

The Degree of MEngSc may be obtained as follows:

MEngSc by Research
Candidates must submit a substantial research thesis and may be required to take courses on related subjects. Candidates must pass an oral and/or written examination on the subject matter of the thesis.

Taught MEngSc
See regulations for each programme detailed here.

In order to be permitted to proceed to the MEngSc Degree a candidate must have obtained honours at the BE (Hons) Degree Examination. However, candidates with equivalent academic qualifications may be accepted subject to such examination or other requirement approved by the college. In all cases a candidate must be recommended by the Professor or Lecturer concerned and must have the proposed programme of study approved by the Graduate Studies Committee (in the case of Research students), or the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science (in the case of taught Master's).

Candidate must be registered for at least one year before presenting for the MEngSc Degree. The thesis by Research must be presented within two years of first registration for the degree.

A candidate may be permitted to undertake the research for this degree in an external institution. Approval of the college must be obtained concerning the adequacy of the technical facilities and of the supervision of the candidate in the designated external institution. Regular consultations must also take place between the candidate and the appropriate UCC staff member.

A candidate for the MEngSc Degree may not simultaneously pursue any other programme except with the permission of the relevant faculties and Academic Board.

See also under General Regulations for the Degree of Master by Research.

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