The MA in Geography: Cities, Space and Culture is a full-time programme running for 12 months, or a part-time programme running for 24 months, from the date of first registration for the programme.
Students should possess a primary degree to second honours level grade 1 or equivalent from a recognised third-level institution, in one of the following disciplines: Geography, Sociology, Urban Planning, Architecture, Archaeology, Politics, Literature & Languages, Music, Anthropology, Folklore, History, Heritage Studies. Candidates who hold a 2.2 level may also be considered, based on the information provided in a supplementary statement and interview acceptable to the Department selection committee. Applications will also be considered from graduates in other disciplines who have a demonstrable interest and/or experience in human geography, as assessed by the programme coordinators. All applicants will be interviewed.
Students take 90 credits as follows:
Part I
Core Modules
GG6519 Conceptualising Society, Space and the City (15 credits) (not on offer in 2017-18)
GG6520 Research Strategies and Practice in Geography (10 credits) (not on offer in 2017-18)
GG6521 Critical Approaches to Urbanism and Culture (15 credits) (not on offer in 2017-18)
Elective Modules
Students select 10 credits from the following:
AS6021 Contemporary Society in Korea and Japan (10 credits)
AT6011 Design Research: Culture and Context (5 credits)
EN6050 Space and Place in Irish Writing and Film (10 credits)
IT6214 City, Region and Nation (10 credits)
LL6016 Mediterranean Cultures: Encounters (10 credits)
PD6110 Introduction to Planning and Sustainable Development (5 credits)
PD6116 Urban and Metropolitan Spatial Planning (5 credits)
SC6638 Rethinking Borders: Global Challenges to Social Justice (10 credits)
SS5026 Sexuality and Society (5 credits)
Undergraduate Modules (all 5 credit modules) (Note: A module which has already been passed in a previous course cannot be retaken in the MA programme.)
AT3004 History and Theory of Architecture 5: Landscape (5 credits)
AT3008 History and Theory of Architecture 6: Urbs and Civitas: The City and its Cultures (5 credits)
EC3138 The Role of Place for Innovation (5 credits)
EC3147 Economic Growth and Competitiveness (5 credits)
FL3001 Exploring Material Culture and Folklore (5 credits)
FL3011 The Ethnographic Interview: An Introduction (5 credits)
GG3027 Regional and Local Planning Issues and Policies (5 credits)
GG3037 Geography of Heritage (5 credits)
GG3043 Historical Geographies of the City (5 credits)
GG3046 Geopolitics and Geostrategies (5 credits)
GG3048 Environmental Economic Geography (5 credits)
GG3049 Historical Geographies of Ireland (5 credits)
GR3028 Greek Art and Architecture (5 credits)
HS3054 Gender, Violence and Power on the US-Mexico Border (5 credits)
HS3058 Latin American Human Rights in an Historical and Cultural Context (5 credits)
HS3023 Catalan Cultural Studies (5 credits)
LL3002 Travel Writing (5 credits)
SC3036 Living Spaces: Social Construction of Habitat (5 credits)
SC3029 Sociology of the Environment (5 credits)
SS3005 Housing and Homelessness (5 credits)
SS3008 Poverty and Social Exclusion (5 credits)
SS3009 Communities, Activism and Development (5 credits)
Part II
GG6523 Dissertation in Social and Cultural Geography (40 credits) (not on offer in 2017-18)
Students will write a 15,000-word research dissertation on an approved topic of their choice relevant to the MA.
Part-time option
Students taking the part-time option complete 40 credits of taught core modules in Year 1. In Year 2 they complete 10 credits of taught elective modules and the 40 credit dissertation module.
Postgraduate Certificate in Geography: Cities, Space and Culture
Candidates who pass at least 30 credits of taught modules may opt to exit the programme and be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate in Geography: Cities, Space and Culture.
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2018 Book and for
each module in the Book of Modules 2017/2018.
Programme Learning Outcomes for MA in Geography: Cities, Space and Culture
(NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able
Programme Learning Outcomes for Postgraduate Certificate in
Geography: Cities, Space and Culture (NFQ Level 9, Minor Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able