

Transfers within University College Cork to another First Year


College of Science, Engineering and Food Science (SEFS)

Students who wish to transfer to another first year programme must apply to the Admissions Office for permission before 5 October. Students may be permitted to transfer provided that:

  1. there is a place on the programme;
  2. s/he has achieved the minimum CAO entry points for the programme into which s/he wishes to transfer and
  3. s/he satisfies the entry requirements (matriculation) and additional programme requirements for the relevant degree programme as set out in the University Calendar here.

Students must register for the course to which they were admitted by CAO and must make an application to transfer through the UCC Admissions Office, having first met with the First Year Experience Coordinator in the Admission Office. The application deadline is 12 October and forms are available in the Admissions Office.

Students should be aware that transferring between first year programmes after the start of term may impact adversely on their academic performance, depending on how much of the academic year they miss. Transfers are permitted strictly on the basis that students fully accept any such possible academic disadvantage.

Prior to submitting an application, students are required to discuss their options with the Head of the relevant School/Department of the programme they wish to transfer to.

Transfer into Second Year Programmes within the College of Science,

Engineering and Food Science (SEFS)

The transfer rules outlined below, apply only in the case of admission to Second Year programmes in the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science from 2011/12 onwards. Students are advised to apply for a place in the first year of a programme through the Central Applications Office (CAO).

Registered UCC students wishing to transfer to Second Year of another cognate programme within the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science should satisfy the following criteria:

Criteria for Transfer

(a) the student has met the minimum entry requirements and additional programme requirements for the relevant degree programme as set out in the University Calendar https://www.ucc.ie/prevcalendars/old/20172018/calendar/general/info013.html#science Students will not be assessed on CAO points;
(b) there is a place available in the Second Year programme;
(c) appropriate subjects/modules were taken in First Year to meet any prerequisites of the new programme;
(d) the student has obtained a minimum of Pass in the First Year University Examinations; normally, students will be assessed on Summer Examinations except in the case of mitigating circumstances that are approved by the Mitigation Committee;
(e) should the demand for places exceed the number of places available, students will be ranked in order of results.

Prior to submitting an application students are advised to discuss their options with the Head of the relevant School/Department of the programme they wish to transfer to.

How to submit a transfer application:
Students applying to transfer must complete the College of SEFS Transfer Form B (available to download here) Completed applications must be sent to the College of SEFS Office, Level 3, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC.

Transfers for Non-UCC Students

Students applying to transfer to UCC from a programme in another Higher Education Institute must make an application through the UCC Admissions Office (https://www.ucc.ie/prevcalendars/old/20172018/calendar/general/info013.html)

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