The MSc (Economic and Enterprise Development) is a full-time programme running for 12 months from the date of first registration for the programme.
Applicants must have:
either a BA (Hons) in Economics, a Higher Diploma in Economics
or equivalent,
and a 2H2 on the aggregate of all Economics modules in the
degree or diploma award.
External applicants may contact the Graduate Studies Committee in the
Department of Economics to discuss eligibility. Applicants are
referred to the Department of Economics, Graduate Studies Policy
Document for information on how places are allocated for the MSc (Economic and Enterprise Development).
Students take 90 credits comprising taught modules to the value of 60 credits (Part I) and a dissertation to the value of 30 credits (Part II). Students apply the skills and knowledge developed in Part I of the programme to complete and submit a research dissertation (Part II) by the third Friday in September following completion of Part I.
Students take 90 credits as follows:
Part I
EC6053 Research Methods (5 credits)
EC6054 Econometrics for Research (10 credits)
EC6058 Career Development Workshop (5 credits)
EC6059 Economic Data Analysis for Research (5 credits)
EC6061 Scenario Analysis for Economic Development (5
EC6068 Economic Development and the Competitive Environment (15 credits)
EC6069 Enterprise Growth and Innovation (15 credits)
Part II
EC6057 Research Report (30 credits)
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2018 Book and for
each module in the Book of Modules 2017/2018.
Postgraduate Diploma in Economic and Enterprise Development
Candidates who pass at least 60 credits of taught modules may elect to exit the programme and be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Economic and Enterprise Development.
Programme Learning Outcomes for MSc in Economic and Enterprise Development (NFQ Level 9,
Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able
Programme Learning Outcomes for the Postgraduate Diploma in Economic and Enterprise Development (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to: