Withdrawal from a Year of a Programme during the Academic Year
Students registered at the beginning of the academic year are required to attend classes, submit assessed work and sit examinations at the first opportunity. If a student wishes to withdraw from a year of a programme during the academic year, the procedure to be followed depends on whether the student withdraws before or after 31st January.
Withdrawal up to 31st January
Students may withdraw from a year of a programme up to 31st January by completing the Student Withdrawal Form available at: https://www.ucc.ie/en/registration/changes/proceduresforwithdrawingfromdegreeprogramme/ or from the Admissions Office. Students will be notified via e-mail in July/August regarding registration procedures for the following academic year. Registration in the following academic year will be treated as if it were their first registration for that programme year. Students who do not wish to return to the programme must inform the Student Records and Examinations Office. In the case of first-time admissions through the CAO, re-application must be made through the CAO.
Withdrawal after 31st January
(a) Students seeking to withdraw from a programme after 31st January are advised that they must obtain permission from the relevant College. Permission for withdrawal may be granted under the following circumstances:
(i) On health grounds, on consideration of a written medical report;
(ii) On academic or personal grounds, where the relevant Heads of Departments are satisfied that withdrawal is to the advantage of the student.
Students will be notified via e-mail in July/August regarding registration procedures for the following academic year. In the case of students with permission to withdraw, registration and eligibility for honours in the following academic year will be treated as if it were their first registration for that programme year. Students who do not wish to return to the programme must inform the Student Records and Examinations Office.(b) Students who opt to withdraw from the programme for reasons other than health, academic or personal must do so by informing the Student Records and Examinations Office in writing. Such students will be required to attend the full programme the following year, which, in terms of examinations and eligibility for honours, will be treated as repeat registration for that programme year. Students will be notified via e-mail in July/August regarding registration procedures for the following academic year. Students who do not wish to return to the programme must inform the Student Records and Examinations Office.
Application to withdraw after 31st January should be submitted to the relevant College.
Withdrawal from Programme for First Year Students
A student
may withdraw officially by returning their ID card and completing a Student
Withdrawal Form, available at: https://www.ucc.ie/en/registration/changes/proceduresforwithdrawingfromdegreeprogramme/ or from the Admissions Office.
Confirmation of Attendance
All students are obliged to confirm on-line, their attendance for the 2nd half of the academic year. If you confirm your attendance and subsequently withdraw, the official date of withdrawal will be the date you confirmed your attendance.