
Modules for Postgraduate Training

A number of modules for postgraduate training are available for students taking Doctoral or Master's Degrees by Research at University College Cork. These degrees allow students to take modules for credit, which will be recorded on a student's academic transcript. In some cases, modules may, with the agreement of the module coordinator, be available to audit (i.e. students may attend the sessions without completion of assessment); however, in such cases, credits will not be awarded and the module will not be recorded on the student's academic transcript nor will it be part of a structured programme of study.

Postgraduate training modules taken will not contribute to the final degree award, which will be based solely on the thesis. Students who wish to register for these modules should contact the relevant module coordinator for details.

Module descriptions, including details of module coordinators, are contained in the Book of Modules 2018/2019 under Postgraduate Training for PG-coded modules and under the relevant subject area for discipline-specific modules. General queries may be made to the Dean of Graduate Studies, at dgs@ucc.ie, however students with queries about specific modules should contact the module coordinator in the first instance. Modules coded at 7000 level are available to doctoral students only while other modules are open to both Master's and Doctoral students.

The following modules are relevant to students in a wide range of disciplines and are designed to provide research students with an introduction to key skills which may be of use to them in their research and subsequent careers.

PG6001 STEPS - Scientific Training for Enhanced Postgraduate Studies (5 credits)
PG6003 Teaching and Learning Module for Graduate Studies (5 credits)
PG6004 Getting Started with Graduate Research and Generic Skills (5 credits)
PG6005 Biotechniques (5 credits)
PG6008 Qualitative Data Analysis and Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software for the Social Sciences and Humanities (5 credits)
PG6009 Graduate Information Literacy Skills (5 credits)
PG6010 Contemporary Practices in Publishing and Editing (5 credits)
PG6011 Digital Skills for Research Postgraduates in the Humanities and Social Sciences (5 credits)
PG6012 Scholarly Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (5 credits)
PG6014 Scientific Outreach and Communication (5 credits)
PG6015 An Introduction to Research Integrity, Ethics and Open Science (5 credits)
PG6017 Teaching and Demonstrating Skills for Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences (BEES) Postgraduate Students (5 credits)
PG6018 Business Model Innovation Management (10 credits)
PG6019 Cloud Fundamentals (10 credits)
PG6020 Business Research Skills (10 credits)
PG6021 English for Postgraduate Studies (Upper-Intermediate: B2+) (5 credits)
PG6022 English for Postgraduate Studies (Lower Advanced: C1) (5 credits)
PG6023 English for Postgraduate Studies (Advanced: C1+) (5 credits)
PG6024 Qualitative Research Inquiry (5 credits)
PG6025 Community - Based Participatory Research (5 credits)
PG6026 Teaching and Demonstrating Skills for College of Science, Engineering and Food Science (SEFS) Postgraduate Students (5 credits)
PG6027 Going Public: Publishing Research in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (5 credits)
PG6028 Critical Thinking 1400-1800 (For Taught MA students only) (5 credits)
PG7002 Career Development, the Job Market, and Viva Preparation for end-stage PhD Students in Humanities and Social Sciences (5 credits)
PG7003 The PhD: From Development to Completion (5 credits)
PG7004 Master Class: Contemporary Theoretical Paradigms in the Humanities and Social Sciences (5 credits)
PG7005 Narratives (5 credits) (not on offer in 2018-19)
¹PG7012 International Political Anthropology Summer School (5 credits)
¹PG7013 International Political Anthropology Summer School (10 credits)
PG7014 Creativity and Innovation for Research Students (5 credits)
PG7016 Systematic Reviews for the Health Sciences (5 credits)
PG7017 Project Management for Research Students (5 credits)
PG7018 Special Topics in the Humanities and Social Sciences Intensive School (10 credits)
PG7019 Comparing: Objects, Approaches, Problems, Opportunities (10 credits)
PG7021 An Introduction to Ethics of Health Research (5 credits)
PG7023 Classical Grounded Theory Methodology (5 credits)
PG7026 PhD Internship I (for the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science) (5 credits)
PG7027 Workplace Professional Training Module: Glucksman Futures (10 credits)
PG7028 PhD Self-Directed Internship (for the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences) (10 credits)
PG7029 PhD Internship (for the College of Business and Law) (5 credits)
PG7037 Text and Method: Critical Thinking (5 credits)
PG7038 Almost PhinisheD (5 credits)
PG7039 PhD Internship II (for the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science) (10 credits)
PG7040 Economy and Society Summer School (5 credits)
PG7041 Economy and Society Summer School 2 (10 credits)
PG7048 PhD Generic and Transferable Skills Portfolio (5 credits)
ST6013 Statistics and Data Analysis for Postgraduate Research Students (10 credits)

¹Note: PG7012, PG7013, PG7040, PG7041 are taught on a residential summer school of one week's duration. Therefore, subsistence fees may apply.

