This is a one-year, full-time programme leading to a University Diploma in Military Medical Care. Graduates of the programme will have the opportunity to gain a Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) EMT award and be placed on the Irish National Practitioner register.
The programme comprises 60 ECTS credits which will amount to almost 300 teaching hours. It will commence in September and conclude in May/June of the following year with the opportunity of repeating elements of the Diploma examination in September in line with normal university practice. Summer months may also be used to repeat elements of clinical work, should this be necessary in individual cases. The course will be delivered in two twelve week Semesters (September to December in UCC and January to March in Defence Forces Training College facilities), however, if the requirements of the programme dictate that instruction is required outside of these sessions, this will be accommodated. A study/revision period will be incorporated to precede the Diploma examinations which will be conducted in UCC.
The programme is offered in conjunction with the Irish Defence Forces and the Academy of Emergency Care. The Academy is a PHECC Recognised Training Institution and is registered with PHECC to provide training at EMT level. PHECC provide examination for the EMT award. The Academy is a function of the Emergency Medicine Department of Cork University Hospital.
This programme is intended to be the entry standard for serving
members of the Defence Forces wishing to enter into the Medical Corps.
Successful completion of the Diploma will provide eligibility for
individuals to apply for such vacancies if and when they arise.
Applicants must:
1. have successfully completed the Leaving Certificate with a minimum of a Grade D3 at Ordinary Level in five subjects or equivalent examination;
2. be over 23 years of age and must have relevant experience in the Defence Forces i.e. have successfully completed the DF Three (3) Star training (the standard training for all DF entrants).
All applicants must have a certain minimum Medical Classification
Code, i.e. be medically fit to undergo the course and have:
1. successfully completed the DF Fitness Test;
2. successfully completed the DF manual handling instruction training;
3. be recommended by their Commanding Officer;
4. have obtained Garda clearance prior to submitting an application.
It is anticipated that entry to the programme will be competitive and
will be decided in conjunction with the Director of Defence Forces
Training, following consultation with the Programme Director. No
previous medical education will be required. The Defence Forces
reserves the right to exclude candidates deemed unsuitable.
Commitment requirements:
1. There is no specific 'time in service requirement' for personnel to
be eligible for the Diploma MMC course; however, students are required
to give a service undertaking of one (1) year following completion of
the course.
2. There is no 'field service requirement' either but, again after the course, students would be required to be available for overseas service.
In order to be admitted to the First University Examination in Military Medical Care, a student must have satisfactorily attended, subsequent to entry to the College of Medicine and Health, prescribed modules amounting to 60 credits as follows:
MD1001 Emergency Medical Technician (20 credits)
MD1002 Practices Enhancement (20 credits)
MD1003 Military Healthcare Practice (20 credits)
Full details of regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards 2016 Book, and for each module in the Book of Modules, 2015/2016.
One Year Rule
Students must pass/progress within one academic year of first registration for the programme. Students are permitted to repeat any academic year once only.
Programme Learning Outcomes for Diploma in Military
Medical Care (NFQ Level 7, Special Purpose Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to: