First Year undergraduate and postgraduate students must complete registration formalities as specified here. Web registration applies in respect of all other students, details of which will be issued after examination results. Fee payment alone does not constitute registration. For further information contact the Student Records and Examinations Office, University College Cork.
Note: Freshmen who cannot register on the appointed date MUST contact the Admissions Office, University College Cork, beforehand, to arrange an alternative date/time; otherwise it will be assumed that they do not wish to register (despite their acceptance of a place).
Medical and Dental Students
Students of Medicine and Dentistry will only be granted permission to register "late" for special certified reasons and with the approval of the relevant College Committee.
For full information concerning the details of programmes/subjects/modules available in a particular College, students should refer to the relevant section of the University Calendar. They are warned not to register for modules in which the hours of lectures clash. If a student finds that two modules for which he/she wishes to register for do clash, he/she should immediately consult with the heads of the departments concerned and notify the Senior Vice-President Academic and Registrar; if the clash
With the exception of the Diploma in Arts (Applied Irish), no student may, without the permission of the Colleges concerned and Academic Board, register in any one session for more than one complete programme (i.e. the prescribed modules in a group of subjects leading to a degree, diploma or other university award). Students of the University may be allowed to take the Diploma in Arts (Applied Irish) alongside their University programme subject to the approval of the relevant heads of departments.
University College Cork reserves the right to limit the number of students taking any particular subject/module to a level consonant with the staff/accommodation available.