
Certificate in Nursing (Nurse/Midwife Prescribing)

NFQ Level 8, Special Purpose Award

The Certificate in Nursing (Nurse/Midwife Prescribing) (NFQ Level 8 Special Purpose Award) is a full-time programme running over six months from the date of registration for the programme.

The programme is delivered at the Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork and at designated clinical sites identified by the Health Service Executive under supervision of a named mentor. The programme complies with the standards and requirements of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland and the Health Service Executive legislation and guidelines.

On completion of the course, successful candidates will be recommended to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland for recording of their award alongside their registration in relevant division(s) of the Professional Register maintained by the Board.

Entry Requirements

The nurse or midwife must contact the Director of Nursing/Midwifery/Public Health to discuss the identified need for nurse and midwife prescribing in their area/organisation. In addition consideration needs to be given to developing the nurse and midwife prescribing initiative in relation to a number of issues including, legislative and professional practice requirements and standards, clinical governance structures, scope of practice, clinical competency, mentoring arrangements, multidisciplinary partnership and the individuals ability to undertake the education programme and capability to meet the requirements of the new role and the capacity to drive and develop the new initiative safely. The nurse or midwife must seek the approval of their Director of Nursing/Midwifery/Public Health to apply for the education programme. A nurse or midwife must satisfy the criteria as determined by the Higher Education Institution and the Implementation Group on Nurse/Midwife Prescribing as set out in the entry requirements.

Fitness to Practise
Commencing with the 2013/2014 intake of first year students (including repeats), this programme will be subject to the University's Fitness to Practise Policy - full details may be found here.

Students take 30 credits as follows:

GP5000 Systematic Assessment and Evaluation in Patient Care (10 credits)
NU5048 Professional, Ethical and Legal Practice, Communication Aspects of Prescribing (10 credits)
PF5011 Drug Action and Prescribing (10 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.


Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2018/2019 Book, and for each module in the Book of Modules 2018/2019.

Programme Learning Outcomes for Certificate in Nursing (Nurse/Midwife Prescribing) (NFQ Level 8, Special Purpose Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

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