The MSc (Management Information and Managerial Accounting Systems) is a full-time programme running for 15 months from the date of first registration for the programme. Students take taught modules from September to May, followed by the completion of a group based research project and culminating with a graduate placement of approximately six months (commencing from June onwards).
The MSc in Management Information and Managerial Accounting Systems (MIMAS) is open to all graduates with at least a Second Class Honours degree, except graduates from degrees with high levels of software development and management accounting content (e.g. BSc Business Information Systems, BSc Accounting). Candidates who do not meet or achieve the Second Class Honours Grade II standard may be admitted to the programme on the basis of significant practical or professional experience as deemed appropriate by the Head of Department and subject to the approval of the School of Business.
Students undertake taught modules to the value of 60 credits, undertake an applied research project to the value of 10 credits, complete a group based research project to the value of 10 credits and also complete a graduate industrial placement to the value of 10 credits. In the event of a placement not being secured an unplaced student will undertake project work of an equivalent credit value as specified by the Head of Department.
Students take 90 credits as follows:
Part I
AC6002 Introduction to Accounting Information (5
AC6006 Introduction to Cost Management (5 credits)
AC6007 Cost Management Practices (5 credits)
AC6008 Performance Management & Control (5
AC6010 Design of Budgetary Control Systems (5
AC6011 Analysis of Accounting Information (5
IS6125 Database Analysis and Design (5 credits)
IS6126 Databases for Management Information Systems
(5 credits)
IS6200 Introduction to Business Programming (5
IS6217 Programming for Business (5 credits)
IS6218 Understanding business processes (5 credits)
IS6219 Technologies and Systems Enabling Enterprise
Reporting Solutions (5 credits)
Part II
AC6012 Industrial Internship (10 credits)
IS6215 Business Research and Communication Skills (10
IS6216 Applied Research Project (10 credits)
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme
will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2017 Book and for
each module in the Book of Modules
Exit award: Postgraduate Diploma in Management Information
and Managerial Accounting Systems (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
Candidates who pass taught modules to the value of 60 credits in Part
I may choose to exit the programme and be awarded a Postgraduate
Diploma in Management Information and Managerial Accounting Systems.
Programme Learning Outcomes for MSc (Management Information
and Managerial Accounting Systems) (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able
Programme Learning Outcomes for Postgraduate Diploma in
Management Information and Managerial Accounting Systems (NFQ Level
9, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able