
MSc (Nursing)


NFQ Level 9, Major Award

The MSc (Nursing) for Non-EU applicants is a full-time programme (i.e. 90 credits) taken over 12 months from the date of first registration (commencing in September of each year). It is designed to provide students from outside Ireland and EU (i.e. non-EU applicants) and from a range of different nursing backgrounds with a Masters degree including the option to prepare as clinical nursing specialist or advanced nurse practitioner in their home country. It is a non-clinical Masters degree.

Applicants should:

(a) hold active registration on a division of the professional register maintained by the Nursing Board/Statutory Body in their own country.

(b) hold a primary degree in nursing (minimum Second Class Honours standard) OR hold a Higher/Postgraduate Diploma in relevant nursing area.

(c) if first language is not English, provide current evidence (i.e. within past 5 years) of proficiency in English as follows:

Application Procedure:
Please visit the International Office link for details on how to apply: www.ucc.ie/en/international/noneu-pg/taught/

Students take 90 credits as follows:
50 credits as follows:
MH6014 Advanced Research Methods for Healthcare Professionals (10 credits)
NU6070 Practice Enhancement for Nursing and Midwifery (10 credits)
NU6201 Personal and Professional Portfolio (10 credits)
NU6073 Dissertation in Nursing (20 credits)

40 credits to be chosen from remaining theory module options (subject to availability by meeting minimum quotas to run).
Note: Modules selected must relate to or be relevant to practice area e.g. Medical & Surgical Nursing/Older Adult; Critical/Intensive Care; Emergency/Intellectual Disability etc.

Practice/ Professional Development
NU6005 Research Methods (10 credits)
NU6019 Person Centred Care (10 credits)
NU6053 Ethics for Specialist Practice (5 credits)

Acute Nursing
-Emergency/Critical Care/Intensive Care/Medical-Surgical /Perioperative/Neonatal Nursing

NU5082 Physical Assessment for Nursing Practice (5 credits)
NU6027 Emergency Nursing I (10 credits)
NU6028 Emergency Nursing II (10 credits)
NU6072 Symptom Management in Cancer (5 credits)
NU6084 Clinical Examination Skills (10 credits)
NU6085 Wound Care for Healthcare Professionals (5 credits)
NU6086 Perioperative Specialist Nursing (15 credits)
NU6093 Medical and Surgical Nursing of Individuals with Renal Problems (5 credits)
NU6107 Medical and Surgical Nursing of Individuals with Gastrointestinal Problems (5 credits)
NU6152 Medical and Surgical Nursing of Individuals with Cardiorespiratory Problems (10 credits)

Older Adult Nursing
NU6078 Ageing and Older People: Bio-Psychosocial Perspectives (10 credits)
NU6079 Contemporary Issues in Gerontological Nursing (5 credits)
NU6117 Contemporary Approaches to Dementia across the Continuum of Care (10 credits)

Mental Health Nursing
NU6080 Practice Development in Specialist Mental Health Nursing (10 credits)
NU6081 Principles and Practices of Recovery (Working in Partnership with the Person) (15 credits)
NU6082 Principles and Practices of Recovery (Working in Partnership with Families) (5 credits)
NU6083 Critical Issues in Mental Health Care (5 credits)

Intellectual Disability Nursing (not on offer 2017/18)
NU6052 Person Centred Health Care for People with an Intellectual Disability (10 credits)
NU6132 Communication Strategies for People with an Intellectual Disability (10 credits)
NU6133 Mental Health Needs of People with an Intellectual Disability (5 credits)

Orthopaedic Nursing
NU6127 Orthopaedic Elective Nursing - Adult (10 credits)
NU6128 Orthopaedic Trauma Nursing - Adult (10 credits)
NU6129 Rheumatology Nursing - Adult (5 credits)

Note: For all the above modules, candidates must select those relevant to their practice and apply learning to the specific context of advancing practice. e.g. medical-surgical; emergency, orthopaedics, microvascular / reconstructive Surgery, care of older adult, intellectual disability etc.

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2018 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules 2017/2018.

MSc (Nursing) Non-Clinical (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme pathway, students should be able to:

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