A graduate who has not reached the required standard at the BSc (Hons) Degree Examination (and who has presented for the examination in this University) may be permitted, with the permission of the Head of the relevant Department and the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science to proceed to the MSc Degree by Research or Taught provided he/she sits (with the permission of the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science) for the honours BSc (Hons) Degree Examination in the subject concerned as a qualifying test and attains at least second class honours standard therein. Such a candidate may not sit for the qualifying test until at least one year after he/she has obtained his/her primary degree. Furthermore, the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science may require any such candidate to attend satisfactorily such modules as may be prescribed before presenting for the MSc Qualifying Examination. Graduates of UCC other than Science graduates and graduates of other Colleges and Universities who are deemed equivalently qualified by the College and Academic Board may also be admitted to the MSc Qualifying Examination (attendance requirements and coursework to be determined by the individual departments). The approval of a candidate's application for permission to present for the MSc Qualifying Examination in a particular subject shall remain valid only for a period of two years dating from the commencement of the session in which the application is considered and approved. Part-time students may be granted an extension of the period normally required of a full-time student.
(Prerequisites: BSc Ordinary or equivalent, such as Part I Graduate of the Royal Society of Chemistry and/or Chemical Instrumentation). To qualify, a candidate must obtain at least second class honours marks in an examination of the following relevant coursework from Chemistry Honours BSc modules: all of modules CM3024, CM4026 and CM4027 in Analytical Chemistry (including laboratory work); plus selected lectures on Kinetics, Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, Material Science (from modules CM3016, CM3017, CM4019 and CM4020); Main Group Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, NMR, Organometallic Chemistry (from modules CM3021 and CM4018); and Natural Products Chemistry (from modules CM3101 and CM4022) or as specified by the Head of Department.
Note: Whilst an adequate level of performance in the above will entitle candidates to apply for entry to the Taught MSc in Analytical Chemistry, it will not allow entry to MSc in Chemistry by Research.
Students must take one Third and five Fourth Year Honours Applied Mathematics modules, as follows:
AM3052 Fluid Mechanics I (5 credits)
AM4060 Topics in Applied Mathematics (5 credits)
AM4062 Applied Stochastic Differential Equations (5 credits)
AM4063 Partial Differential Equations with Applications II (5
AM4064 Perturbation and Asymptotic Methods (5 credits)
AM4090 Project (5 credits)
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2018 Book and for
each module in the Book of Modules 2017/2018.
The MSc Qualifying Examination in Computer Science runs for two years from the date of first registration for the programme as taught by the department.
Students must take the Fourth Year Honours Mathematics modules, as
MA4052 Functional Analysis (5 credits)
MA4053 Project (5 credits)
MA4058 Measure Theory and Martingales (5 credits)
MA4059 Topics in Mathematics (5 credits)
MA4062 Topics in Modern Algebra (5 credits)
MA4063 Topics in Differential Geometry (5 credits)
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2018 Book and for
each module in the Book of Modules 2017/2018.