The BA (English) (International) Pathway is a four-year full-time programme leading to the BA Degree (English) (International) Pathway. The degree is taught by the School of English.
In First Arts (English) students take English together with two other subjects from the First Arts programme. See here for programme requirements.
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2018 Book, and
for each module in the Book of Modules, 2017/2018.
Three Year Rule
Students must pass the First University Examination in Arts (English)
within three academic years from the date of first registration for
First Year. Failure to comply with this rule means that the student
will be ineligible to proceed further with his/her studies. Exceptions
to this rule may be granted by the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and
Social Sciences, only for very serious reasons.
Students who wish to take the Second Arts (English) (International Pathway) register for the pathway at the beginning of Second Year. No student may register for Second Arts (English) (International) Pathway until s/he has passed the First University Examination in Arts (English). The selection of any module is conditional on the Professor or Lecturer concerned and the College being satisfied that a student is capable of profiting by attendance thereat. Students may not select modules which involve a timetable clash.
In Second Arts (English) (International) Pathway students take a Single Subject Degree consisting of modules to the value of 60 credits in English. See here for programme requirements.
Change of Module
Students wishing to register a change of module must do so via the Student Portal or at the Student Records and Examinations Office no later than two weeks after the start of each Semester, i.e. by Friday, 22nd September 2017 (Semester 1) or Friday, 26th January 2018 (Semester 2). Semester 1 modules cannot be changed in Semester 2. No changes in registration will be allowed after these deadlines.
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.
Full details of regulations governing Examinations
for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards
2018 Book, and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2017/2018.
Three Year Rule
Students must pass the Second University Examination in Arts
(English) (International) Pathway within three academic years from the
date of first registration for Second Year. Failure to comply with
this rule means that the student will be ineligible to proceed further
with his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the
College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, only for very
serious reasons.
Third Arts (English) (International) Pathway is spent in an approved foreign university where students will study approved courses/modules to the equivalent value of 60 credits. All courses will be assessed by the approved Host University.
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2018 Book.
Three Year Rule
Students must pass the Third University Examination in Arts (English)
(International) Pathway within three academic years from the date of
first registration for Third Year. Failure to comply with this rule
means that the student will be ineligible to proceed further with
his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the College
of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, only for very serious
No student may register for Fourth Arts (English) (International Pathway) until s/he has passed the Third University Examination in Arts (English) (International) Pathway. The selection of any module is conditional on the Professor or Lecturer concerned and the College being satisfied that a student is capable of profiting by attendance thereat. Students may not select modules which involve a timetable clash.
In Fourth Arts (English) (International) Pathway, students take a Single Subject Degree consisting of modules to the value of 60 credits in English. See here for programme requirements (students follow the same curriculum as students taking Third Arts (English)).
Change of Module
Students wishing to register a change of module must do so via the Student Portal or at the Student Records and Examinations Office no later than two weeks after the start of each Semester, i.e. by Friday, 22nd September 2017 (Semester 1) or Friday, 26th January 2018 (Semester 2). Semester 1 modules cannot be changed in Semester 2. No changes in registration will be allowed after these
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.
Full details of regulations governing Examinations
for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards
2018 Book, and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2017/2018.
Three Year Rule
Students must pass the Fourth University Examination in Arts
(English) (International) Pathway within three academic years from the
date of first registration for Fourth Year. Failure to comply with
this rule means that the student will be ineligible to proceed further
with his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the
College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, only for very
serious reasons.
Programme Learning Outcomes for BA
(Hons) (English) (International) Pathway (NFQ Level 8, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to: