

NFQ Level 8, Major Award

The BMus (Hons) is a four-year honours degree programme.

To be eligible for the award of the BMus (Hons) Degree, a student will be required to have achieved 240 credits by obtaining 60 credits in each of First (Arts-Music), Second, Third and Fourth BMus (Hons). A student may not register for more than 60 credits in one academic year.

Students entering First Year in 2015/16 enter through CK104 Arts-Music, take the First Year Arts-Music programme in First Year and opt to register for the BMus (Hons) pathway at the beginning of Second Year. In First Arts-Music students take Music together with two other subjects from the First Arts-Music programme. See here for programme requirements.

Note: Students who entered First Year prior to 2015/16, and who entered the BMus through CK103, also follow the curriculum detailed on this page.

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.


Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2017 Book, and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2016/2017.

Three Year Rule

Students must pass the First University Examination in Arts-Music within three academic years from the date of first registration for First Year. Failure to comply with this rule means that the student will be ineligible to proceed further with his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, only for very serious reasons.

Students who wish to take the BMus (Hons) pathway from 2016/17 onwards must register for the pathway at the beginning of Second Year. No student may register for Second Music until he/she has passed the First University Examination in Arts - Music.

No student may register for Second Music in 2016/17 until he/she has passed the First University Examination in Music.

In order to be admitted to the Second University Examination in Music a student must have attended in a satisfactory manner, prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits.

Change of Module

Students wishing to register a change of module must do so via the Student Portal or at the Student Records and Examinations Office no later than two weeks after the start of each Semester, i.e. by Friday, 23 September 2016 (Semester 1) or Friday, 27 January 2017 (Semester 2). Semester 1 modules cannot be changed in Semester 2. No changes in registration will be allowed after these deadlines.

Programme Requirements

Students take 60 credits as follows:

MU2001 (5 credits), MU2002 (10 credits), MU2003 (5 credits)

plus 20 credits selected from the following list:

MU2005 (10 credits), MU2006 (10 credits), MU2007 (10 credits), MU2008 (10 credits), MU2009 (10 credits), MU2010 (10 credits), MU2011 (10 credits), MU2012 (10 credits), MU2013 (10 credits)

plus 5, 10 or 15 credits selected from the following list:

MU2020 (5 credits), MU2021 (5 credits), MU2022 (5 credits), MU2023 (5 credits), MU2024 (5 credits), MU2025 (5 credits), MU2026 (5 credits), MU2027 (5 credits), MU2028 (5 credits), MU2029 (5 credits), MU2030 (5 credits), MU2031 (5 credits), MU2032 (5 credits), MU2033 (5 credits), MU2034 (5 credits), MU2035 (5 credits), MU2036 (5 credits), MU2037 (5 credits), MU2038 (5 credits)

plus 5, 10 or 15 credits from the following list:

MU2040 (5 credits), MU2041 (5 credits), MU2042 (5 credits), MU2043 (5 credits), MU2044 (5 credits), MU2045 (5 credits), MU2046 (5 credits), MU2047 (5 credits), MU2048 (5 credits), MU2049 (5 credits), MU2050 (5 credits), MU2051 (5 credits), MU2052 (5 credits), MU2053 (5 credits), MU2054 (5 credits), MU2055 (5 credits), MU2056 (5 credits), MU2057 (5 credits), MU2058 (5 credits), MU2059 (5 credits), MU2060 (5 credits), MU2061 (5 credits), MU2062 (5 credits), MU2063 (5 credits), MU2064 (5 credits), MU2065 (5 credits), MU2066 (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.


Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2017 Book, and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2016/2017.

Three Year Rule

Students must pass the Second University Examination in Music within three academic years from the date of first registration for Second Year. Failure to comply with this rule means that the student will be ineligible to proceed further with his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, only for very serious reasons.

No student may register for the Third Year programme until he/she has passed the Second University Examination in Music.

In order to be admitted to the Third University Examination in Music a student must have passed the First and Second University Examinations in Music, and attended in a satisfactory manner,subsequent to attendance at the Second Year programme, prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits.

Change of Module

All applications for change of module must be completed online, using the REGISTRATION AMENDMENT online facility, by Friday, 23 September 2016. Semester 1 modules cannot be changed in Semester 2. No changes in registration will be allowed after this deadline.

Programme Requirements

In the final two years of the BMus (Hons) Degree, students are allowed considerable freedom to construct their own programme. Students are advised to discuss their choices with staff in advance.

Students take 60 credits as follows:

20 credits selected from the following list:

MU2005 (10 credits), MU2006 (10 credits), MU2007 (10 credits), MU2008 (10 credits), MU2009 (10 credits), MU2010 (10 credits), MU2011 (10 credits), MU2012 (10 credits), MU2013 (10 credits)

plus 10 credits selected from the following list:

MU3001 (10 credits), MU3002 (10 credits), MU3003 (10 credits), MU3004 (10 credits), MU3005 (10 credits), MU3006 (10 credits), MU3007 (10 credits), MU3008 (10 credits), MU3009 (10 credits), MU3010 (10 credits), MU3011 (10 credits), MU3012 (10 credits), MU3013 (10 credits), MU3014 (10 credits)

plus 15-30 credits selected from the following list:

MU2020 (5 credits), MU2021 (5 credits), MU2022 (5 credits), MU2023 (5 credits), MU2024 (5 credits), MU2025 (5 credits), MU2026 (5 credits), MU2027 (5 credits), MU2028 (5 credits), MU2029 (5 credits), MU2030 (5 credits), MU2031 (5 credits), MU2032 (5 credits), MU2033 (5 credits), MU2034 (5 credits), MU2035 (5 credits), MU2036 (5 credits), MU2037 (5 credits), MU2038 (5 credits), MU3020 (5 credits), MU3021 (5 credits)

plus 0, 5, 10 or 15 credits from the following list:

MU2040 (5 credits), MU2041 (5 credits), MU2042 (5 credits), MU2043 (5 credits), MU2044 (5 credits), MU2045 (5 credits), MU2046 (5 credits), MU2047 (5 credits), MU2048 (5 credits), MU2049 (5 credits), MU2050 (5 credits), MU2051 (5 credits), MU2052 (5 credits), MU2053 (5 credits), MU2054 (5 credits), MU2055 (5 credits), MU2056 (5 credits), MU2057 (5 credits), MU2058 (5 credits), MU2059 (5 credits), MU2060 (5 credits), MU2061 (5 credits), MU2062 (5 credits), MU2063 (5 credits), MU2064 (5 credits), MU2065 (5 credits), MU2066 (5 credits), MU3041 (5 credits), MU3042 (5 credits), MU3043 (5 credits), MU3044 (5 credits), MU3048 (5 credits), MU3049 (5 credits), MU3050 (5 credits), MU3051 (5 credits), MU3052 (5 credits), MU3053 (5 credits), MU3054 (5 credits), MU3055 (5 credits), MU3056 (5 credits), MU3057 (5 credits), MU3058 (5 credits), MU3059 (5 credits), MU3060 (5 credits), MU3061 (5 credits), MU3062 (5 credits), MU3063 (5 credits), MU3064 (5 credits), MU3065 (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.


Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2017 Book, and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2016/2017.

Three Year Rule

Students must pass the Third University Examination in Music within three academic years from the date of first registration for Third Year. Failure to comply with this rule means that the student will be ineligible to proceed further with his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, only for very serious reasons.

No student may register for the Fourth Year programme until he/she has passed the Third University Examination in Music.

In order to be admitted to the BMus (Hons) Degree Examination a student must have passed the First, Second and Third University Examinations in Music, and attended in a satisfactory manner,subsequent to attendance at the Third Year programme, prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits.

Programme Requirements

Students take 60 credits as follows:

MU4001 (10 credits), MU4002 (15 credits)

plus 10 credits selected from the following list:

MU2005 (10 credits), MU2006 (10 credits), MU2007 (10 credits), MU2008 (10 credits), MU2009 (10 credits), MU2010 (10 credits), MU2011 (10 credits), MU2012 (10 credits), MU2013 (10 credits)

plus 10 credits selected from the following list:

MU3001 (10 credits), MU3002 (10 credits), MU3003 (10 credits), MU3004 (10 credits), MU3005 (10 credits), MU3006 (10 credits), MU3007 (10 credits), MU3008 (10 credits), MU3009 (10 credits), MU3011 (10 credits), MU3012 (10 credits), MU3013 (10 credits), MU3014 (10 credits)

plus 15 credits selected from the following list:

MU2020 (5 credits), MU2021 (5 credits), MU2022 (5 credits), MU2023 (5 credits), MU2024 (5 credits), MU2025 (5 credits), MU2026 (5 credits), MU2027 (5 credits), MU2028 (5 credits), MU2029 (5 credits), MU2030 (5 credits), MU2031 (5 credits), MU2032 (5 credits), MU2033 (5 credits), MU2034 (5 credits), MU2035 (5 credits), MU2036 (5 credits), MU2037 (5 credits), MU2038 (5 credits), MU2040 (5 credits), MU2041 (5 credits), MU2042 (5 credits), MU2043 (5 credits), MU2044 (5 credits), MU2045 (5 credits), MU2046 (5 credits), MU2047 (5 credits), MU2048 (5 credits), MU2049 (5 credits), MU2050 (5 credits), MU2051 (5 credits), MU2052 (5 credits), MU2053 (5 credits), MU2054 (5 credits), MU2055 (5 credits), MU2056 (5 credits), MU2057 (5 credits), MU2058 (5 credits), MU2059 (5 credits), MU2060 (5 credits), MU2061 (5 credits), MU2062 (5 credits), MU2063 (5 credits), MU2064 (5 credits), MU2065 (5 credits), MU2066 (5 credits), MU3020 (5 credits), MU3021 (5 credits), MU3041 (5 credits), MU3042 (5 credits), MU3043 (5 credits), MU3044 (5 credits), MU3048 (5 credits), MU3049 (5 credits), MU3050 (5 credits), MU3051 (5 credits), MU3052 (5 credits), MU3053 (5 credits), MU3054 (5 credits), MU3055 (5 credits), MU3056 (5 credits), MU3057 (5 credits), MU3058 (5 credits), MU3059 (5 credits), MU3060 (5 credits), MU3061 (5 credits), MU3062 (5 credits), MU3063 (5 credits), MU3064 (5 credits), MU3065 (5 credits), MU4041 (5 credits), MU4042 (5 credits), MU4043 (5 credits), MU4044 (5 credits), MU4048 (5 credits), MU4049 (5 credits), MU4050 (5 credits), MU4051 (5 credits), MU4052 (5 credits), MU4053 (5 credits), MU4054 (5 credits), MU4055 (5 credits), MU4056 (5 credits), MU4057 (5 credits), MU4058 (5 credits), MU4059 (5 credits), MU4060 (5 credits), MU4061 (5 credits), MU4062 (5 credits), MU4063 (5 credits), MU4064 (5 credits)

Module Semester Information may be found here. Module Descriptions may be found here.


Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2017 Book, and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2016/2017.

Three Year Rule

Students must pass the BMus (Hons) Degree Examination within three academic years from the date of first registration for Fourth Year. Failure to comply with this rule means that the student will be ineligible to proceed further with his/her studies. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, only for very serious reasons.

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