
MSc (Technology Enhanced Learning for Health)

NFQ Level 9, Major Award

Last updated July 2018

The MSc (Technology Enhanced Learning for Health) is a part-time programme which runs over two calendar years (24 months) from the date of first registration for the programme. Students take taught modules to the value of 60 credits, as well as a dissertation to the value of 30 credits that is submitted at the end of the second calendar year. The programme will be delivered using a blended learning approach of e-learning and on-campus participation in workshops demonstrating the design and implementation of training, along with the assessment of training.  The students will engage in self-directed e-learning through a series of tracked learning objects delivered as SCORM packages through UCC’s Blackboard VLE.

Entry Requirements

This programme will be aimed at healthcare professionals (of all disciplines), educators, technicians and administrators from education and industry who have responsibility for the commissioning, design or implementation of ‘learning’ courses for healthcare workers.

Applications will be considered from graduates of all disciplines. Applicants will normally have an honours primary degree at Second Class Honours level (2H2 or above).

Applicants with (6 years) relevant professional experience in healthcare or a healthcare related industry will also be considered.

All applicants will be asked to submit a statement as part of their applications to indicate their reason for wishing to apply for the programme. This piece of writing will be used to evaluate each applicant's suitability for the programme.

To access and interact with the course content, assignments and assessments etc., students will require access to at least a PC/Laptop running Windows 7 or later or a recent version of Mac OSX. Common plug-ins such as Microsoft Silverlight, Java and Flash will also be required. Students must have access to MS Office or an equivalent suite of applications such as Open Office.

Students must also have access to a modern standards compliant web browser. UCC recommends either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. A minimum of 2MB download speed is required. To engage productively and successfully with the content, basic technical computer skills such as familiarity with word processing, web browsing and email is recommended.

Programme Requirements

Students take 90 credits in total:

Year 1
Students take core modules to the value of 30 credits as follows:
MH6005 Principles of Human Learning; What is known (10 credits)
MH6006 Assessment of and for learning (10 credits)
MH6008 Research methods (10 credits);

*Note: MH6013 commences in the third semester at the end of Year 1 when the Outline Research proposal and Ethics Application is made.

Year 2
Students take core modules to the value of 10 credits as follows:
MH6007 Tools for Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) (10 credits)

elective modules to the value of 20 credits from the following:
MH6009 Educational Design (10 credits)
MH6010 Procedure skills and simulation based assessment and learning (10 credits)
MH6011 Summer School - Simulation Applied 1 (10 credits)
MH6012 Simulation Curriculum Design (10 credits)

*MH6013 Dissertation in Technology Enhanced Learning for Health (30 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2018 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules 2017/2018.

See also General Regulations for the Degree of Master.

Programme Learning Outcomes for MSc (Technology Enhanced Learning for Health) (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

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