
Mathematical Sciences

NFQ Level 8, Major Award

Regulations and Programme Requirements

Students enter the Mathematical Sciences programmes through CK407 (Mathematical Sciences) Area of Study. In Second Year, two Single Honours BSc Degree Programmes are available to eligible students: Mathematical Sciences (various combinations of the subjects Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics are taken in each of Years 2, 3 and 4 of the BSc Programme), and Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science (FMAS). In addition, eligible students may pursue a Joint Honours BSc Degree in either Applied Mathematics and Physics or in Mathematics and Physics.


  1. Individual degree programes in CK407 involve a number of electives courses. The final set of electives and 'project-related' modules offered is subject to the availability of adequate staff resources and therefore may need to be a subset of those indicated. Within the FMAS degree programme, priority will always be given to maintaining coverage of syllabi of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. Students should consult with School staff for guidance on their selections and the implications thereof.
  2. The BSc Single Honours Degree in Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science does not seek to provide a professional training programme for the examinations of the Faculty and Institute of Actuaries. Graduates who wish to pursue an actuarial career may qualify for exemption from some of the professional actuarial examinations, depending on their performance and choice of electives, and will have the necessary preparation to undertake the remaining examinations.

Eligibility for Entry to Second Year Programmes

Students from the Mathematical Sciences Area of Study (CK407) who pass First Science may opt to enter the Single Honours Mathematical Sciences programme or the Single Honours programme in Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science.

Students from the Mathematical Sciences Area of Study (CK407) who take the Physics modules PY1052 and PY1053 in First Science, and who pass First Science, will be eligible to enter the Joint Honours programme in Applied Mathematics and Physics or Mathematics and Physics.

Programme Requirements

Students take 60 credits as outlined below.

Applied Mathematics
AM2052, AM2060, AM2061, AM2071, AM2072 (each 5 credits)

MA2051, MA2054, MA2055, MA2071 (each 5 credits)

ST2053 (5 credits), ST2054 (10 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.
Students take the following 5 credit core modules:
AM3051, AM3063, AM3064, MA3051, MA3052, ST3061, ST3062

and modules from List A, subject to co/prerequisites, for a total of 60 credits.

List A (each 5 credits)
AM3052, AM3061, AM3062,
MA3054, MA3056, MA3062, MA3063,
ST3053, ST3054, ST3055, ST4060, ST3074.

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.
Students take two of the following 5 credit modules:

AM4090, MA4053, ST4090

at least 40 credits of modules from List B, subject to co/prerequisites,
at most 10 credits of modules from List A (not previously taken), subject to co/prerequisites, for a total of 60 credits.

Module Lists
All modules are 5 credits unless otherwise specified.

List A
AM3052, AM3061, AM3062,
MA3054, MA3056, MA3062, MA3063,
ST3053, ST3054, ST3055, ST4060, ST3074.

List B
AM4052, AM4060, AM4062, AM4063, AM4064,
MA4052, MA4058, MA4059, MA4062, MA4063,
ST4055, ST4064, ST4050 (10 credits), ST4069 (10 credits).

Note: Any elective module selected in Fourth Year must not have been taken in the previous year.

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Students who have passed Third Year may choose not to proceed to Fourth Year and may opt instead to be conferred with a BSc Ordinary Degree.

Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be available in the Marks and Standards 2018 Book, and for each module in the Book of Modules 2017/2018, in advance of the relevant Examination.

Three Year Rule
Students must pass the Second and Third University Examinations in Science - Mathematical Sciences within three academic years from the date of first registration for Second and Third Years respectively; Students must pass the BSc (Hons) (Mathematical Sciences) Degree Examination within three academic years from the date of first registration for Fourth Year. Failure to comply with this rule would mean that the student would be ineligible to proceed further with his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the College, only for very serious reasons.

