The MSocSc in Youth Work with Community Arts and Sports Studies is a
full-time programme running for 18 months over two academic years (120 credit route) or for 12 months over one calendar year for those who already hold a JNC-recognised qualification in youth work (90 credit route) from
the date of first registration for the programme.
120 credit route
Applicants will normally have achieved a minimum grade of a 2.2 in an Honours degree. Candidates will be normally be graduates from cognate disciplines, including but not limited to: Social Science, Education (incl. Sports Studies), Social Work, Early Years and Childhood Studies, Social Care (NFQ, Level 8), Sociology and Psychology. Applicants are also required to possess a minimum of two years' experience in a paid or voluntary capacity in a full-time youth work position (or equivalent part-time experience).
In exceptional circumstances, and subject to the approval of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, candidates who hold a primary degree (NFQ, Level 8) which is unrelated to youth work practice may also be considered if they can evidence a high level of relevant youth work practice-related experience (normally of 3 or more years).
In exceptional circumstances, and subject to the approval of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, candidates who hold a primary degree (NFQ, Level 8), which is lower than a Second Class Honours, Grade II standard, and who demonstrate a high level of relevant work experience, may also be eligible for entry to the course. Applicants may be required to submit a piece of writing which demonstrates their academic ability to undertake a Level 9 postgraduate programme and this will be assessed by members of the Selection Panel.
All applicants who meet the entry requirements will be invited for interview.
Applicants who do not hold a primary degree will not be accepted onto the programme. Applicants who hold a NFQ, Level 7 degree/qualification will not be accepted onto the programme. The School of Applied Social Studies offers a very successful undergraduate programme which allows students to access professional training in youth work. Potential applicants who do not hold an undergraduate degree are advised to apply to this programme.
All applicants for the programme will be interviewed as part of the selection process.
Acceptance of a candidate into the programme is subject to Garda/Police Clearance.
Fitness to Practise
This programme is subject to the University's Fitness to Practise
Policy - full details may be found here.
90 credit route
Applicants who hold a JNC-recognised qualification in youth work (with a second class honours grade) which has been gained through completing a recognised undergraduate or postgraduate degree, to a minimum second class honours standard, should apply for the 90 credit route. Applicants who are unsure about whether they have secured a JNC-recognised qualification must confirm this with their relevant educational institution. For applicants from outside the island of Ireland and the UK, the International Office checks the comparability of the degree grading standards compared to the level of the degrees in Ireland/Britain on the UK NARIC database and provides the School of Applied Social Studies with advice on this from their findings on UK NARIC.
All applicants to the programme will be asked to evidence their commitment to youth work and to document any experience and training relevant to the programme as part of the written application process and this will be assessed by members of the Selection Panel.
All applicants for the programme will be interviewed as part of the selection process.
Acceptance of a candidate into the programme is subject to Garda/Police Clearance.
Fitness to Practise
This programme is subject to the University's Fitness to Practise
Policy - full details may be found here.
Students take taught modules to the value of 120 credits (or 90 credits, entering the programme in Year 2, for those who hold a JNC-recognised qualification in youth work). Most classes are held on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 5.30-7.30pm, though this may vary at specific times of the year. Students are also required to attend three intensive week-long workshops (End of Semester 1, Year 1; End of Semester 2, Year 1; and End of Semester 1, Year 2) (or two week-long intensive workshops at the end of Semesters 1 and 2 for those who hold a JNC-recognised qualification in youth work).
All students also complete a Research Dissertation.
120 credit route
Students are required to complete two practice placements in
Year 1 in separate locations including:
a. A short Field Practice placement of 100 hours (Placement
b. An intensive, block Practice Placement, which is a minimum
of 10 weeks in duration, comprising 30 hours per week (Placement II).
Placements are selected by the student in consultation with the Fieldwork Placement Coordinator to assure the suitability of the agency. It is the responsibility of the student to source a suitable placement and to negotiate the placement terms with the placement agency. Where a student is unable to secure his/her own placement, the Placement Co-Ordinator will assist in sourcing a suitable placement, however, the final responsibility for securing a placement rests with the student. All placements are subject to approval of the Fieldwork Placement Coordinator. Placements outside of Cork City are acceptable.
