

NFQ Level 9, Major Award

The MA in Theatre and Performative Practies is a full-time programme running for 12 months or a part-time programme running for 24 months. This MA has a specific focus on contemporary theatre making, within professional and alternative contexts.

Applications will be considered from graduates of Theatre, Drama and/or theatre-related disciplines. Applicants will normally have an honours primary degree (2H2 or above), and should be able to demonstrate an established commitment to theatre and/or performative practices. Applicants with significant professional-level drama and theatre experience will also be considered. Completion of the Higher Diploma in Theatre and Performative Practices (2H2 or above), also qualifies students to apply. Applicants will be asked to attend a workshop and/or interview with staff from Drama and Theatre Studies. Screen arrangements may be made in the case of applications from international students.

All students take 35 Core credits, 10 Elective credits, and do a Final Project of 45 credits.

Students take 90 credits as follows:

Part I (45 credits)
Core modules (35 credits)
DR6001 Collaborative Theatre and Performative Practices (15 credits)
DR6002 Composition Theatre and Performative Practices (15 credits)
DR6003 The Business of Theatre and Performative Events (5 credits)

Elective modules (10 credits) Semesters 1 and 2

Drama and Theatre Studies Modules:
DR6024 Directed Study in Theatre and Performance (5 credits)
DR6025 Special Studies in Applied Theatre (10 credits)
DR6026 Advanced Theatre Practice (10 credits)
DR6027 Playwrights and Writing in Contemporary Theatre (10 credits)

Modules from other Departments in CACSSS:
DH6004 Conceptual Introduction to Digital Arts and Humanities (5 credits)
FX6004 Film, Feminism and Psychoanalysis (10 credits)
HA6006 Theory for Art History (10 credits)
HA6007 Modern Art and Modernity (10 credits)
HA6009 Contemporary Art (10 credits)
MU6035 The Body in Creative Arts Practice (10 credits)
MU6037 Music and Cinema (10 credits)
MU6031 Sound Studies and Musicology (5 credits)
MU6034 Multidisciplinary Debates in Musicology and Ethnomusicology (5 credits)
MU6036 Music and Popular Culture (10 credits)
MU6038 Noise (5 credits)
MU6041 Agora (5 credits)
SS6021 Principles and Practice of Community Arts (10 credits)
SS6029 Development Education and Community Arts (5 credits)
SS6024 Arts and Social Action (5 credits)
WS6002 Feminist Theory (10 credits)

Note: All options may not be available in any given year.

Part II (45 credits)
Final Project module 45 credits Semester 3
Students choose one of the following options:
DR6004 Practice Research Project 1: Theatre and Performative Production (45 credits)
DR6005 Practice Research Project 2: Theatre and Performative Process (45 credits)
DR6006 Research Dissertation in Theatre and Performative Practices (45 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.

Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2018 Book and for each module in the Book of Modules 2017/2018.

Learning Outcomes for MA in Theatre and Performative Practices (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

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