Programme Requirements

Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules
AM2071 (5 credits), MA2051 (5 credits), MA2054 (5 credits), MA2055 (5 credits), MA2071 (5 credits), MF2050 (5 credits), MF2052 (10 credits), MF2053 (5 credits), ST2053 (5 credits), ST2054 (10 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.
Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules (each 5 credits unless otherwise stated):
AM2060, MA3051, MF3052, MF3053, ST3053, ST3055, ST3061, ST3062

Elective Modules to a total of 20 credits (each 5 credits unless otherwise stated):
Students who have not taken PA1003 or EC1206 in Year 1 must take PA1003 (10 credits) as an elective, together with modules from the following list:
AC4411, AM2052, AM2061, AM3051, AM3063, AM3064, MA3054, MA3056, ST3054, ST3074, ST3075

Note: Choice of Electives in Year 3 will have a direct bearing on the number of recommendations for exemptions from professional actuarial examinations for which a FMAS graduate may be eligible. FMAS students are strongly encouraged to discuss this matter with actuarial staff members before finalising their Electives. Students should consult the University's Book of Modules, 2017/2018, as the availability of many Fourth Year electives will be dependent on prerequisites having been taken as part of Third Year.

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Students take 60 credits as follows:
Core Modules
(each 5 credits unless otherwise stated):
MA4058, MF4051, MF4052, MF4054, ST4055, ST4064

Elective Modules to a total of 30 credits (each 5 credits unless otherwise stated):
Students take one of the following modules:
MA4053 or MF4090 (10 credits) or ST4050 (10 credits)
Together with modules from the following list:
AC4119*, AC4205*, AC4409*, AC4411*, AM3051, AM3061, AM3063, AM3064, AM4060, AM4062 , AM4063, AM4064, MA3054, MA3056, MA4052, MA4062, MA4063, ST3054, ST3074, ST3075, ST4060, ST4068 (10 credits), ST4072.


Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Students who have passed Third Year may choose not to proceed to Fourth Year and may opt instead to be conferred with a BSc Ordinary Degree.

Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be available in the Marks and Standards 2018 Book, and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2017/2018, in advance of the relevant Examination.

Three Year Rule
Students must pass the Second and Third University Examinations in Science - Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science within three academic years from the date of first registration for Second and Third Years respectively; Students must pass the BSc (Hons) (Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science) Degree Examination within three academic years from the date of first registration for Fourth Year. Failure to comply with this rule would mean that the student would be ineligible to proceed further with his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the College, only for very serious reasons.


Students take 60 credits as follows:

Applied Mathematics and Physics
Applied Mathematics (25 credits):
AM2052 (5 credits), AM2060 (5 credits), AM2061 (5 credits), AM2071 (5 credits), AM2072 (5 credits)

Mathematics (5 credits):
MA2071 (5 credits)

Physics (30 credits):
PY2101 (5 credits), PY2102 (5 credits), PY2103 (5 credits), PY2104 (5 credits), PY2106 (5 credits), PY2107 (5 credits)

Mathematics and Physics
Mathmatics/Applied Mathematics (30 credits):
AM2071 (5 credits), MA2051 (5 credits), MA2054 (5 credits), MA2055 (5 credits), MA2071 (5 credits)
and either AM2052 (5 credits) or MS2016 (5 credits)

Physics (30 credits):
PY2101 (5 credits), PY2102 (5 credits), PY2103 (5 credits), PY2104 (5 credits), PY2106 (5 credits), PY2107 (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.
Students take 60 credits as follows:

Applied Mathematics and Physics
Applied Mathematics (30 credits):
AM3051, AM3052, AM3061, AM3062, AM3063, AM3064 (5 credits per module)

Physics (30 credits):
PY3101 (5 credits), PY3102 (5 credits), PY3103 (5 credits), PY3104 (5 credits), PY3106 (5 credits), PY3107 (5 credits)
PY3101 (5 credits), PY3102 (5 credits), PY3103 (5 credits), PY3104 (5 credits), PY3107 (5 credits), PY3109 (5 credits)