Year 1
Students take 60 credits as follows:
SS6020 Principles and Practice of Youth Work (10
SS6022 Youth, Ethics and Welfare (5 credits)
SS6023 Project Planning, Management and Leadership Skills (5 credits)
SS6030 Practice Placement I (5 credits)
SS6031 Practice Placement II (20 credits)
SS6036 Youth Work: Working with Individuals and Groups (10
SS6037 Youth Work, Informal and Non-Formal Learning
(5 credits)
Successful completion of Year 1 of the programme awards a Postgraduate Diploma in Youth Work, which is recognised by the North/South Education and Training Standards Committee for Youth Work (NSETS) (see here). The Postgraduate Diploma in Youth Work is awarded only to students taking the 120 route.
Year 2 (students taking the 90 credit route enter the programme in Year 2)
Core modules
Students take 20 credits as follows:
ED6603 Principles of Practice of Health and Sports
Studies (10 credits)
SS6021 Principles and Practice of Community Arts (10
Additional core module for 90 credit route only
SS6023 Project Planning, Management and Leadership Skills (5 credits)
Elective modules
Students select 20 credits from the following:
Sports Studies
ED6601 Youth Health and Physical Activity (5 credits)
ED6602 Delivery of Developmental Physical Education (5 credits)
ED6604 Outdoor Education and Sport Development (5
Community Arts
DR6040 Special Studies in Theatre II - Social Sciences (5 credits)
DR6041 Directed Study Theatre Social Sciences (5
DR6042 Applied Theatre Social Studies (10 credits)
MU6060 Community Music (5 credits)
SS6024 Arts and Social Action (5 credits)
SS6029 Development Education and Community Arts (5 credits)
Applied Social Studies Credits
SS6318 Mental Health and Disability (15 credits)
SS6319 Children and Young People (15 credits)
SS6321 Conflict Transformation and Peace Building (15
120 credit route
SS6026 Dissertation in Youth Work with Community Arts and Sports Studies (20 credits)
All students must attend 12 hours of research seminars.
Students must complete a 2,000-word research proposal and a 15,000-word research dissertation. The dissertation must be submitted in May of the academic year in which it is to be examined.
Module Semester Information may be found here.
Descriptions may be found here.
90 credit route
SS6038 Dissertation (45 credits) (for those who hold a JNC-recognised qualification in youth work)
All students must attend 12 hours of research seminars.
Students must complete a 2,000-word research proposal and a 20,000-word research dissertation. The dissertation must be submitted in October of the academic year in which it is to be examined.
Module Semester Information may be found here.
Descriptions may be found here.
Postgraduate Diploma in Youth Work (120 credit route only)
Upon satisfactory completion of 60 credits, to include modules SS6020,
SS6022, SS6023, SS6030, SS6031, SS6036, and SS6037, students may opt
to exit the programme and be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Youth
Work. A student who subsequently applies to continue to Master’s level
must do so within 5 years of successful completion of the Postgraduate
Diploma Examination.
*The award of a Postgraduate Diploma to students at
the end of the first year is a NSETs accreditation requirement so that
they can be registered on their database. No conferring ceremony is
necessary on completion of Year 1, however, because students will be
conferred with both the Postgraduate Diploma and the MSocSc at the
same time, on successful completion of the MSocSc. Students will be
sent a letter of accreditation by NSETS on successful completion of
their first year.
Postgraduate Certificate in Youth Work* (120 credit route only)
Upon satisfactory completion of 30 credits, to include modules,
SS6020, SS6022, SS6036, and SS6037, students may opt to exit the
programme and be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate in Youth Work. A
student who subsequently applies to continue to Postgraduate
Diploma/Master’s level must do so within 5 years of successful
completion of the Certificate Examination.
*The postgraduate certificate is not professionally accredited.
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2018 Book and for
each module in the Book of Modules 2017/2018.
Programme Learning Outcomes for MSocSc in Youth Work with
Community Arts and Sports Studies (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able
Programme Learning Outcomes for Postgraduate Diploma in Youth
Work (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able
Programme Learning Outcomes for Postgraduate Certificate in
Youth Work (NFQ Level 9, Minor Award)*
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able
*The postgraduate certificate is not professionally accredited.