Module descriptions, including details of module coordinators, are contained in the Book of Modules 2018/2019 under Postgraduate Training Modules.

In addition, a number of discipline-specific postgraduate training modules will be available for credit to students studying in specific disciplines. Students intending to take these modules are advised to contact the module coordinator in the first instance.


AN6030 Current Topics in Anatomy and Neuroscience (5 credits)
AN6031 Critical Appraisal of Research Topics in Neuroscience (5 credits)



BL6024 Quantitative Skills for Biologists using R (10 credits)
BL6025 Innovation and Ocean Sustainability (5 credits)
ZY6001 Animal Welfare (5 credits)



CM6007 Teaching and Demonstrating Skills for Chemistry Postgraduate Students (5 credits)
CM6101 Basic Postgraduate Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Problem Solving and Presentation Skills (5 credits)
CM7002 Intermediate Postgraduate Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Problem Solving and Presentation Skills (5 credits)
CM7003 Advanced Postgraduate Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Problem Solving and Presentation Skills (5 credits)
CM7004 Postgraduate Internship in Pharmaceutical Sector (5 credits)
CM7005 Theory and Application of Computational Chemistry (5 credits)


Computer Science

CS7003 Research Seminars in Emerging Digital Technologies (5 credits)


Early and Medieval Irish

CC6008 Palaeography and Manuscript-based Research (10 credits)
CC6017 Researching Early Irish Texts: Language and Literature 1 (10 credits)
CC6018 Researching Early Irish Texts: Language and Literature 2 (10 credits)



ED6061 Educational Research and Methods (15 credits)



AC6301 Innovation Finance (5 credits)
AC6302 Early Stage Capital (5 credits)
IS6306 Technology Business Planning (5 credits)
IS6307 Creativity and Opportunity Recognition (5 credits)
LW6104 Principles of Intellectual Property Law (5 credits)
MG6305 People and Organisations (5 credits)
MG6309 Strategy (5 credits)
MG6704 Internationalisation and Sales (5 credits)
MG6705 Marketing for Technology Entrepreneurs (5 credits)

PhD Students who complete the required 30 credits will be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation, Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship.
Course details are and module options are available here.


Food Science

FE6600 An Introduction to the National and Global Food Sector (5 credits)
FS6622 Food Regulatory Affairs (5 credits) [UCD - FDSC40140]
FS6623 Food and Nutrition Communication (5 credits) [UCD - FDSC40260]
FS6624 Industrial Scale Research and Development for the Food Sector (5 credits)
FS6625 Current Topics in Food and Nutrition Research (5 credits)
FS6626 Career Management Skills for the Food Sector (5 credits)
FS6627 Science Writing for the Agri-Food Researcher (5 credits) [UCD - FDSC40470]
FS6628 Next-Generation Food Formulation (5 credits)
FS6629 Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Agri-Food area (5 credits) [UCD - FDSC40370]
FS6633 Innovation: From New Idea to New Product (5 credits) [UCD - FDSC40160]
FS6634 Leadership for Agri-Food Research Students (5 credits)
FS6635 Project Management for Agri-Food Students (5 credits)
FS6636 Professional Skills for Agri-Food Students (5 credits)
NT6121 Public Health Nutrition (5 credits) [UCD - FDSC40460]
PE6001 Analysis and Interpretation of Experimental Data with Mathematical and Statistical Tools (5 credits)



HI6079 Schola Latina (15 credits)
HI6093 Schola Latina II (15 credits)



LW6004 Research Methods in Law (5 credits)


Modern Irish

GA6023 Prós na Nua-Ghaeilge (10 credits)
GA6024 Eagarthóireacht na Filíochta (10 credits)


Nursing and Midwifery

NU7004 Doctoral Seminars and Scholarship (5 credits)



PL6001 Molecular and Cellular Physiology Techniques (5 credits)
PL6002 Integrated Physiology Research Methods (5 credits)
PL6003 Peer Review and Scientific Communication (5 credits)



AP7000 Introduction to Doctoral Research in Applied Psychology (5 credits)


School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures

LL7001 Presenting Critical Theory (5 credits)*
LL7002 Research Skills in Non-Native Languages 1*

* Note: These modules are available to doctoral students of the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (Departments of Italian, French, German and Hispanic Studies).



SC7604 Sociology of the Mass Media (10 credits)
SC7623 Globalisation and Culture (10 credits)
SC7624 Modernity and Globalisation (10 credits)
SC7626 Sociology of the Public Sphere (10 credits)
SC7627 Social Pathology and Civic Health (10 credits)


Module descriptions, including details of module coordinators, are contained in the Book of Modules 2018/2019 under Postgraduate Training Modules.

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