Mathematics and Physics
Mathematics (30 credits):
MA3051 (5 credits), MA3052 (5 credits), MA3054 (5 credits), MA3056 (5 credits), MA3062 (5 credits), MA3063 (5 credits)

Physics (30 credits):
PY3101 (5 credits), PY3102 (5 credits), PY3103 (5 credits), PY3104 (5 credits), PY3106 (5 credits), PY3107 (5 credits)
PY3101 (5 credits), PY3102 (5 credits), PY3103 (5 credits), PY3104 (5 credits), PY3107 (5 credits), PY3109 (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.
Students take 60 credits as follows:

Applied Mathematics and Physics
Applied Mathematics (30 credits):
AM4052, AM4060, AM4062, AM4063, AM4064, AM4090 (5 credits per module)

Physics (30 credits):
PY4114 (5 credits) plus 25 credits from:

AM3052 (5 credits), AM3062 (5 credits), PY3105 (5 credits), PY3106 (5 credits), PY3109 (5 credits), PY4101 (5 credits), PY4102 (5 credits), PY4103 (5 credits), PY4104 (5 credits), PY4105 (5 credits), PY4106 (5 credits), PY4107 (5 credits), PY4108 (5 credits), PY4109 (5 credits), PY4110 (5 credits), PY4111 (5 credits), PY4112 (5 credits), PY4113 (5 credits), PY4117 (5 credits), PY4118 (5 credits)


  1. At most 35 credits can be taken in any one Semester.
  2. If PY3106 was not taken in 3rd year, it must be included among the Physics modules taken in 4th year.
  3. The substitution of taught modules by project modules requires special permission from the Head of Department.
  4. Other elective modules may be selected from outside the Physics Department with the approval of Head of Department.
  5. Individual elective modules may occasionally not be offered on some calendar years.


Mathematics and Physics
Mathematics (30 credits):
Students take 20 credits of core modules as follows:
MA4052, MA4053, MA4058, MA4059 (each 5 credits)

plus 10 credits from the following: MA4062, MA4063, MF4054 (each 5 credits)

Physics (30 credits):
PY4114 (5 credits) plus 25 credits from:

AM3052 (5 credits), AM3062 (5 credits), PY3105 (5 credits), PY3106 (5 credits), PY3109 (5 credits), PY4101 (5 credits), PY4102 (5 credits), PY4103 (5 credits), PY4104 (5 credits), PY4105 (5 credits), PY4106 (5 credits), PY4107 (5 credits), PY4108 (5 credits), PY4109 (5 credits), PY4110 (5 credits), PY4111 (5 credits), PY4112 (5 credits), PY4113 (5 credits), PY4117 (5 credits), PY4118 (5 credits)


  1. At most 35 credits can be taken in any one Semester.
  2. If PY3106 was not taken in 3rd year, it must be included among the Physics modules taken in 4th year.
  3. The substitution of taught modules by project modules requires special permission from the Head of Department.
  4. Other elective modules may be selected from outside the Physics Department with the approval of Head of Department.
  5. Individual elective modules may occasionally not be offered on some calendar years.

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Students who have passed Third Year may choose not to proceed to Fourth Year and may opt instead to be conferred with a BSc Ordinary Degree.

Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be available in the Marks and Standards 2018 Book, and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2017/2018, in advance of the relevant Examination.

Three Year Rule
Students must pass the Second and Third University Joint Honours Examinations in Science - Mathematical Sciences within three academic years from the date of first registration for Second and Third Years respectively; Students must pass the BSc Joint Honours (Mathematical Sciences) Degree Examination within three academic years from the date of first registration for Fourth Year. Failure to comply with this rule would mean that the student would be ineligible to proceed further with his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the College, only for very serious reasons.

Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc in Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science (NFQ Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

Programme Learning Outcomes for BSc in Mathematical Sciences (NFQ Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

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