The primary degrees offered by the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences are: Honours Bachelor of Arts, Honours Bachelor of Education of Sports Studies and Physical Education, Honours Bachelor of Music, Honours Bachelor of Science, Honours Bachelor of Social Science and Honours Bachelor of Social Work. The specific regulations and programme requirements for these degrees are detailed in the following sections:
BA (Hons) Honours Bachelor of Arts
BEd (Hons) Honours Bachelor of Education of Sports Studies and Physical Education
BMus (Hons) Honours Bachelor of Music
BSc (Hons) Honours Bachelor of Science (Government)
BSocSc (Hons) Honours Bachelor of Social Science and Honours Bachelor of Social Science (Youth and Community Work)
BSW (Hons) Honours Bachelor of Social Work
Minimum entry requirements and specific programme requirements are found in the General Information Section of the University Calendar.
All undergraduate degree programmes are defined in terms of modules. Modules are grouped together to correspond to subjects which in turn are combined to make up degree programmes. Modules are measured in terms of credits. A module may correspond to 5, 10, 15 or 20 credits. Each year of a degree programme consists of modules to a total value of 60 credits.
Module descriptions are contained in the Book of Modules, 2018/2019.
The right is reserved not to offer any particular elective module listed in the Regulations. An elective module can be given only if teaching staff for that module is available and the module is selected by an adequate number of students, as determined by the Head of the Department/School concerned. The number of students selecting certain elective modules may be limited. Details are given under the relevant module descriptions. Students may not select modules which involve a timetable clash.
The letter abbreviations listed below are used throughout the section and correspond to the various subjects taught within the College/Faculty. Specific modules are identified by a two-letter code followed by a number (e.g. AR1001 corresponds to an Archaeology module which is taught in First Arts).
The letter codes used are as follows:
AH Arts and Humanities
AM Applied Mathematics
AP Applied Psychology
AR Archaeology
AY Anthropology
BD Béaloideas
CC Celtic Civilisation
CH Chinese
CR Criminology
CS Computer Science
DH Digital Arts and Humanities
DR Drama and Theatre
EC Economics
ED Education
EN English
ES European Studies
FE Food Business and Development
FL Folklore
FR French
FX Film Studies
GA Gaeilge/Irish
GE German
GG Geography
GK Greek
GR Greek and Roman Civilisation
GV Government
HA History
of Art
HI History
HS Spanish
IS Management
Information Systems
IT Italian
LL Language and Literature
LT Latin
LW Law
MA Mathematics
MF Financial
MG Management and Marketing
MS Mathematical
MU Music or Musicianship
PC Paediatrics and Child
PH Philosophy
PO Politics
RG Religions and Global Diversity
SC Sociology
SS Social
Policy/Social Work/Youth and Community Work
ST Statistics
The letter codes used for the subjects Studies in Music and Studies in Psychology are SIM and SIP respectively.