The PhD (Digital Arts and Humanities) (DAH) is a full-time inter-institutional inter-disciplinary thematic structured PhD programme running over 48 months from the date of first registration for the programme, and is co-ordinated with National University of Ireland Galway, Trinity College Dublin, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Queen’s University Belfast and the University of Ulster. This programme is also available on a part-time basis. Full-time and part-time students will complete the taught modules over the same time-frame.
In the case of the PhD (Digital Arts and Humanities) (DAH), a
candidate must have attained a 2H1 BA (Hons) Degree (or equivalent) in
an Arts or Humanities subject. In addition, candidates must submit a
1,000 word research proposal demonstrating their writing skills and
interest in the area for the approval by the primary supervisor and
the relevant University Digital Arts and Humanities Board.
Students will choose to enter the programme within either the ARTS or
the HUMANITIES strands. Students registered at UCC are required to
complete 75 credits of taught core, training and career development
modules over the course of the programme.
In Year 1, UCC students will complete 25 credits of coursework, and
must have made good progress on developing their thesis topic, and
have had their research proposal and preliminary thesis work approved
by the DAH board.
In Year 2, UCC students will complete 20 credits of coursework, and
must have made good progress on developing their thesis topic, and
have had their research proposal and preliminary thesis work approved
by the DAH board
In Year 3, UCC students will complete 25 credits of coursework,
including a job placement and career development module, and must
have made good progress on developing their thesis topic, and have had
their research proposal and preliminary thesis work approved by the
DAH board.
In Year 4, UCC students will complete 5 credits of coursework, and
finish and submit the 80,000 word thesis.
Year 1
Students take 25 credits as follows:
DH6103 Digital Humanities Institute (5 credits)
Convener: RIA. Intensive seminar on various theoretical,
methodological and research practices.
DH6104 Conceptual Introduction to Digital Arts and
Humanities (5 credits)
Conveners: TCD, NUIG, NUIM, UCC, RIA. Theoretical grounding in the
study and practice of Digital Arts and Humanities.
Generic Training Module
Students select 5 credits from the following:
PG6004 Getting Started with Graduate Research and
Generic Skills (5 credits)
PG6010 Editing Skills for Research Postgraduates in
the Humanities and Social Sciences (5 credits)
PG7004 Master Class: Contemporary Theoretical
Paradigms in the Humanities and Social Sciences (5 credits)
PG7005 Narratives (5 credits)
PG7006 Research Skills and Digital Research
Management (5 credits)
plus 10 credits from either the Arts strand or the
Humanities Strand
ARTS Strand
Core module:
DH6105 History and Theory of Digital Arts (5 credits)
Convener: TCD, RIA, NUIG, NUIM, UCC. Team taught, telepresent/virtual
seminar focusing on the history and theory of the practice of digital
and technologised art and the political and ideological issues of
digital culture.
Digital Art Practicum modules
Students select 5 credits from the following:
DH6011 Digital Scholarly Editing (5 credits) (EN7878
- Trinity College Dublin)
DH6106 Teaching and Learning in Digital Humanities (5
DH6107 Models, Simulations and Games (5 credits)
CS6102 Graphics and Graphic Design (5 credits)
CS6103 Audio and Sound Engineering (5 credits)
CS6104 Digital Video Capture and Packaging (5
CS6117 Audio Processing (5 credits)
HI6018 Digital History (10 Credits)
MU7002 Digital Project (Music) (5 credits)
MU7003 Composing with Computers (5 credits)
MU7004 Theorising Digital Arts (5 credits)
Core module:
DH6110 Humanities and New Technologies: Tools and
Methodologies (5 credits)
Conveners: TCD, NUIG, NUIM, UCC, RIA. Team-taught virtual seminar
focusing on innovation in Digital Humanities, driven by theoretical
reflection and technical skilling
Digital Humanities Practicum modules
Students select 5 credits from the following:
DH6011 Digital Scholarly Editing (5 credits) (EN7878
- Trinity College Dublin)
DH6106 Teaching and Learning in Digital Humanities (5
DH6107 Models, Simulations and Games (5 credits)
CS6102 Graphics and Graphic Design (5 credits)
CS6103 Audio and Sound Engineering (5 credits)
CS6104 Digital Video Capture and Packaging (5
CS6117 Audio Processing (5 credits)
MU7002 Digital Project (Music) (5 credits)
MU7004 Theorising Digital Arts (5 credits)
PG6011 Digital Skills for Research Postgraduates in
the Humanities and Social Sciences (5 credits)
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.
Students take 20 credits as follows:
DH7009 Digital Humanities Institute (5 credits)
Convener: RIA. Intensive seminar on various theoretical,
methodological and research practices.
