
BSc (Hons) (Risk and Actuarial Studies)

(Dual Degree)

NFQ Level 8, Major Award

This is a four year honours degree programme delivered in partnership with Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU) whom University College Cork has signed a bilateral agreement under statute 263 of the National University of Ireland. This programme leads to a dual degree which is awarded independently from both institutions. The programme comprises 240 credits. Students will study for two years at a BTBU, taking modules to the equivalent of 120 credits (or ECTS equivalent) and for two years at University College Cork, taking modules to the value of 60 credits in each of Third and Fourth Year. When studying at UCC a student may not register for more than 60 credits in any one academic year.

To be admitted to Year 3 at UCC, students will be required to:

(a) successfully complete and pass credits equivalent to two full academic years study of their degree programme at BTBU with whom University College Cork has a bilateral agreement; and
(b) obtain an overall mark of 75% or higher based on performance in examinations in the BTBU modules SCI1C4B001, SCI1C4B002, SCI1C4B004, SCI1C4B005, CIE6C3S001, SCI1C4B003, SCI1C4B006, SCI1C3D001, SCI1C3S001, SCI1C3B007, SCI1C4S002 (the mark in each module is this calculation should be expressed per 100), and at least 60% marks in each of these modules; and
(c) satisfy English language proficiency requirements as set out by University College Cork for non-EU students.

In the event that there is competition for places, students will be ranked on the overall mark achieved across the above mentioned BTBU modules.

This year is spent pursuing an approved course of study at a BTBU with whom UCC has a bilateral agreement. Students take the following core modules to the value of 60 credits (or ECTS equivalent):

FLG1C4G001Comprehensive English Listening and Speaking 1(5 credits)
FLG1C6G002 Comprehensive English Reading and Writing 1 (8 credits)
FLG1C4G003 Comprehensive English Listening and Speaking 2 (5 credits)
FLG1C6G004 Comprehensive English Reading and Writing 2 (8 credits)
PAE1B1Q001 Basic Physical Quality Training (2 credits)
PAE1B1G001 Physical Education 1 (2 credits)
MAR1B3G001 Ethic & Law (4 credits)
STU1B1Q002 Military Training (2 credits)
SCI1C4B001 Mathematical Analysis 1 (6 credits)
SCI1C4B002 Mathematical Analysis 2 (6 credits)
SCI1C4B004 Advanced Algebra and Space Analytic Geometry 1 (6 credits)
SCI1C4B005 Advanced Algebra and Space Analytic Geometry 2 (6 credits)

This year is spent pursuing an approved course of study at a BTBU with whom UCC has a bilateral agreement. Students take the following core modules to the value of 60 credits (or ECTS equivalent):

FLG1C6G005 Comprehensive English 3 (8 credits)
FLG1C6G006 Comprehensive English 4 (8 credits)
CIE6C3S001 Algorithms and Data Structure (6 credits)
PAE1B1G002 Physical Education 2 (2 credits)
PAE1B1G003 Physical Education 3 (2 credits)
SCI1C4B003 Mathematical Analysis 3 (8 credits)
SCI1C4B006 Probability (5 credits)
SCI1C3D001 Mathematical Statistics (3 credits)
SCI1C3S001 Discrete Mathematics (6 credits)
SCI1C3B007 Differential Equations (6 credits)
SCI1C4S002 Mathematical Modelling and Experiment Year 2 (6 credits)

Students entering Year 3 of the programme at UCC will have taken and passed, inter alia, modules broadly equivalent to the relevant parts of the following UCC modules as part of their Year 1 & Year 2 studies at BTBU:

