The MA in Applied Psychology (Psychological Research Methods) is a
full-time programme running over 12 months from the date of first
registration for the programme.
Applicants will be short listed for the programme based on the
following criteria:
1. Academic record
i) An honours undergraduate degree in
Psychology that satisfies the eligibility requirements of
the Psychological Society of Ireland;
ii) A 2H1 degree is required but consideration will be given to 2H2
candidates where, for example, an applicant has relevant work
experience or has performed impressively in another Master's degree
acceptable to the School selection committee;
iii) The name and contact details of a Referee will be required and
may be contacted.
2. Personal statement
Each candidate will supply a personal statement conveying their reasons for applying to the programme.
Eligible candidates may be interviewed.
Students take 90 credits as follows:
Part I
Core Modules
Students take 40 credits as
AP6016 Research Methods and Data Analysis
(10 credits)
AP6023 Psychological Assessment (5 credits)
AP6048 Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis (5 credits) (not on offer in 2017-18)
AP6121 Methods of Investigation (10 credits) (not on offer in 2017-18)
AP6148 Computational Data Analysis (5 credits) (not on offer in 2017-18)
AP6158 Special Topics in
Research Methodology (5 credits) (not on offer in 2017-18)
Elective Modules
Students take 20 credits
from the following:
AN4009 Behavioural and
Cognitive Neurosciences (5 credits)
AP3030 Special Educational
Needs: Aetiology, Assessment and Intervention (5 credits)
AP3033 Positive Psychology (5
AP3037 Work Psychology (5
AP6116 Coaching and Positive Psychology (5 credits)
AP6136 Psychophysiological Methods (5 credits) (not on offer in 2017-18)
AP6144 Applied Clinical Issues (Adult Mental Health) (5
AP6146 Participatory Research (10 credits) (not on offer in 2017-18)
AP6149 Research Methods in a Commercial Setting (5 credits)
(not on offer in 2017-18)
AP6150 Online Survey and Questionnaire Methodology (5
credits) (not on offer in 2017-18)
AP6154 Conflict and Co-operation (5 credits)
AP6156 Psychology and Intellectual Disabilities (5 credits)
Part II
AP6137 Dissertation in Applied Psychology (30
Where a student achieves an overall mark which is considered
borderline fail a viva voce examination may be requested by the Programme
The orientation of the programme is evidence based. Learning formats include lectures, tutorials, seminars, group work and participant observation in educational, health and industrial settings.
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Psychology (Psychological
Research Methods) (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
Students who successfully complete and pass taught modules to the
value of 60 credits in Part 1 and opt not to complete Part 2 may exit
the programme and be conferred with a Postgraduate Diploma in Applied
Psychology (Psychological Research Methods). A student who
subsequently applies to undertake the Master's programme must do so
within 5 years of successful completion of the Postgraduate Diploma in
Applied Psychology (Psychological Research Methods) subject the
programme being on offer.
Module Semester Information may be found here.
Descriptions may be found here.
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2018 Book and for
each module in the Book of Modules 2017/2018.
Programme Learning Outcomes for MA in Applied Psychology
(Psychological Research Methods) (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able
Programme Learning Outcomes for Postgraduate Diploma in
Applied Psychology (Psychological Research Methods) (NFQ Level 9,
Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able