Generic Training Module (5 credits)
Students select 5 credits from the following:
PG7002 Professional Training of Research
Postgraduates in the Humanities & Social Sciences (5 credits)
PG7003 The PhD II: From Development to Completion (5
PG7004 Master Class: Contemporary Theoretical
Paradigms in the Humanities and Social Sciences (5 credits)
PG7005 Narratives (5 credits)
PG7006 Research Skills and Digital Research
Management (5 credits)
PG6010 Editing Skills for Research Postgraduates in
the Humanities and Social Sciences (5 credits)
plus 10 credits from either the Arts strand or the Humanities Strand continued from Year 1
ARTS strand
Core module
DH7010 Research Colloquium (5 credits)
Digital Art Practicum modules
Students select 5 credits from the following:
DH6011 Digital Scholarly Editing (5 credits) (EN7878
- Trinity College Dublin)
DH6106 Teaching and Learning in Digital Humanities (5
DH6107 Models, Simulations and Games (5 credits)
CS6102 Graphics and Graphic Design (5 credits)
CS6103 Audio and Sound Engineering (5 credits)
CS6104 Digital Video Capture and Packaging (5
CS6117 Audio Processing (5 credits)
HI6018 Digital History (10 Credits)
MU7002 Digital Project (Music) (5 credits)
MU7003 Composing with Computers (5 credits)
MU7004 Theorising Digital Arts (5 credits)
Note: Modules selected in Year 1 cannot be selected in Year 2 or Year 3.
Core module
DH7010 Research Colloquium (5 credits)
Digital Humanities Practicum modules
Students select 5 credits from the following:
DH6011 Digital Scholarly Editing (5 credits) (EN7878
- Trinity College Dublin)
DH6106 Teaching and Learning in Digital Humanities (5
DH6107 Models, Simulations and Games (5 credits)
CS6102 Graphics and Graphic Design (5 credits)
CS6103 Audio and Sound Engineering (5 credits)
CS6104 Digital Video Capture and Packaging (5
CS6117 Audio Processing (5 credits)
MU7002 Digital Project (Music) (5 credits)
MU7004 Theorising Digital Arts (5 credits)
PG6011 Digital Skills for Research Postgraduates in
the Humanities and Social Sciences (5 credits)
Note: Modules selected in Year 1 cannot be selected in Year 2 or Year 3.
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.
Students take 25 credits as follows:
DH7011 Digital Humanities Institute (5 credits)
Convener: RIA. Intensive seminar on various theoretical,
methodological and research practices.
DH7012 Industrial/Research Institute Placement (10
Student placement with national and international academic partners,
cultural institutions, and industrial and commercial businesses.
plus 10 credits from either the Arts strand or the Humanities Strand continued from Year 2
ARTS strand
Core module
DH7014 Research Colloquium (5 credits)
Digital Art Practicum modules
Students select 5 credits from the following:
DH6011 Digital Scholarly Editing (5 credits) (EN7878
- Trinity College Dublin)
DH6106 Teaching and Learning in Digital Humanities (5
DH6107 Models, Simulations and Games (5 credits)
CS6102 Graphics and Graphic Design (5 credits)
CS6103 Audio and Sound Engineering (5 credits)
CS6104 Digital Video Capture and Packaging (5
CS6117 Audio Processing (5 credits)
HI6018 Digital History (10 Credits)
MU7002 Digital Project (Music) (5 credits)
MU7003 Composing with Computers (5 credits)
MU7004 Theorising Digital Arts (5 credits)
Note: Modules selected in Years1 and 2 cannot be selected in Year 3.
Core module
DH7014 Research Colloquium (5 credits)
Digital Humanities Practicum modules
Students select 5 credits from the following:
DH6011 Digital Scholarly Editing (5 credits) (EN7878
- Trinity College Dublin)
DH6106 Teaching and Learning in Digital Humanities (5
DH6107 Models, Simulations and Games (5 credits)
CS6102 Graphics and Graphic Design (5 credits)
CS6103 Audio and Sound Engineering (5 credits)
CS6104 Digital Video Capture and Packaging (5
CS6117 Audio Processing (5 credits)
MU7002 Digital Project (Music) (5 credits)
MU7004 Theorising Digital Arts (5 credits)
PG6011 Digital Skills for Research Postgraduates in
the Humanities and Social Sciences (5 credits)
Note: Modules selected in Year 1 and Year 2 cannot be selected in Year 3.
Module Semester Information may be found here.
Module descriptions may be found here.
DH7013 Issues in Dissertation Writing (5 credits) Digital Humanities Institute
Students complete research leading to the completion and submission
of the thesis (normally around 80,000 words or equivalent).
Apart from the possibility of having co-supervisors (being
inter-disciplinary) and the possibility of having doctoral advisors
off campus (being an inter-university programme with NUIG, TCD, NUIM,
QUB, UU), UCC students undertaking DAH will in all other respects
operate under the normal requirements governing the PhD degree at UCC.
Module Semester Information may be found here. Module descriptions may be found here.
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme
are contained in the Marks and Standards 2012 Book, and for each
module in the Book of Modules 2015/2016
Programme Learning Outcomes for PhD (Digital Arts and
Humanities) (NFQ Level 10, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme students should be able to: