2. Students spend the Third Year at UCC
3. Students spend One Semester Abroad and One Semester at UCC
Students are reminded that if they wish to transfer from the BA Hons Arts-Film and Screen Media (International) Pathway to the BA – Hons Arts-Film and Screen Media CK105, they may do so at the start of Semester 1 by submitting a transfer application to the Office of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Social Sciences. Transfers are not available for students in European Studies.
1. Students spending Third Year Abroad
Third Arts (Film and Screen Media) (International) Pathway is spent
in an approved foreign university where students will study approved
courses/modules to the equivalent value of 60 credits. All courses
will be assessed by the approved Host University.
2. Students spending Third Year in UCC
In Third Arts-Film and Screen Media (International) students continue with their two chosen subjects from Second Arts-Film and Screen Media (International), taking the same credit weightings for each subject as in Second Arts-Film and Screen Media (International). Students must take a total of 60 credits for the Year in agreement with their Departments and Programme Director.
The following subjects have special requirements:
Students taking European Studies either combine 30 credits of European Studies with 30 credits of their chosen Language(s) or subject to complete a Joint Subject degree. Alternatively, students take 30 credits of European Studies with 20 credits in their major language and 10 credits in their minor language continued from Second Year.
Students must take two core modules to the value of 15 credits:
FR3001 French Language Skills (5 credits)
LL3007 Researching Across Borders and Languages: Independent Study (10 credits)
Students may choose their remaining credits from Second Year modules not already taken in consultation with the department and subject to the approval of the Programme Director.
Students take one core module to the value of 5 credits:
GE3004 German Language Skills (5 credits)
Students may choose their remaining credits from Second Year modules not already taken and Final Year modules in consultation with the department and subject to the approval of the Programme Director.
Students take two core modules to the value of 10 credits:
IT2401 Minor Dissertation (5 credits)
IT3104 Lower Advanced Italian Language (5 credits)
They may choose their remaining credits from Second Year and Final Year options within the department and the school. Choices are subject to the approval of the Programme Director in consultation with coordinators within the department.
Students take one core module to the value of 5 credits:
HS3016 Spanish Language Skills (5 credits)
They may choose their remaining credits from Second Year and Final Year options within the department and the school. Choices are subject to the approval of the Programme Director in consultation with coordinators within the department.
Students take one core module to the value of 10 credits:
CH3021 Chinese Language (Mandarin) Level 2.5 (10 credits)
They may choose their remaining credits from Second Year and Final Year options within the department and the school. Choices are subject to the approval of the Programme Director in consultation with coordinators within the department.
Note: No electives may be repeated from Second Year Modules (i.e. if these modules have already been taken), or if modules are chosen from Final Year, they may not be taken again in the future.
3. Students spending One Semester Abroad and One Semester in UCC
In some instances, students may complete one semester in UCC and one semester abroad taking a total of 60 credits for the year, in agreement with the Programme Director.
This option is available to students (1) who are unable to travel to their host university as a result of Covid-19 or (2) whose host university is no longer able to accept international students as a result of Covid-19.
Note: Students studying in UCC in Semester 2 may not select modules for which they do not have the relevant pre- and co- requisites.
As is the case for students who travel abroad for Semester 1, students remaining in UCC will take modules agreed with their Departments and their Programme Director. The following subjects have special requirements:
Where students spend one semester in UCC they will be required to take modules to the value of 30 credits. These must be agreed with the relevant Department and the Programme Director.
The following subjects have core modules in Semester 1:
Students must take one core module to the value of 5 credits:
FR3001 French Language Skills (5 credits)
Students may choose their remaining credits from Second Year module options within the Department and the School which they have not previously taken. Choices are subject to the approval of the Programme Director in consultation with coordinators within the department.
Note: No electives may be repeated from Second Year Modules (i.e. if these modules have already been taken).
Students take one Core Module to the value of 5 credits:
GE3004 German Language Skills (5 credits)
They may choose their remaining credits from Second Year and Final Year options within the department and the school. Choices are subject to the approval of the Programme Director in consultation with coordinators within the department.
Note: No electives may be repeated from Second Year Modules (i.e. if these modules have already been taken), or if modules are chosen from Final Year, they may not be taken again in the future.
Students take one core module to the value of 5 credits:
IT2401 Minor Dissertation (5 credits)
IT3104 Lower Advanced Italian Language (5 credits)
They may choose their remaining credits from Second Year and Final Year options within the department and the school. Choices are subject to the approval of the Programme Director in consultation with coordinators within the department.
