Note: This programme is no longer open for recruitment. Students who entered the programme prior to 2019/20 follow the curriculum detailed below.
This is a four year honours degree programme delivered in partnership with Chinese universities with whom University College Cork has a bilateral agreement under statute 263 of the National University of Ireland. This programme leads to a dual degree which is awarded independently from both institutions.
The programme comprises 240 credits. Students will study for two years at a partner Chinese University, taking modules to the equivalent of 120 credits (or ECTS equivalent) and for two years at University College Cork, taking modules to the value of 60 credits in each of Third and Fourth Year. When studying at UCC a student may not register for more than 60 credits in any one academic year.
This year is spent pursuing approved courses of study to the value of 60 credits (or ECTS equivalent) at a partner Chinese University with whom UCC signs a bilateral agreement.
This year is spent pursuing approved courses of study to the value of 60 credits (or ECTS equivalent) at a partner Chinese University with whom UCC signs a bilateral agreement.
The First and Second Years of this programme will be in examined in accordance with examination regulations governed by the Chinese Education Authority.
Programme Requirements
To be admitted to the Third University Examination in Financial
Economics, a student must have satisfactorily attended modules to the
value of 60 credits as follows:
EC2100 Microeconomics: Behaviour and Organisations (5 credits)
EC2110 Microeconomics: Organisations and Institutions (5 credits)
EC2111 Macroeconomics: Growth and Irish Economic Development (5 credits)
EC2112 Macroeconomics: Irish and International Business Cycles (5 credits)
EC2115 Introduction to Mathematical Economic Analysis (5 credits)
EC2116 Introduction to Statistical Economic Analysis (5 credits)
EC2117 Reasoning and Critical Thinking in Economics (5 credits)
EC2118 Reflection and Persuasion in Economics (5 credits)
EC2119 Economic Data Collection and Presentation Skills (5 credits)
EC2120 Report Writing and Oral Presentation Skills (5 credits)
EC2206 Business Econometrics and Forecasting (10 credits)
Module Semester Information may be found here.
Descriptions may be found here.
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be
contained in the Marks and Standards 2019/2020 Book and for each module in
the Book of Modules, 2019/2020.
Three Year Rule
Students must pass the Third University Examination in Financial
Economics within three academic years from the date of first
registration for Third Year. Failure to comply with this rule would
mean that the student would be ineligible to proceed further with
his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the School of Business, only for very serious reasons.
No student may register for the Fourth Year programme of study until the Third University Examination in Financial Economics has been passed. To be admitted to the Fourth University Examination in Financial Economics, a student must have satisfactorily attended modules to the value of 60 credits as follows:
EC3213 Money, Credit and Banking (5 credits)
EC3214 International Finance (5 credits)
EC3215 Economics of Corporate Strategy (5 credits)
EC3216 Economics of Strategic Behaviour (5 credits)
EC3217 Finance and Capital Markets (5 credits)
EC3218 Portfolio Analysis (5 credits)
EC4206 Incentives in Firms (5 credits)
EC4207 Firm Organisation and Behaviour (5 credits)
EC4209 Government and the Macroeconomy (5 credits)
EC4210 Government and Business (5 credits)
EC4211 Economics of the Labour Market (5 credits)
EC4212 Behavioural Economics in Labour Markets (5 credits)
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be
contained in the Marks and Standards 2019/2020 Book and for each module in
the Book of Modules, 2019/2020.
Three Year Rule
Students must pass the BSc Financial Economics Degree Examination
within three academic years from the date of first registration for
Fourth Year. Failure to comply with this rule would mean that the
student would be ineligible to proceed further with his/her studies.
Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the School of Business,
only for very serious reasons.
Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc Financial Economics (NFQ
Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able