UCC Module Code (ECTS Credits)
UCC Module Name
BTBU Equivalent Module
AM1053 (5 credits) Introduction to Mathematical Modelling SCI1C4S002
MA1058 (5 credits) Introduction to Linear Algebra SCI1C4B004 & SCI1C4B005
MA1059 (5 credits) Calculus SCI1C4B001
MA1060 (5 credits) Introduction to Analysis SCI1C4B001
MA2051 (5 credits) Mathematical Analysis 1 SCI1C4B002
MA2054 Ordinary Differential Equations SCI1C3B007
MA2055 (5 credits) Linear Algebra SCI1C4B004 & SCI1C4B005
MA2071 (5 credits) Multivariable Calculus SCI1C4B003
ST1051 (5 credits) & ST2051 (5 credits) Introduction to Probability & Statistics

SCI1C4B006 & SCI1C3D001

To be admitted to the Third University Examination in Risk and Actuarial Studies a student must have satisfactorily attended modules amounting to 60 credits comprising core modules to the value of 55 credits, and elective modules to the value of 5 credits.

Core Modules
MF2052 Introduction to Financial Mathematics (10 credits)
PA3002 Principles and Applications of Market Analysis (10 credits)
ST1050 Statistical Programming in R (5 credits)
ST3054 Survival Analysis (5 credits)
ST3055 Generalised Linear Models (5 credits)
ST3068 Probability and Statistics for Risk Applications (5 credits)
ST3074 Stochastic and Survival Models for Actuarial Science (5 credits)
ST3092 Statistics Readings and Literature Review Workshop (5 credits)
ST4400 Data Analysis II (5 credits)

and modules to the value of 5 credits to be chosen from the following:

Elective Modules
AM2060 C/C++ Programming with Applications (5 credits)
MA4403 Financial Mathematics (5 credits)
MF2050 Discrete Time Financial Models (5 credits)
MF2053 Financial Modelling for Actuarial Science 1 (5 credits)
ST3061 Statistical Theory of Estimation (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2018/2019 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules 2018/2019.

Three Year Rule
Students must pass the Third University Examination in Risk and Actuarial Studies within three academic years from the date of first registration for Third Year. Failure to comply with this rule would mean that the student would be ineligible to proceed further with his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the College, only for very serious reasons.

To be admitted to the Fourth University Examination in Risk and Actuarial Studies a student must have satisfactorily attended modules to the value of 60 credits comprising core modules to the value of 40 credits, and elective modules to the value of 20 credits.

Core Modules
ST3054 Survival Analysis (5 credits)
ST3074 Stochastic and Survival Models for Actuarial Science (5 credits)
ST3075 Methods of Reporting in Actuarial Science (5 credits)
ST4060 Computer Intensive Statistical Analytics I (5 credits)
ST4061 Computer Intensive Statistical Analytics II (5 credits)
ST4064 Time Series (5 credits)
ST4071 Actuarial Risk Modelling: Theory and Practical Implementation I (5 credits)
ST4072 Actuarial Risk Modelling: Theory and Practical Implementation II (5 credits)

and modules to the value of 20 credits to be chosen from the following:

Elective Modules
AM2061 Computer Modelling and Numerical Techniques (5 credits)
AM3064 Computational Techniques (5 credits)
MA3054 Complex Analysis (5 credits)
MF3052 Derivatives, Securities and Option Pricing (5 credits)
MF3053 Financial Modelling for Actuarial Science 2 (5 credits)
ST3061 Statistical Theory of Estimation (5 credits)
ST4055 Statistical Methods in Insurance (5 credits)
ST4068 Contingencies (10 credits)
ST4090 Current Topics in Statistics I (5 credits)
ST4401 Introduction to Operations Research (5 credits)
ST4402 Modelling and Systems for Decision Making (5 credits)


  1. Any elective module selected in Fourth Year must not have been taken in any previous year.
  2. Students are also encouraged to consult the University's Book of Modules, 2018/2019, to be clear on the prerequisites required for each Fourth Year elective.

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2018/2019 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules 2018/2019.

Three Year Rule
Students must pass the Fourth University Examination in Risk and Actuarial Studies within three academic years from the date of first registration for Third Year. Failure to comply with this rule would mean that the student would be ineligible to proceed further with his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the College, only for very serious reasons.

Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc (Hons) (Risk and Actuarial Studies) (NFQ Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

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