Note: No electives may be repeated from Second Year Modules (i.e. if these modules have already been taken), or if modules are chosen from Final Year, they may not be taken again in the future.
Students take one core module to the value of 5 credits:
HS3016 Spanish Language Skills (5 credits)
They may choose their remaining credits from Second Year and Final Year options within the department and the school. Choices are subject to the approval of the Programme Director in consultation with coordinators within the department.
Note: No electives may be repeated from Second Year Modules (i.e. if these modules have already been taken), or if modules are chosen from Final Year, they may not be taken again in the future.
Students take one core module to the value of 5 credits:
CH3020 Chinese Language (Mandarin) Level 2.5 (5 credits)
They may choose their remaining credits from Second Year and Final Year options within the department and the school. Choices are subject to the approval of the Programme Director in consultation with coordinators within the department.
Note: No electives may be repeated from Second Year Modules (i.e. if these modules have already been taken), or if modules are chosen from Final Year, they may not be taken again in the future.
All students who are in UCC for Semester 2 will take modules agreed with the Department and their Programme Director.
The following subjects have core modules in Semester 2:
Students take one core module to the value of 10 credits:
LL3007 Researching Across Borders and Languages: Independent Study (10 credits)
They may choose their remaining credits from Second Year options within the department and the school. Choices are subject to the approval of the Programme Director in consultation with coordinators within the department.
Note: No electives may be repeated from Second Year Modules (i.e. if these modules have already been taken).
Students may choose their required credits from Second Year and Final Year module options within the Department and the School which they have not previously taken. Choices are subject to the approval of the Programme Director in consultation with coordinators within the department.
Note: No electives may be repeated from Second Year Modules (i.e. if these modules have already been taken), or if modules are chosen from Final Year, they may not be taken again in the future.
Students may choose their required credits from Second Year and Final Year module options within the Department and the School which they have not previously taken. Choices are subject to the approval of the Programme Director in consultation with coordinators within the department.
Note: No electives may be repeated from Second Year Modules (i.e. if these modules have already been taken), or if modules are chosen from Final Year, they may not be taken again in the future.
Students may choose their required credits from Second Year and Final Year module options within the Department and the School which they have not previously taken. Choices are subject to the approval of the Programme Director in consultation with coordinators within the department.
Note: No electives may be repeated from Second Year Modules (i.e. if these modules have already been taken), or if modules are chosen from Final Year, they may not be taken again in the future..
Students take one core module to the value of 5 credits:
CH3020 Chinese Language (Mandarin) Level 2.5 (5 credits)
They may choose their remaining credits from Second Year and Final Year options within the department and the school. Choices are subject to the approval of the Programme Director in consultation with coordinators within the department.
Note: No electives may be repeated from Second Year Modules (i.e. if these modules have already been taken), or if modules are chosen from Final Year, they may not be taken again in the future.
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2020/2021 Book.
Three Year Rule
Students must pass the Third University Examination in Arts (Film and
Screen Media) (International) Pathway within three academic years from
the date of first registration for Third Year. Failure to comply with
this rule means that the student will be ineligible to proceed further
with his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the
College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, only for very
serious reasons.
No student may register for Fourth Arts (Film and Screen Media) (International) Pathway until s/he has passed the Third University Examination in Arts (Film and Screen Media) (International) Pathway. The selection of any module is conditional on the Professor or Lecturer concerned and the College being satisfied that a student is capable of profiting by attendance thereat. Students may not select modules which involve a timetable clash.
In Fourth Arts (Film and Screen Media) (International) Pathway, students take 40 credits of Film and Screen Media plus 20 credits of one other subject continued from Second Year. See here for programme requirements (students follow the same curriculum as students taking Third Arts (Film and Screen Media)).
Change of Module
Students wishing to register a change of module must do so via the Student Portal no later than two weeks after the start of each Semester, i.e. by Friday, 9 October 2020 (Semester 1) or Friday, 5 February 2021 (Semester 2). Semester 1 modules cannot be changed in Semester 2. No changes in registration will be allowed after these deadlines.
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2020/2021 Book, and
for each module in the Book of Modules, 2020/2021.
Three Year Rule
Students must pass the Fourth University Examination in Arts (Film
and Screen Media) (International) Pathway within three academic years
from the date of first registration for Fourth Year. Failure to comply
with this rule means that the student will be ineligible to proceed
further with his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted
by the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, only for
very serious reasons.
Programme Learning Outcomes for BA (Hons) (Film and Screen
Media) (International) Pathway (NFQ Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able