

NFQ Level 10, Major Award

The PhD (Business Information Systems) is a full-time programme taken over four years (48 months) from the date of first registration for the programme.

In the case of the PhD (Business Information Systems) a candidate must have obtained a standard of at least Second Class Honours, Grade I, in an approved primary or Master's Degree to gain entry to the programme.

The programme contains a number of components that support the student's PhD research and thesis submission. Part I is designed to familiarise students with the research topics, issues and methods underpinning Information Systems research at the PhD level. Part II provides modules designed to assist students in refining the research topics they began developing in Part I, culminating in the presentation and defence of their thesis proposal. Part III focuses on conducting the thesis research and on the writing of the thesis. The primary determinant for the award of PhD (Business Information Systems) is the submission, successful examination and defence of a satisfactory thesis.

Please note:
Due to the taught nature of Year 1 of the programme, students enrolling in Year 1 must be available to participate in taught modules on the first day of Semester 1 in the appropriate year.

Part I (Year 1)
Students take 60 credits as follows:
IS7010 Foundations of IS Research (10 credits)
IS7012 IS Research Practicum 1 (10 credits)
IS7017 IS Research Seminar (5 credits)
IS7018 Research Skills 1 (5 credits)
IS7019 Qualitative Research Methods (5 credits)
IS7020 Action Design Research (5 credits)
IS7021 Quantitative Research Methods (5 credits)
IS7014 IS Research Practicum 2 (15 credits)

Part II (Year 1)
Students take 30 credits as follows:
IS7016 IS Research Practicum 3 (20 credits)
IS7022 Research Skills 2 (5 credits)
IS7023 Research Ethics, Integrity and Data Management (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.

Exit award: MSc (Information Systems Research Practice) (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
Candidates who pass Parts I and II (90 credits), but do not progress to or fail to complete Part III will be eligible for the award of MSc (Information Systems Research Practice).

Part III (Years 2-4)
The candidate will undertake a programme of original research and submit a thesis representing a significant original contribution to the field.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2019/2020 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2019/2020.

See also under the General Regulations for the PhD Degree.

Programme Learning Outcomes for PhD (Business Information Systems) (NFQ Level 10, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

Programme Learning Outcomes for MSc (Information Systems Research Practice) (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

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